Women in over chamba


Police in Nkhotakota are keeping in custody two women for being found with chamba.

The two, Lucy Phiri aged 48 and Rose Mithi, 20, were arrested at Kaombe Police checking point in Nkhotakota.

Nkhotakota police deputy spokesperson Paul Malimwe told Malawi24 that the women were travelling in a bus from Dwangwa heading to Salima direction.

At the roadblock, police conducted a search and came across one sack bag and two other wrapped packages containing Indian hemp.

Efforts to trace the owner of the dangerous drug led to the arrest of the two suspects.

They face charges of being found in possession of Cannabis Sativa without license as laid out in section 4 (a) of Dangerous Drug Regulation and 19 (1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act.

Phiri and Mithi hails from Mbuna village in the area of Traditional Authority Kanyenda in Nkhotakota.