Kumbu breaks Malawi internet


He is only known as Kumbu but he is the current hottest thing on the Malawi internet.

Information Malawi24 has gleaned claims that a male student by the name of Kumbu is owning the Malawi social media after turning down advances from a female classmate known as Julie.

Leaked screenshots have revealed that Julie was making advances on Kumbu and as a way of introducing herself, she sent him a nude photo.

Unmoved by the gracious act, Kumbu threatened to leak the photo as he had no interest in the lady.

Pleas from Julie appear to have done nothing to Kumbu as the conversation and the nude photo was indeed leaked.

Menwhile, Malawians on social media have now owned the issue and it appears to be fodder for the night and days to come.

However, when Malawi24 investigated the issue, it established that the Kumbu thing was a stunt using leaked photos from South Africa.

Malawi Hoax