Dedza primary school teacher arrested for raping child


Police in Dedza have arrested a 27-year-old primary school teacher for sexually abusing and impregnating a 15-year-old form one student.

Dedza police deputy publicist Sergeant Cassim Manda has identified the teacher as Collings Chikaphonya.

It is alleged that, the suspect started sexually abusing the victim in 2020 when the victim was in standard 8 at a government primary school in Dedza.

According to Manda, the victim was a bridal party member and that the suspect spotted her at the wedding ceremony.

Later, the teacher started sexually abusing the child and this led to the girl getting pregnant.

When the victim realized that she had missed her monthly period, she went straight to the suspect’s house and cohabited with him.

This did not please Chikaphonya who is on separation with his wife.

The suspect started giving the victim hard conditions like leaving the house without food and beating her up frequently.

After having enough of Chikaphonya’s stints of gender based violence, the victim decided to report the matter to social welfare office.

Upon assessing the age of the girl, the social welfare officers reported the matter to Dedza police station and later, the suspect was arrested.

Chikaphonya is expected to appear before court soon to answer the case of defilement contrary to section 138 sub section (1) of penal code which attracts the Maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

The suspects hails from Chinyamula village in the area of Traditional Authority Kwataine in Ntcheu district.