Mangochi Second Grade Magistrate on Tuesday ordered Juma Machakwani, to pay K6, 000 for damages in a case where the man was accused of circulating nude pictures of his girlfriend.
The court records indicated that Machakwani’s girlfriend, Sheilla Chimwala, took the man to court after her nude pictures went viral on social media despite the two’s agreement to keep the pictures away from public eyes.
It was heard that the two took each others’ pictures on August 24, 2017 at Nkopola Lodge where they had gone on a date.
The court was informed that although the agreement between the two was that the pictures should, at no cost, be uploaded on the social media, on September 29, 2017, the pictures and videos of the woman went viral on social media prompting the woman to sue Machakwani.
The court learned that, in turn, the woman on October 4, 2017 uploaded on the social media, some other videos depicting both characters.
Second Grade Magistrate, John Mpwahiwa said the accused had denied to have had any agreement with the complainant that the pictures should not be for public consumption.
“The plaintiff tendered to court a disc containing the pictures as part of evidence but the court expected her to tender the phone which contained the pictures in question as per the allegations that the videos and pictures were circulating via phone, and not a disc,” he explained in his judgement.
He continued: “This showed that she failed to prove her case by failing to provide proper evidence.”
The Magistrate observed that the woman’s conduct in undressing and dancing naked before the camera was on her own volition and that nobody forced her.
Fotokozani in detail chomwe chinachitika ngati atolankhani odziwa ntchito!!!…
Wakhwachitsa kwa akadzi onse odzindikira. Ku Mw kuno kutukwana ndi mawu ena onse osakhala bwino, ndi mlandu. Zimene wapanga mkuluyi kapena kuti ‘this man’ nchimodzimodzi kutukwana olo kuposanso
6 pin basi?
haha malamulo akumalawi, dont 4get we ar in 21st century
Pakana 6pin koma ndiye zadula last year ndinalipira 2pin pamulandu ngati womwewu apo biiiii amati ndikakhale kundende kwazaka 4
6 pin kkkkl
Six pin yachepa aaaaa
Munyanya Nanu Atsikana Kumangovulira Aliyemse.
And you called him man instead of demon
Un human to do so k6000 is too little
Nthng wrng & ths guy samayenera kulipisidwa.
Yachepaso, asaaa tizipasana ulemu aMalawi
where, what, how, who and when did this happened
6000 yachepa
nanga kumangovulira aliyese?
only 6000 akunapeleka yot wina asazapangeso
kkk ka 6 pin ndiye adzingoyalutsidwabetu
Mamunayo ndi galu wamchira
nde yowolatu kkkkkkjkk mpaka k6000
koma nde zatchipa mpakana K6000 komaso a court kumaona zolowelera mbuziiiii
GUYZ ndi Malawi 24 iyi kungokhalira kunama bax ine sindinawone nawo kmaso pano nude akadali kubisa mmmmmmmmh zinatha south Africa za ulele izi kuwona free live Jo’burg nde ena akadali kuvutikaa nazoo
Please! Read the story before you comment; Otherwise your comment will make you look dull.
6pin only? Hqazzaa
ntsikana opusa,nyamata chitsilu,yadula apa yako ntombi.
Ma chick amasiku ano akut love imeneyo
21 Century
Ya chuluka mpaka 6pin?? Or akangomu chaja ka 3 hands
Nde azingopangatu nanga 6 pin nkachan pamaso pa court
disrespectful …..why could he do that amafuna anthu atani ??? zinazi koma tiziganiza amuna tisanapange aaaaaaaa mnyamatayo ndi kape wachabechabe
aitha man akadafuna akadapony zambiri zithuzu moti BMW ifike kuno! wayichukucha!
koma ndiye zatchipatu mpaka 6pin
He never loved her.
nude valued @ 6pin? ndi mboladi
Kkkkkkk 6 grand basi? Nde zaphwekatu nane ndionesa zanga
Kodi daily nkhani yake izikhala imeneyo….ngati mwasowa cholemba osangokhala chete bwanji?
umadya ulele, kma pano akulipilitsa chfukwa cha ma pic bas?? haha kma a court kulowelera zakubedi….
thats advertising,no case
ma judge asowa zolipilitsa weekyikkkkkjkjkkkjkkkkk
Kkkk ndikamulandu ka fine yochepa ayaluke basi
Hahaa nkhani yabodza iyi. Walipitsidwa ndi mkaziyo pokasuma zabodza kucourt heheee social media hahahaaa. Koma adhaaa
Yokhayo ?
Fine yachepa iyi
Foolish judge
6000 kupitila ku court??
Iye chomwe amalolela kumajambulisa nd chani?ubwn wake mlandu wake nd otchipa!!!
hahahaha akanakhala maliseche ake amamuna zinalibe ntchito koma poti nfi a mkazi mumawatenga ngati golide
uku ndie kumuphera munthu ufulu wake kodi mmayesa mwati ndi bwenzi lake ndie walakwapo chani?
I jst come here to read the comment & laugh
To comment trash 2
Nude yake or akhoti atayiona ayipanga value pa 6 000 bas kkkk i think ndi mbola
Hahahah its cheap……i will circulate zina zakeso apa………K6,000 tipereka
zabodza izo enafe bwanj siitinaone nawo?….kkkkkk
Kkkkk kukonda chilengedwa
zodabwitsa ndithu coz only this year ndaona ma nude ama guys ambir koma yekhau sindinamuthaime ai …lol 😛 😛 😛 😛
hahaha mwaona ma guyz ake ati mmmm gawani apa tione nawo 0027717531221
kkkkk koma nawnxo ndiwa mchiuno adha
kkkkk zotsekesa heavy hehedee uluuuu
Koma nde eeeeh zako zomwe mpaka ena azione opusa ndi nkazi nzangayo .
kkkkl…chisilu ndi chomwe chinalora kujambulisa chibadwilecho….what did she except the him to do with the nude pics? kunanala kwenikweni….kungomva kut love makes us do stupid things nde basi miyendo khadzu kujambulisa….
Dzikodi lili mmanja mwa azimayi, ,,