The Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate court has sentenced three Area 24 women to four years in jail each.

The three women, Flora Chinguwo, Nora Chatsika and Gertrude Banda were convicted on Monday of committing an act intended to cause grievous harm and insulting the modesty of a woman.
They were arrested in October this year for assaulting another woman whom they accused of being in an affair with one of the women’s husband.
The women were captured beating up the victim.
The shocking video clip which went viral on social media attracted people`s attention and concerned Malawians called on police to quickly intervene.
Senior Resident Magistrate Paul Chiotcha was initially expected to deliver his judgment on Tuesday but sentencing was adjourned to Thursday due to power outages as the ruling was not ready by the time the magistrate was supposed to read it.
They could have been pardoned by letting them pay a fine. Chaponda’s case not near finish. Kkkk
Mtakhala ineyo mamuna wa zimai ongolowererawo ndipeza mkazi wina basi banja latha limenero
Sanapereke judgement osanamizapo anthu apa
man geor mwafotokoza bho ,ndiye akt ma banja awoso atha? ndingodikila 4 yo akazatuluka ndizasakhepo modzi ihope kt azakhala atasitha mwakhalidwe coz ndende sinamayi
happy to hear that thanx 8 yrs could have been better
Ndende anamangira aximayi ..amuna timaswana koma sangatiuze za 4/6 years
Thus Y I Hate To Be Belonging To Malawi! A Lineant Punishment!!
Akanakhala Abambo 14years Inakodola Ndithu!
Zaka zachepa,mmene ananzuzira nzawo kulephera kupepesa mfiti zimenezi,zinakakhala 10 ,enawo nde afera zaeni kkkkkk,pali inepa nzikamenya chibwenzi cha mwamunake wamzanga??? Kuzunzitsa ana zaziiii..boarding yabwino azimayi oyipa inu ,,,,,
Ambuye Apanga Njira Kugolimbika Kupephera,mavuto Ena Amabwera Kut Tizankhale Mboni Yeniyeni Koma Pephero Ndi Chida, Zimafuna Osalira Mulungu Amava Ndipephero Nanga Bwanj? Paulo Ndi Sillah Anapephera Ndipo Zinseko Zandende Zinaseguka.#YESAYA,61vs1 pali mau.
Koma ndiye amanga pang’ono ngati majestrate ndi mlamu wao
Area 25 women 6yrs these ones 4 years mmmm they all deserve 18 months Moyo wokhala kundende or four days its enough so mmm
NDI account yabozayo chisilu akanarenga amako ukanatelo
Chisilu chamunthu iwe,akanakhala m’bale wako bwez ukukamba zimenezo galu iwe…panya pako….zachepa zakazo kaa amaenela 10 years amenewo
Basitu uja mmati hule uja ndiyemwe walowa mutchat sopano kkkkkkkkkkkk
Nakha ena aja?
Gud one
Kwa amene munaonapo ka video ka dzigawenga dzimenedzi 4yrs dzachepa kwambiri ndikanakonda ndzikanakhara 8 kuti ena omwe ali ndimchitidwe onunkhawu atengerepo phunziro
Kkkkkkkkk ndiye mupeza bambo akwatilaso wina kufa Kuwili
Ndiye Azimuna awo azimayi amenewa akhala akuwadikilira 4 years yoyiputa mwadalayi?
Chgamulo Chachepa Ichi, Awawa Amafunika 10 Years kupta mtsogolo, anthu anj osava kupepesa kwanzao? mzmai nzao adamuzuza koooooopsya . ndpo ndakaika ngat azmaiwa ali ndi uzimu
Mamunayo mwamusiya ndiye anyengana zenui zeni 4 years zonsezo mpakana mwana abadwa
Ndadandaula kwambiri zaka zo zachepa kwambiri …..if u look what those women did to her fellow woman was very disgusting and inhuman……6 yrs could have bin a good lesson …not talk of punishment… coz those ladies punished the woman…..u could have heard the vidio how the woman humbled her self ….asking for mercy to her fellow Malawians… but Na…. they are threat to the society ….they deserve 7 yrs …..With hard labour!
Shaaaaa! nawo anawonjeza
Khopezo koma si za athu amene a mukunenawotu ma guys……. A Malawi 24 mudzikambapotu zoona apa
Four years is too mach related nd mulanduwu,,,,nanga bank robbery nde ampasa life sentence,,,,,sinthan malamulo constitution ikonzen we are living in a different world now plis osangolimbana nd chinthu chimodz modz ku Parliament mukayamba section 65 ikhale yomweo pano electoral reforms tivina yomweo mpaka kutopa akat land bill osaganiza zina ayi,,,,,I feel bad for my malaw nkana oba njinga ndiwagalimoto zilango sizimasiyana malamulo ankalamba ngat ma judge akumalawi
BANk robbery must be easy coz robbing bank is like tricking another robbers
My that case was life threatening you cant compare it with Bank robbery or property stealing
Fmean zomwe apangaz nzazing,ono kwainu imagine if she was ur gf else ur sis bro tamaganizani it was life threat
Cruel pipo deserves stiff punishment
friends u dont no wat are laws if u do, u could have understand why @kendrick when u break the law its when u wil what wil happens to you
Nooo man I don’t look forward to become a convict or a victim to law but I feel bad and xorry when people are being sentenced beyond limit of situations,,,,,my brother do u know the conditions of our prisons in Malawi?????anything there is down completely tikunenaku nkundende,,,,it starts with prison ward salaries hahaha do u think the prisoner or prison itself can be good,,,,,,,
yep kno that bro coz i am apolice office
That’s gr8 bro
Iwe ndiwe chitsiru wava ,ngati ndiwe mbava umachita mwayi chifukwa sakupasa nzaka zochuluka koma zomwe adapanga anyani amenewa wa akadakhala mamuna zinali zaka 14 ,iweyo akadamupanga sister wako sukadalankhula zokhuta zo
I would like if u had a little respect in ur comment,if u didnt like my comment mukanangondiuza mfundo yogwira ntima than provoking me or skipping would be better neither, ndakudandaulan,,,,show respect to people plis khalidwe samagula
Akanapanga mai ako bwez ukuyankhula zopusa zakozo
Apolisi ndamene adapereka chilango chabwino, bkz if those women tortured and strip naked somebody and posted the video, they also have to experience the test of their own medicine
Zilibho ena atenge le po mphuzilo
They got it let’s learn not to take the law into our own hands, that’s the outcome.
Kodi nzawo uja Ali moyo ?
If they were men we were to hear 14 lHL selfish Malawian judges
aaah koma zakazo zachepa ndikapanga apeal
a zimayiwo tsiku ndi tsiku amalowa bar kumachindisa athu okupha ngati amenewo,zaka zachepa.i
Apse mtimaaa!!!!
Enanu ndiye mwafera chinzanu. Nanga kunyenga kwa mwamuna wanzanu inu zimakukuzani zichani kut mpakana mukalowerere kuthandiza kumumenya winayo. Taonani mukuika ana anu pamavutono kamba kofuna kudziwika. Mmmmmm tamafunsan azimuna anu pa nkhani zinazi kut akuunikireni.
Zovuta kufela za eni
kwa ineyo ndikuona ngati judge yemwe wagamula mulandu umenewu wadyapo kena kake mene munthu uja anamuzunzila nzimai nzao uja kuyetsetsa kupepetsa osamumvela chonchija chigamulo chake kukakhala chimenechi?
Apo zili bwino kwambiri! Awone Moyo owawa kwa zaka 4 ndiponso zaka zosenzo osaona ya mwamuna, azingosilira basis anzawo akunjoya sex. Uko nde kulanga kwenikweni
zaka 4 nde nzawoyo siwatengeratu mamunayo? apindulapo chani
Choipa sitigonjetsa ndichoipa, apapa zaonekelatu kuti munthu umakolola zomwe udafesa, komanso ndigwilizane ndakulu ena ake my comment yawo kuti Satana samasangalala akamaona uli pa Mtendele, nde pamenepa mwapindulanji? Ndikumva nanu chisoni kwambiri chifukwa nkhani yomwe mwalowela sinkhani yokuti mpaka zikanafika pamenepo ndizonthu zokuti mukanakambilana ndimmene ankaonekela mmai nzanu uja amaoneka kuti ankakupepesani kumene kuja kunali kufuna Mtendele koma inu munkafuna kuonesa Ngati madolo, nde vuto limakhala lakuti anthu munafuna kuoneka otchuka muzinthu zosaenela, apa mwabesa Ndalama kwa Lawyer plus kupitanso kundende ayi ndithu zosakhala bwino, munthu usanalakwe umakhala pawekha koma tangoelekeza kuchita xosemphana ndimalamulo eeeeeh umakumana nalo lamulo. Nkhani yaikulu apa tingoti ena atengelepo phunzilo.
Ndekuti munanvula unja muzapeza atabelekela mwana .ndipo mwanayo ali zaka zitatu. Ena mutengepo phuziro
I pty that woman who was there watching her being tortured simply because she was a friend to her
kodi ndimayesa sentencing idachitika kale? anapanga appeal?? 4 years azimuna awo adzawapeza atakwatira..kkkkk..anya basi
Amafunika kunyongedwa awa! Koma abale boma la a Ngwazi linatheranj?
Azimayi aku 24 ndi 25 onse ku Maula prison
Akanachita ndithu kufika ngat 1 ndi ka 0 making ka 10 mozichepesa basi
Hihihi kukasaver MG2 muzamupeza walowelatu pa 4 years ana atatu kkkkkkkk nanuso mukakozeledweko anyapala ali kumaula ndi nkhani zinaa,,kuwaona ma mg1 akeo mbirinya zen zen kkkk tiyeni kaloweni mamunayo adye momasuka ana anjoka
Inuu kkk
Zaka zachepa kooooopsa
onsewa ndikuwaziwa amankhala ku ngwenya kkkkk pansika wanjala
Azimayi amudzi bwanji maka maka mmene kachasu amakomera muja aaaaaaaaa very story to u guyz mc u maphuzo any aja kkkkkkkkkkk ndikubweretselani vemta komweko
Iiih mpaka 4 years?
I guess they put it in months so that it should not hit them so hard
48 months basi
Suspended sentence was the best. Its a heavy blow and
double loss to them
Komanso Mahulewa Adzipatsidwa Chilango Chfukwa Sasiya Mchitidwe Wonyasawo
Good news.Nde akuti Chaponda amupatsa nzaka zingatino? Tatopa ndikudikira tikufuna kumva Nkhani yoteleyi kwa iyenso?
That’s Malawian judgment, have something in your pocket or rot in jail. Big names owez find a way to escape jail folk Malawi
Zachepa zakazo komanso akunama
vimkadziva uchi,tazioneni kupusa ngati vikuganiza zazeru.
Guys video ya azimai wa ali nayo andigaile plzz 0881492571
Mwaipeza video?
Tigaileni plz
Tigaireni 0883417217
0993293909 tigaileni
Zachepa zakazo
Four years yachepa heavy.
Khani yabwino
Mphatso za nzimu woyera ndi kudekha, kuzichepetsa, kuona mtima… Abale anga satana tikuenera kumuzindikira machita chita ake… Apa satana wasangalala poti wakuikani mmavuto ambuye akuyendereni mumudziwe Yesu..
A court penapake mukuikira kumbuyo ma hule eti?.Zaka zonsezo? Ndiye achamunawo azimayi amenewa azidikira?
Kodi tiziti iwowo asanakwatiwe ndi azimunawowi sankazemberana? Ndekutu chinali cha simmesa chigololo, ndeno hule ndi ndani pokaweluza nzawo? Amafunika Shaliya basi kuthana nawo iyaaah!
Akwatila ena akazi ndi ambiri
At last
I like dat, vry gud……
Very good
What Dirk Janssen
Zachepa Zimenezo Koma Akadakhala Mamuna Zaka Phwiii
ndie mabanja kutha kukakhalaso kundende,,,, akulu akulu tiyeni tikapanga chiganizo tisanapange action tizilingalilaso kuti kodi zimenezi nkapanga zosatila zikhala zotani
Umangozindikila wachita ifa sithawika