Sports teachers get cricket training


Sports teachers from various primary schools in Phalombe district are getting cricket training in a bid to grow the sport discipline from grassroots in the district.

The two-week training which is being conducted by Cricket Academy in partnership with Cricket Malawi will see 20 sports teachers being equipped with basic skills in cricket coaching and umpiring.

In an interview, Phalombe District Education Sports Officer, Dan Khamiss Sumani, said they would like to introduce cricket in the district hence starting with primary school learners so that they should develop interest and grow in the sport.

“We want cricket to grow in the district hence the entry point are the learners. We know through tournaments that we will be organizing after this training cricket will become known in the district and many will develop interests,” said Sumani.

Schools Cricket Programme Coordinator for Cricket Malawi, Gift Kansonkho, in a separate interview said they are targeting to reach 600 learners from 10 primary schools in the district who will be imparted with cricket playing skills.

“Initially, we are targeting 300 boys and 300 girls from 10 schools in two education zones in the district, we want to make the sport known in many parts of the country hence we are starting with children so that they should grow with the sport,” he said.

One of the participants, Gift Benala, who is the sports teacher at Phalombe Primary School, said their (sports teachers) aim is to make cricket dominating in the district and also see cricket clubs taking part in competitive cricket matches.

“Cricket is an exciting sport if we follow what we are learning here, we would like to see Phalombe doing better in cricket, I am sure the learners are going to like the sport, and in few coming years the game of cricket will be everywhere in the district,” said Benala.

The Bakeman’s Malawi Cricket Ambassador Course in Phalombe which started on Monday last week, is expected to be completed on Friday this week.

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