MANEB commended for timely release of MSCE results

Malawi Private Schools leadeship

Private Schools Owners Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has saluted the Ministry of Education and the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) for the timely release of the 2023 Malawi School Certificate of Education Examination Results.

On Wednesday, September 13, 2023, the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Malawi Nation Examinations Board (MANEB) released the 2022/2023 MSCE Results.

In her reaction to the release, PRISAM Vice President, Patricia Chisi, said it is very exciting that the examinations body has released this year’s results on time than ever before.

She said the development will give parents and guardians of students who sat for the examination an opportunity to make an informed decisions on their children.

“I want to commend the government for the timely release of MSCE Examination results. When examinations are released late most parents struggle to make adjustments. In this case, there’s room for preparation for the next step as regards the education of their children,” said Chisi.

According to MANEB, 160, 585 /candidates registered for the examination but 154, 132 sat representing a 95.98% attendance rate and out of the population that sat for the examination, 83,846 have passed which represents 54.40% pass rate.