GOSM Films arranges consolation movie premiere in Lilongwe

Malawi Moive producer and video director

Following a bad experience of ‘Is The President Dead?’ movie premiere earlier this month, GOSM Films officials say they will go back to Lilongwe for a consolation showing of the movie after premiering the movie in Blantyre and Zomba this coming weekend.

On Friday, the 1st December this year, the highly anticipated local, political thriller ‘Is the President Dead’ was premiered at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC), but the audience was disappointed with unexpected freezing of the movie on the big screen thereby turning what was supposed to be a colourful event into a nightmare.

Despite multiple attempts by the organizers to restart it, the movie was very stubborn and it became clear that the premiere would not be salvaged which saw the good audience taking their ways back to their respective homes very disappointed though the first 30 minutes were full of excitement and captivating scenes.

However, Movie Producer and Director Isaac Misoya says the organisers have rectified all the technical challenges and the movie will premiere in Blantyre on Saturday 24 December, 2023 and in Zomba on 24 December, 2023.

“We are updating the fans today because they have been waiting to watch the movie. So, on 23rd and 24st December, which is this coming Saturday and Sunday, we are having the premiere at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre and Robins Park in Zomba respectively.

“They don’t need to be worried. What happened in Lilongwe was just because we couldn’t solve that immediately. But soon after the movie premiere,  we had to sit down and sort out everything. As I’m talking to you, the movie is sorted out. The movie is fully 2 hours 10 minutes and we thank Mr Shemu Joya who has been there just helping us,” said Misoya.

Misoya further said from the Lilongwe incident, they have learnt that when they are doing things, some uncertainties can usually come in and they have since promised that people will never again experience that embarrassment from GOSM Films.

He then indicated that soon after Blantyre and Zomba premiere, they will go back to Lilongwe for a consolation movie premiere and people who paid for and attended the frustrating event at BICC, will pay nothing but have to show evidence of attendance, through a picture at the red carpet or their used tickets.

“We are going back to Lilongwe people, we just want to appreciate the support they gave us because they came in numbers in our previously premiere. So, we are going back so that those who paid and those who have got the tickets or those who have something to show us that they came to the move premiere, they should not pay.

“But for those who don’t have anything else, we just have a small amount, a very small amount instead of to say that it’s a free of charge, but a very small amount so that people can still pay and enjoy the movie. It’s a move that they are going to enjoy. It’s a move that they will not regret,” he added.

‘Is the President Dead?’ movie features Malawi’s cream of actors such as Edwin Chonde, Hope ‘Bemberezi’ Chisanu, Joyce Chavula-Mhango, Flora Suya, Sammy Katengeza, Valentino Molosen, McPherson Chatama and Kelvin Ngoma.

The movie, which is among others highlighting some critical issues including corruption, tribalism and nepotism, further explores political turmoil after the sudden death of a fictional Malawian president.
