USF donates ICT lab equipment to Mua school for the deaf

The Universal Service Fund (USF) has donated ICT lab equipment to Mua School for the deaf, Madzanje CDSS and Phalula CDSS.

The Universal Service Fund (USF) has donated ICT lab equipment to Mua School for the deaf, Madzanje CDSS and Phalula CDSS.

USF made visits to Mua School for the deaf, based in Mtakataka, Dedza, Madzanje CDSS in Ntcheu, Phalula CDSS in Chiradzulu and Nsipe Health Centre to present ICT lab equipment as part of USF’s mandate to provide and promote digital services to rural and under-served areas across Malawi.

USF aims to ensure digital access to all, while covering the communication gaps existing in the Telecommunications, Broadcasting and Postal sectors.

The presentation of equipment accompanied free Wi-Fi for the campuses. In addition, USF also presented free Wi-Fi to Nsipe Health Centre. The aim of this activity is to boost the student’s curriculum and improve record keeping in health centers.

USF committee member Phyllis Manguluti applauded USF for providing internet access in under-served areas.

She added that the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra) through USF, shall continue to work towards its mandate of ensuring digital inclusion for all while bridging the communication gaps.
