The 21-year old Nyasa Big Bullets and Flames winger was named man of the match during Malawi’s goalless draw to Mauritius in the on going Cosafa Castle Cup in South Africa but received criticism from some sections of Malawians for changing the language from English to Chichewa when he was interviewed by a Supersport reporter.
Now, after arriving back into the country on Friday, Dalitso Sailesi was quick to hit back at his critics saying he travelled to South Africa to play football and not school.
He told reporters that before leaving Malawi, he was asked to carry his boots and not books and ball pens.

“First of all, I was happy with the award of man of the match after the game considering that we were 22 players on the day but I was named man of the match,” he explained.
On the reaction of some sections of Malawians when he failed to speak English, Sailesi said:”I went there to play football and not to be schooled. When I was given that accolade, I was given because I played football and nothing else so I don’t care what others are saying.
“If Cosafa wanted educated people, they would have chosen them but they wanted footballers that’s where we travelled to South Africa,” he said.
The said interview went viral on the social media as it sparkled debate as to whether the player did well by starting with English before switching to Chichewa when the Supersport presenter was asking him the questions.
Mukupanga phokoso mwiniwake akudya money.am b4wrd fun
Kuno ku south Africa amalawi olankhula chizungu chabwinowo akusemza makatoni kwa machina oti sadziwa chizungu ngakhale pang’ono koma sakusekedwa ndiye timuseke Dalitso oti akumayenda ulendo omupangila dziko
..My Malawi.
go ku tz people they dont know english koma ndi wanthu a kwacha .sailes dont worry
Player wa Tanzania analankhula Chiswahili dzulo vs SA
U express yourself in the language u feel comfortable
That’s what God does. Hv a lesson, it ‘ll b the same that those whom u think r poor, undermined even the speechless, etc, ‘ll b accomodated 2 the kingdom of heaven while i & u ‘ll b perishing coz of being bursy fattening ourselves. Value wisdom & victory than education only. I’ve seen the elites being convicted, what a role education has played? Akanakhala zungu ndiye kuombera manja. Hiiiiiiiii…..! Malawi walero.
Palibe vuto kuyankhula chichewa, komanso ku nyumba ya malamulo siyani zomakambilana muchingelezi (no use)
Speaking English it dos’nt mean you are ritch Pali anthu ambiri osaphunzira koma Ali ndi ndalama football ndiina English nso ndiina
Ma player ambiri abullets chingelezi ndi zero akufunika school yakwacha kkk
^I went there for COSAMA.^ Mauwa anayankhula iyeyo kapena inuyo mwatanthauzira ku English?
Dalitso unachita bwino kulankhula cha kwathu kuno, munthu kumanyadira chakwanu. Sunaluze chili chonse polankhula chichewa
Musiyeni munthu ndiumbuli wakewo
majority ov players in Spain doesn’t even speak English. …so why bother
majority ov players in Spain doesn’t even speak English. …so why bother
player winanso wa kuno ku Tanzania amene anali man of the match pa game ndi malawi, kichuya ananyozedwa kwambiri atalephera kulankhula English pa interview after the game,what we should know is “English is not our mother language”
lets be proud of our language even famous players in Italy speak their tougue language
Uchitsilu basi, imeneyi nkhani?
Kuchita kulephera ndikupeza mwayi omwe otiudzikusangalatsa koma utavaya kusukulu bola osavaya ku xool koma cash ukhale nayo mimwayinso sikutalikira
Success does not require degrees ndichifukwa anthu ambiri ochita bwino kumalawi ndiosaphunzira ophunziranu koma kukhalira kunena azanu kkkk
Sailesi is not 21 yrs old
To talk English it’s not simple lyk playing football…… It’s to hard to put verb together to make a sentence
Mother language is best…Sailes uziona kutsogolo…Gaba is your good example, olo ukanayankha chisena a hero is a hero..kp it up son of Malawi
hahahahahahaa madolo achingelezi ndingodusa nawo. Dalitso satha chingerezi zoona koma naye ndi dolo pachikopa ndipo apitiliza kukuonesani zomwe iye amatha inu pheeee, mutchuka ndi chizungu chanu chophotoka mukulembachi. Ndipo mmene mukulembelamu nde bolanso Sailesi.
does Ronaldo,Sanchez and Diego Costa speak English? zachimidzi bwanj..
Go on Dalitso with ur talent, malawians we are full of jealousy there was another player whom u criticised about education, look now where he is u keep quite now. Proud of u Bidvest player,
Dalisoul yo the man
Ronadinho mpaka anapanga retire football career yake koma sanayakhuleko english pama interview ake koma amalawi basi komangoti nyonyonyo daliso sailesi mbuli pomwe enanu olo agogo anu ndi aphalbet yomweyi samayiziwa zausilu basi.#Dalitso akunama big up watiyika pa map usavere asasamba atimu yobibira pagolowo
Komkuno Ku Malawi ma China akatilemba ntchito ma shop mwawo timazikakamiza kuyakhulana nawo chingerezi ngakhale sitimachitha chifukwa atilemba ntchito now ma player athuwa nawonsotu ndi ntchito yolembedwa Ali ndi coach wawo Wa chizungu why him kuphuzira kuchiyakhula???? Tisanamizanepo APA anyamata amenewa achititsa manyazi dziko lathu next time asadzapitenso fotseke
Zoona man auzeni English English chani taona azungu ife okanika kulankhula chizungu chao chomwe za ziii mxieee idyani ndalamazo man bakha wina asakusautseni
If you want your language, why you employ English or European coaches ? Tell me. Thus y tikumaluza… the likes of Daliso and other they can’t get the words from an English or European. So because Malawian umbuli ndiwochuluka let it be……..we can’t go anywhere if we are going to have the same midset.
Daliso doesn’t know the shape of black board
English won’t make Flames win cups. Don’t forget that. This Sailesi boy didn’t need English to play in the Flames.
Unless if you explain how English will add much value to the productivity of a player, then you might be missing the whole 60 seconds.
Encourage the boys to score more goals and concede less, then and there will excel in their football career. Any team that is professional will sign a player who does what he is required to do on and off the field, and not any player who is very fluent in English or what superior language you might think of.
Yes, football, is but just a short term career. Let’s encourage the boys to invest for the future. If they combine football and school, they might, in the future, have an opportunity to work in various offices. Walter Nyamilandu played for University, Nomads and Flames, now works at Illovo and is president of FAM. Peter Pindani is also a UNIMA graduate. Not so sure how far Patrick Mabedi, John Maduka, Ernest Mtawali, Peter Mponda and many more went with their education, but you can’t deny, they didn’t want your so called school to be excellent footballers. Even Frank Mhango. Ena amati Gaba.
We need silence when Sailesi is speaking.
Even km’chinese kuno alliance itayamba kumene ndi Malawi ankayankhula Chinese pa a Malawi thothotho nde ka excuse ka international ko katayeni.
Vizungu vyavichi apa
We need to be proud of our language, English we learn it from school, its not a must. Go to other countries you will see it
Bullets product
Promoting chichewa
Propaganda won’t help us
Kkkkkk..zandisangalasa,,he doesn’t know football carrier z 2 shot,English z a only language we are using to look for jobs in malawi and other foreign countries.
What about messi ?
U can’t compare Argentina and malawi,that country z very rich.donors support players after their playing system rounded up!
Anthu aku Africa kuda ndi ntima omweeeee
Kachaso Basi Ana Amu B C A
Guys osatengera mbali ayi player amafunika kt adzikhala oyesesa kulankhulapo kachizungu for example one team from SA ; europe and asi yamufuna how he can comminicate with friends apa ndikhulupirira maplayers ena atengerapo mphunziro kt nthawi zina atha kupeza owaphunzitsa maplayer ngati achina messi ; ronaldo amadziwa english : amalawi tamva kmanso tadziona tokha zochitsa manyazizi mtolankhani kuchita kunena kt he dont know english ayi sizilibwino ndithu
And its the most important thing which most of us are missing is that sailesi chizungu amamva coz he never spoke something contrary to what the reporter was asking.
Dalitso anabwera BHOO powayankha anthuwa keke. Dalitso amatiyimilila osati zinazi.
English is a language not a measure of intelligence.
And why that presenter failed to pose another question in chichewa,which means no one can beat all the languages on earth
Kkkkkkkk yikufunika iwe ngezi bwanji kodi?
Kudzidelera a Malawi….. nchifukwa milk mid maina a chizungu…… Olo azungu abadwira mMalawi sapatsa and ago maina a chimalawi…… BREAK FREE FROM MENTAL SLAVERY….!
Whats new and what strange here Dalitso worry not stay focused look at Gabadinho today
Ine monga phunzitsi Wa chichewa sinkuonapo vuto pa kulankhula chichewa kwa nkuluyu in fact ndampatsa kale 100% chichewa chake chinali chothyakuka bwino inangosowekamo Ndi mikuluwiko Ndi zining’a basi.
U did Malawi proud keep it up
It is not good to shout someone for failing to speak English. Not all learners do well in class activities , others are good in extra activities. With Dalitso let us thank him for the talent that he has.This shows that at school he was doing well in sports especially in football .Some of you , you were doing well in other subjects and you were not performing well in sports. Remember Dalitso went there as a player of Malawi National Team not for a club. I think it’ s good to reserve some words that some of us we are using on Dalitso. As a country it can be good to find ways of helping our players who have that problem of speaking English. On the other hand what Dalitso is saying is true. In play- ground what is important most are skills that an individual has in that particular sporting game. Dalitso concentrate on your career . Take care of your office .
Tangovomereza kut chizungu simmatha,koma ndakwiya nanu enanu mukulankhula momunyoza mfanayu,he went to south to replesent our country there4 ngat panali mavuto it means anakhudza tose (nomards fun 4lyf)
Osadandaula man.Manja anapangidwa foloko kulibe.Inu chichewa munachidziwa pakubadwa ndipo chizungu chabwera kumapeto.Ataeni onena zopanda pake.
Wanangwa Pau Mwafulirwa,my bro now you have spoken. Thank you. It’s indeed a shame. And if you watched him iiiiiiii kkkkk,,,he nearly wanted to run away from the female journalist. Dalitso Sailes man of the match. I understand also that Malawi government has since faulted the Football Association of Malawi for poor dressing of the Flames players. Too bad!
we Africans,we are so jealousy,instead of applauding him,we are busy to overlook Dalitso,,,,,,,,,,very shame,see what Ronaldo’s respondance on his interviews, 95% of his speech is his mother tongue language but no one is insulting him. English is from England,so are we from England??? now you’re busy pointing out Dalitso sailesi with one finger but 4 remaining fingers are pointing yourself,check this out,Big up Sailesi,am proud of you,umatiimilira ada,,,,
Masewera a mpira amandisangalatsa chifukwa kulibe tsankho. Ophunzira, osaphunzira onse amaloledwa kusewera. Mawu amanena kuti ukaipa, dziwa nyimbo. Kuti tidziwe kuti ena amatha chizungu, ndi chifukwa choti Pali ena amene chizungucho chimawavuta. Ngati mumatha chizungu, thank God. Dalitso is still young and mwayi ulipo oti atha kuchita practice good English ngati anthu akufuna kwabwino monga inu mukumunenanu mutabwera poyera.
Anthu opanda kanthu ndi conco. Or atati atolankhani azifunsa player wina aliyense mu English ndiangati angalankhule?Man Dalitso Sailes osakhumudwa umphawi unatikwana kuno ku Malawi ku Ivory Coast Dedier Drocba amalephera English ku Mozambiki Tiko tiko analephera pa Stadium kulankhula English keep gowingforward my Friend
The aim of any interview at the end of any football match is that all people should get the message from both interviewee and journalists. To this end, the only option is to use an international not local language. This is where Sailesi missed it. Much as we may choose to hide behind patriotism to our lacal language, surely that was not a better place. An interpreter, as was the case with Kakhobwe interview, would be ideal.
I can’t wait to hear those Real Madrid or Barcelona stars speak English. CR7, RM, Neymar. Kungotchulapo.
Umatha sailensi
Dat wz rubbish, hw cn u answer in yo local language wen dat guy wz askng u in english? dnt jst supot n hw.
Dalitso the best way to silence Malawians is to focus on ur business but to me its the time u jack up midoli chepetsa find time to improve ur game being man of the match shud b a spring board not to attack ppo with different views yo urs,u will never learn
Malawians be proud with your language
What I know and believe is that if some pple talk about u it means u r above them. So Sailes is above those critising him
Bravooooo Sailes!!!!!!!!!!!
Wolakwa ndi amene amasankha man of the match chifukwa. Anayenera kusankha. Player odziwa chizungu coz analipo. Mground momwemo.
Malawians always gud at pointing faults and mistakes, we’ve seen coaches using an interpreter right there at cosafa, English is not a selection criteria for our players, let’s learn to appreciate what are are doing.Bravo Sailesi never mind those who can’t see gud things
Iam here ln SA bt what l was discaved is that the most fundamental thing is that you must know to speak English kkk ena adachotsa ntchito chifukwa chokanika ku lankhula english ndi mavuto abale wonsabakila munthu pa zinthu zopunsa gati yizi watichititsa manyanzi muwunzeni apitenso ku sukulu
Ndiye olo apite sukulu zake zapanozi mmmmm ndakaika
Sailless just stick to your tarent
This is what a white man can do. Make you look down upon your own language, bleaching your own skin, putting extensions on your hair. Africa wake up.
Have you ever heard Messi speak English???????
Zoona zake siunapitire kukayankhula chingerezi man
Sailesi Was Born A Footballer Just Like Messi And Others.
Umbuli ndi matenda evn mumuikile kumbuyo ndi chitsilube bas coz sogolo lake lithela m’malwi bas he cnt go other countries vuto lomajambula ma ninja .’Makope instead uzilemba ma exercise ku xul
Kkk wandisangalatsa akut ngat kuzabwere cosafa ya oyankhula chizungu muzapita inuyo ophunziranu koma ngat izakhalebe ya osewera mpira azapitabe ndiiyeyo winawe mchizungu chakocho uzizangoonerabe oa gotv yakoyo
kkkk che sailes welewo
Ine pheeee kumvela Coss chiwalo #Tiyenikusukulu
Mpila umene umakoma iwe ndimaphunzilo.
there is no language that is better than the other . Well Done Sailesi Alongside Enerst Kakhobwe
Amalawi timaiwala kunena kti sukulu si kakasi mokha ai
English timachuta kuphunzira ngati ena alibe mwayi ophunzira tisawaseke ngati ophunziranu mulipo ndimwai wanu mukumbukire mumamuseka gaba lero akhonza kulembaso munthu ophunzila vuto ndikamuzu chifukwa chizungu amachita kungulitsa pitani ku Tanzania amayakhula chiswahilli,pitani ku Mozambique chipwitikizi ife kuno kuti munthu aphunzire chizungu apite kaya Ku xool ndiye palivutopo ndiye tisasekane
21 year old kodi?
Ophunzira inu tengani dzikoli muyendese,… Muzakhala ma hater mpakana kale nkumangosauka nzanu mukumunyozayo akudya dolla, gd example is gaba…munthu Xul ikakanika umayenera kupeza zina zochta nde nzanu asakhale chitsiru pot inu munaphunzira
Nsanje ibweresa kaduka dats y our country is failing to move 4ward jst bcoz we look only at mistakes for som1 regardless of everything . u r trying to pull him down but remember wh jah bless no man curse . ..I rest my case
Amalawi tilindivuto kwambili.timathamangira zorakwa basi.wosaziwayo anakayimira dziko paka ndikupanga zamphanvu.mayiko ndikumuziwa.
Chizunguless kkkkkk koma
Be brave worry nothing,what has been given to u,will be yours.The world praises when u are a master of evil but when u made gud things,fools,fool themselves.
Mbuli inu…..mumaphuzira kuti mudzapeze ntchito Sailesi ali ndi zochita kale…..muchedea
Anthu muli bize kubakirj Dalitso pa za Interview yake ya chichewa kuti palibe chovuta kuyankhula chichewa chabwino funso langa nali poti tikumva kuti matimu angapo aku Jonz ko akufuna kodi akapita azikayankhula chichewacho?
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk naseka maningi
Amene zamuwawa aphulike. Barking
putting chichewa on the map….umatipanga repurisenti!!!
Most of uneducated player ambiri ali ku Bullets zamanyazi ati the peoples team!!!
What is the Important of school ngati munthu akuchita bwino sizagaba izi? ??
He is talking shit. Why then has he just become a talk of the nation. He is still young he can learn. The interview was also part of the mission.
A Malawi Kukakamira Zopandapake,big Up Dalitso Sailesi Please Dont Be Discouraged You Are A Good Player.
A Malawi Kukakamira Zopandapake,big Up Dalitso Sailesi Please Dont Be Discouraged You Are A Good Player.
silly defence. at the status malawi is today no one does not expect a young man like him fail to express himself in english. shame to those who even back up this boy 4 failing to continue with english in the interviews. nanga mwanayu atati wathyoka, apitirira kusewera mpira? nde zikazatero adzalowera kuti? mmalo momulimbikitsa za sukulu mwanayu inu muli buzy nkumuyamikira kuti sunalakwitse poti ndiwe prayer. zaziii!
Don’t be surprised when karma catches up with y’all who mocks someone’s grammar or accents. Y’all need to decolonise your mindsets and accept the fact that broken English is an official language
Sailes did what he knows best. He knows how tu pray football not English. More over Malawi watchuka pa superspot coz of him being man ot the match. Anthu amafuna udzilume hahaha kip it up Sailesi. Proud ov u & unayankha bhoooooo
Its Play not pray,thats why we say u must all go to school
Bola wamva thanthauzo lake ayise usova iweyo mzungu waku britain @ Harry Thapasira Gondwe
Kkkkkkkkkk malawi sazatheka bas mpaka nae wampezera mistake?? Tizingosaukabe bas kulondana 2 mch
Kkkkkk nde malawi ameneyo sitingatukuke
Messi amayankhula language yakwawo wina nkumachta kupanga interpret koma palibe anamusekako or kumpanga criticise, koma popeza nd player wa kumalawi nde mwapeza zoyankhula. i dont see any problem there olo akanayankha interview yonse mchichewa
Onyoza chiyankhulo chake ameneyo ndi ndowe za galu , amene akuziwa chizungu kuti muawone ena ali ndi machende okha fuck Malawian people suzatheka Malawi.
Those critical of his language skills are just hating coz they got no real skills to have anyone to notice him. Stop hating
JUST ACCEPT U FAILED ENGLISH COZ U DONT KNOW IT, DONT TRY SUGARCOATING YOUR FAILURE, JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE GOES TO PRAY AT CHURCH DOES NOT MEAN HE/she shouldn’t care about how he looks when going there. Football and English don’t have separation, its communication. Learn abit of basic English and be able to write like this and speak a little.
Amene mukut amatha englishwo satha mpira, ndpo sitidawamverepo kuyankhula just because sadakhalepo man of the match on the international scene!!
What if some clubs outside are intrested to take him?? Will he speak chichwewa???come one boy do your best you can to speak gud english
He is a chewa from Malawi. Not english form England. So bravo to him for trying. Nothing wrong
Koma anakhala messi kapena Ronaldo simunakayakhula agalu inu mwapeza nkhani pamtumbo pano nonse mukumuseka De maria Dalitso sailesi mukhale choncho ndi ma degree anuwo ana anjoka…
He z areal Malawian I don’t see any problem,keep it up.
Friend don’t kill talent with English .just keep on with talent .we come from different back grounds
In this world of business, you just need to know how to speak English..Am just saying…its non of my business.
The chinese and japanese are great business people,,,very successful but the %age of those ppo hu speak english is so small..
Dalitso silence .changed his username to Dalitso Sailesi
Kodi angakhale wa mchigowo chiti ameneyu?
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk amalawi eeeeedddd
Even his names tell he is not english man..do you still expect him to speak proper english? Inferior complex approach to reporting. He is a good player though.
Iyyaa, wayankha bwino
Osaziwa English yo anali man of the match, ma player odziwa English wo bwanji sanasankhidwe kukhala man of the match?Dalitso usakhumudwe ntchito imene unapitira inali yampira wamiyendo osati mpikisano olankhula chizungu oro ukanalankhula Yao,lomwe, tumbuka panalibe vuto ndipo siwe mbuli chifukwa umayankha kusonyeza kuti umanva chizungucho,mmalo mokuyamikira kuti wakhala man of the match akukunyoza chifukwa cha chilankhulo komwe kuli kufooketsa maplayers.Ndikudziwa ena akunyozawo sima supporter a bullets akuti chikuwawe kkkkk aMalawi mpana kutukana national player?inu a satana basi simuzatheka, mmalo mozuzula coach wachizunguyo kuti timu sinachite bwino monga analonjezera mukulimbana ndi wakuda mzanu,kupusa ndipo sindimaona chifukwa chotenga mzungu kukhala coach pomwe mukumpasanso ndalama zambirimbiri koma ntchito yake yosasangalatsanso aMalawi pomwe ma coach achiMalawi mukuwanyoza,kuwapondeleza athanso kugwira ntchitoyo,zimandiwawa Dalitso woyeee! National team woyeee! MAULE woyeeeeeeeeeeeeee team ya pfuko imasula osewera munya muona tiye nazoni!! Usakwiye nazo neba
Zoona m’bale
Shoo kkkkk
Adakali mwana akayambenso kapena anamuchosa mkalasi kkkkkkkkkkk
Inampweteka madrassa ndi chheeee tu ameneyu
Wapanga respond mwanzeru kwambiri,ndpo ngat muli madolo mulowe ma page a Messi,mundiuze zomwe mukazipezeko,palibe yemwe angamuseke kma aaaa ndife zitsiru basi,English cant beat chinese and Latin kma ife timaiopo! Hahahahahaha big up to Silence mfana ofewa man of the match.
kodi dalitso posalankhula English pali vuto Malawi Ku foila mwalo momulimbikitsa nfanayu mu kufuna kumamufoola bwanji azungu ambili Samantha kulankhula amayankhula chawo Ngati mwanayu ntchito yamiyendo akutha palibe vuto munthu Kukhala otha kulankhula English koma ground palibe cho chitika mwana Ali bwino sikuti akhala choncho npaka kale kutsogoloko muzaona English anthu samaidziwila Ku school konkha ngakhale muliyenda ndinmene anthu amaidziwila NDE vuto palibe ntchito ya miyendo yake ikuoneka dalitso NDE kusalankhula English kwake kusankhale chitozo nmalawi muno basi kumachinyadila chilankhulo chathu adzadziwa bwanji kuti ndi nmalawi kukhuluma chichewa basi analakwitsaso dalitso akana yamba chichewa kumalizilaso chichewa
Nchifukwa Chake Amalawi Tili Osauka Timayang’ana Za Anzathu Mmalo Mopanga Zathu, Tucedwa Ka
Ronardo sadziwa english or akamayankhula pasupersport amayankhula chakwawo.so whats wrong wth dis guy?malawians sadzatheka
If you are in South Africa and you speak English to the locals despite them having the knowledge of the foreign language they’ll tell you I’m not white man angikuzwa baba uthini yet they can hear you. Some Malawians were born like that pretending as if they know yet they are ignorant than Dalitso Sailesi.
Amachita kukuuza kuti mina si mlung’u mina hehehehe
Go back to open day secondary xool Daliso
Go back to open day secondary cool Daliso
Ali ku sukulu, English ankaphunzira mu Chichewa hahahahahahaha nonsense kungochititsapo manyazi dziko. Mpira wakukanikani, chizungunso? Za zi.
Zawonetseratu kuti ambiri sitidziwa kuti kuyankhula english is affected by invironment.munthu ongophunzira english kusukulu ngati anthu akwawo amayankhula chichewa choka,sangayankhule english fluently ngati munthu amene kwawo kumayankhulidwa english throughout.
Mwa chitsanzo ineyo,ndalemba mayeso a english language ambiri ndipo sindinalephelepo,but am not fluent in english.
Spoken and written english dzimasiyana
Komatu akanakhala kuti ndi mbuli bwezi asanayankhe kenakalikonse,coz mtolankhani yo amafunsa nchizungu,koma iye amayankha chakwawo zomwe zikusonyeza kuti iye amamva
Dalitso Sailes akafunse Albert Mpinganjira zimene anachita ku Joni komweko.Anathawa atolankhani game itangotha kumene panene iyeyo ndiamene anasewera bwino kwambiri ngakhale Malawi inaluza game imeneyo.mpila wake unathela ku Nyasaland komkuno koma pa mpila Albert Mpinganjila anali dolo. Vuto linali English limene tikukamba leroli.Ambiri mukumulimbitsa mtima Sailes kamba koto ali mu form koma akaguga mwanayi simungamulembe ntchito coz mudzidzati ndiwosaphunzila,Dalitso chooonde peza munthu wa part time adzingokugeletsa English basi.
I just wonder if Sailesi ever steped his foot in class, my niece is in std 3 but speaks english fluently
Big up bwana James-i support your idea.
I don’t hate Dalitso Sailesi neither the media houses but the way we represent the issue as if he (Dalitso Sailesi) did something recommendable. One thing that will remain the fact is that he is not educated. Za luso lakelo matters less.
Kikikikik mwanyoza osaphunzilafe
Kkkkkkkk ife tumangova za iyeyu lol
Well educated savages always know much about nothing
Mbezu even Messe and Drogba and others did the same but no one talked rubish
I just wonder if Sailesi ever steped his foot in class, my niece is in std 3 but speaks english fluently
At 21 the chances are still there please go back to school kid.
Leo Messi ¡Hoy es un gran día! Encuentra pronto fotos exclusivas de la boda de Lionel y Antonela en la sección prensa de http://messi.com/
So whats tje issue here???
Nothing is wrong Dalitso you deserve it,nowhere in the world you can go with African Language, so if they don’t understand shame for them.Big up!!!
I don’t know why this issue of Daliso sailesi has become a story here in Malawi, honestry I DON’T UNDERSTAND.
Now you can understand how Malawians behave alwz negative
But we need to encourage him , from that day he must learn to speak English becauce now his well known with many countries . And we can compare chichewa with other languages like Portuguese ,German ,Kiswahili ,etc . those languages is famous than ours maybe 5 or 6 countries speaking the same language while us Only zambia (aneba) if am not wrong.
What disgusting me even you adm why. Mukulemba khani yochitisa manyazi ngati imeneyi muchizungu moti tingodziwana tokha tokha zithele komkuno. Eishi!!!!!!
Inunso chakukanikani apatu chizungu. Mulimbikire kuchiphunzira mwanva!
Enanunso apa mukulephera kulemba chichewa koma ndinu a Malawi ndiye mukumubena Dalitso kuti sadziwa English. Pali mzeru pamenepa?
Kkkkkkkk nonse muti Sailes ndi Mbuli inunso ndiye Muli Mbutuma akhakhakha Mzimu
Why English, he iz a malawian, proud
Umatha boy,
Sailes has got it wrong. He is trying to make us believe that footballers are uneducated, which is incorrect. English is a language and not a measure of ones education levels or intelligence. There are highly trained professionals in different fields across the world that have difficulties with the English language. Their is no need for him to try and defend himself because the ones trying to criticise him ndi amene ali mbuli. Bwana Sailesi just mind your business.
Football Goes Together With Language.Being Intervied With Ss Journalst Could Make This Guy Kumvedwa Ndi Anthu Ochuluka Omwe Ena Amafuna Ma Player Lke Him,its Only malawians Omwe Anamumva Bwino Mmalo Modzigulitsa Pa International!
21 years kulephera kuyankhula English.Uchite manyazi.Kuthawa mkalasi.Lero ndi zimenezi.
I wonder if Messi speaks English but he is a football king. so what the hell?
Wise guy
Tamusiyeni Sailesi wathuyu bwanji kodi
Malawians Y Not B Happy Wit Talent?I Lyk Botswana Very Much Bcoz They Boost Their Mother Toungue,they Conserv Their Local Languege Not English,Critstian Ronaldo 4 Example,amayankhula Portugees Durin Interviews,do We Blame Em?Or His Country Do They Blame Em,?kma Umbuli,ulukhu Ndzomwe Znapanga 4c Kt Mbuli Zaku Malawi Zimpange Critisise Superstar D,sailes,after O He Iz Man Of The Much + Man Of D Moment In SA From Malawi.
the matter here its communication my bra how can u talk ur language while the person u r talking to can not hear it
Blazaman,as Far As Ur Ans Iz Concern,what’s The Job Of An Interplater?Hv U Head Ronaldo Speak English In His Interviews?He Speak His Mother Language Otherwise Pamakhala Mun2 Wina Pambali Pake Amene Amamasulira,kmene Kuja Knali Gomezan Zakazaka Imeney Ndi Ntchto Yake Kma Chpongwe Chnali Mtola Nkhan Amene Ana P Ta Direct Kwa Sailes Mmalo Momufusa Type Of Language Ymwe Amaitha U C?Critism Cnt Improve Our Fooltball In Mw,ndpo Akamapita Kumpira Coach Amawafunsa Osewera Kt Mwatenga Zida Zanu?He Dnt Ask Them Kt Mwakonzeka Kukalankhula English?Achie How Z Ur Lyf Bro?
Ndiye let’s assume watengedwa kukamenya dziko lina azikapanga communicate bwanji ndi anzake
Exp;Gaba Mhango,out Of Subjects He Had Jst Pass 1 Only During Hiz Jc Exams,n That Woz Bk,he Went 2 South Africa Bcoz Of Talent In Fooltbol,asakuziwa English,kma Pano,he Knwos Hw 2 Speak N Writte English, Mulungu Samamana Kwa Chlengedwa Chake Chn2 Chmoz Chkha Amakpasa Out Of Hundreds,of Coz I Agree Wit U Bt Nt Much,coz Here W@ Matter Iz Tallent Na Education
We know you asa footballer not a linguistic buddy!!!!!
I love you on the football turf not in your grammar. Iwe si mnzungu kuti akukakamize chingerezi, iyaaaaaah!!! Phazi lakolo speaks football best more than English that’s why you’re awarded something relevant to what you did best!!!
Kapena amalawi mukufuna shashayi asinthe dzina akhale ((Blessings Silence))?
Dali analakwitsa kuyankhula chichewa???? Mumafuna ayankhule chi2mbuka???? Sndkuonapo vuto apa ine, Kakhobwe anayankhula chichewa kma palibe chomwe mwanena bwa???? Mbuli ndinu anzanu akupanga ndlama,
Ndkhazkitsa cosafa yanga ya an2 achizungu mubwere mwamva
Apa mukumlimbikitsa Dalitsoyu,
Yet you’re doing anything possible even kugona ndi njala kuti ana anu aphunzile kukana u Dalitso-Sailes wu.
Mabuku a Darwin akufunika apa
Kodi coach akafuna kusankha ma player amatengera chizungu kapena skill .paja sukulu imangochotsa umbuli osati uchitsiru eti?? Fuck off
Hahaha!!to talk without fear or favour nothing wrong with this Gentleman it was his right to talk his language + he use his freedom so dont victimise this young man,akadakhara Messi simukanamuseka amalawi muli ndi bvuto ur good in correcting others mistakes.
Unlike Zambia which has over 70 and almost completely different languages, Malawi is a predominantly Chichewa country and I see no problem by the young man switching into his mother tongue, Christiano Ronaldo goes into Portuguese despite his English knowledge, most boxers from South America uses Spanish for interviews even if asked in English
Do u know y they answer in Spanish
The same reason Dalitso answered in chichewa Nelson Chivunga
Neba, kwinaku nkupsa mtima ndakuona. Poti ma player ako onse abwera manjamanja/chaje .
Maplayer athu anapita kukasewera mpira wamapazi ndipo abwerako bwino iwenso ukudziwa. Zadzizungu zako usatichedwetse
well done dalitso your ploud people now dont wary about that its a mast of life your good all the time . do your job
Kkkkkkkk zangovutiratu pa Malawi
It happens guys but he played a good game here in SA
Waitha good response
The issue here is that ngakhale kwinako anakokola namtindi,quality ili ku bullets Sailesi/Kakhobwe keep it up!
Taonerapo news ife anthu akuwafunsa in english iwo nkumayankha in there language…
Thant’s true Dalitso, kkkkkk I like it.
Thus why I Live in Tanzania where people are well civilized.speaking good English doesn’t define intelligence.intelligence is when you know how to symplyfy things to production.
Kaya amene mukulimbana nayenu,,bola nzanu zake zikuenda
CONGRATS THATS THE WAY TO GO. English ikagwere Ku Shire River
Iye ankachiyambiranji? Kkkkk
players were selected base on their ability to play good football not ability to speak good English…
Mmafuna anakayankha Chipwitikizi? He z a Malawian.. I dnt see any prob wit Sailes
we were laughing at gaba years back but look at him now. a school drop out but is doing wonders in PSL. osaka aja ali pompaja
Mmmmhhh! Malawi Dziko Langa!!!!
kodi odziwa chizungunu munatani kukasewela national team tonene zoona chizungu ndichofunika koma ngati suyankhula chizungu sizikutanthauza kuti sungapange zinthu zina zotukula dziko lako wina prayer waku Rwanda walankhula mbola bola sailesi anayesetsa kupwapwata ka ngende kkkk
guyz uja anakuchinyani watanzania kichuya bwanji amafunsidwa chizungu kma amayankha chiswahili,munavapo akulengezedwa ngat mukupanga mbutuma inu paa mundilakwitsa
Patheba pano ndimaona maplayer kumapangidwa interview mu English koma mkumayankha mu chizulu,kulinso coach wa Baloka fc akamapangidwa interview samayankha English always koma amalawi nsanje idzatipha mmh lets learn to respect and encourage on wat others are doing in order to develop our country.
even Louis Enrique and Zinedine Zidane does not speak English. Wake up Africans. its only us who laugh when someone is failing to speak English.
coach wa Mauritiaz anayankhula thru an enterprtr,mulandu palibe,Messi wa Baccelona,cizungu vuto,mbulizo zikupanga ndalama,ife tikucedwa nd cizungu,tidya cizungu?mway ndiwosiyana
Your mad you people … more like crazy ask yourself why
Nde Atayankhula Chichewacho,man Of The Match Award Sanamupatse? Kapena Anasintha Ndkusankha Odziwa Kulankhula Chizungu?? Inu Ziyankhulan Chizungucho Uko Mukumwa Midoli Mbali Inayi Mukukanda Anzanu Akupanga Mbiri Nd Ndalama…..Nsanje Too Much Pa Mw Eeish!!!
Do a census and find a number of players who doesnt know how to speak English, if only sailes is a failure then stone him with all insults of your choice.
Well said broh, we all know that most Malawian players have not gone far with education and nowadays our education standards have gone down, and am not even surprised when our graduates these days fail to communicate with proper english.
kodi English imagula ndiwo ndi UFA ??? maganizo ausamunda bax
Tingoti mwina chinali chisangalaro nangasi munthu kanali koyamba kusankhidwa kukhala wosewera woposa wonse mumasewera akulu ngati awa.Tiyeni tingonyadira kuti apambana, koma chizungucho mmmmmmm aaaaaaaaa sinditengapo mbali kkkkkkk
Even if you dont speak English it not a problem skill only
he is right.he didn’t go to south africa to speak english.God gives differently thus why you and i were not in the football pitch to play but he was bcoz he is good and we are not.seriously malawians be patriotic.are you telling me that you haven’t seen professional football players in english premier league or big leagues in spain speaking their home country languages.learn to appreciate others as they are because everyone has strengths and their own weaknesses. always proud of flames.
Elick Mathoho wa kaizer chiefs sudzamuva akuyankhula English koma palibe amamuseka.koma poti ndi waku malawi eeeeeee
Luso limaposa Maphunziro..Amalawi tiyeni tidzuke tulo silabwinoyi iwe uli mbuu ukulimbana ndimunthu oti zake zikumuyendera…
Honestly I’m % behind Dalitso, he made me proud Malawian, u will never hear German people responding in English even if they’re being interviewed in English, they do speak their on tongue, bcos they do value their language.. So what’s wrong with us Africans, When one of us respond in his own tongue, we call him/her uneducated?..
Hahahahaha its better dat guy from Rwanda he tried wit his broken English its a shame boy 21 yrs????? Big up try to practice rememba u ll b going to other countries n English its international language plz yaaaa u pipo u can say its jealous BT no naaa tel hm to practice English its a shame 21yrs. Kkkkkkkkkkkkk
I agree with you!
He is still young and he have to start learning international language
Komano Chinamulepheretsa Ndi Chiani Kuti Asaphunzire?
forcus yonse inali kumpira mclass amangoganiza zododa mpira aphunzra bwanj. Dats y amat ambri osewera mpira amakhala sapta patali ndmaphunzro awo dats y amakanika kuthoka chizungu eeeeiish iyeyo asanene KT ndnaptra mpira okha ay rememba poyamba amayankhula ngat nd expert pa English n anayamba bwno kma uuuuuuuuuh chichewa mkat ine aaaa aaaah sakundpasa chilimbikiso.
inu a phyness nd cousin wanu kod ? zikuonesa kut mwakulira limodz mumudziwatu ???
kkkkkkk usandsekese ayi I don’t kno hm ndamziwra pa social media pompa
nkhaniyi yangolowa nsanje za masapoter a timu ijayi yokodzera pagolo ija,,,,,,,,, akudabwa kuti bwanji awo sanakhale mn of the match ……….. Remember chonyozeka pamaso pa munthu Mulungu sachiona chimodzimodzi, iye amasankha zooneka zonyozeka kapena zopepukaxo kuti odzitenga oyenera akazindikire coona
hahahaha Zalowa ndale
Those critisms shows that many malawians dont watch soccer at international level, those who always follow international soccer they got no problem with a player who responded in his language because most proffessional footballers in the world they speak their mother language..its only in southern africa whre people still bliv english is an international language
Tell them that Sergio Aguero, Tevez, Robhinho, Adebayo and many other dont speak English
KuBakila utakataka kumeneko? hahahahahaha.
well known speak their nations official languages like Eto’o french not yaruba
Or even some heads of state, like Russia,Turkey and China, i have never seen these men speaking english but they are heads of their states.
but they speak their country’s official…unless Malawian’s official language is chichewa until then only english is the only acceptable language for on an international scene like cosafa
the speak their country officila language like us its english not Chichewa some people eish
Remember ,Malawi was under British Empire therefore we adopted English as an official language. Don’t compare with other people from other countries of whom they have only one official language and when a journalist want to ask he/ she looks the official language of the particular country where the player is coming from, if the player doesn’t understand English then they look someone who can interpret the language. Please don’t fool this young man, the best solution is to encourage him to learn English.
Munthu akalakwisa kuvomekedza amalawi kodi tidzavomeledza liti zinthu zikalakwika Dalitso analakwisa amene akachedza naye sa antha chichewa mwanayi mpira amatha kwambiri ndi chifukwa wakhala man of the match
Ma prayer anthu chonde chonde wonani malo amene muli pofunika english muyakhule english kodi koma coach mumamvana naye koma mavuto alipo zinalakwika vomekedzani wosamataya kulodza dzala anthu ena kuti nsanje ayi analakwisa timvomeredze kulakwa ndinthu
That’s true kwachuluka ndikupanda mzeru kumunyoza kokhako ndiye umbulio
LOVE starts when you accept Someone the way he is.
Ali ndi Luso koma”NO BRAINS”
So which means you have brains but no luso???? My brother wake up
Ubwino wake Dalitso ndiameneyu anali man of the match mu game yomwe achizunguwo anali momwemo koma sanauone mpira ,,,,, akamasankha man of the match sasankhira language amangotengera momwe wamenyera basi kuutha mpira ndi language sizifanana………
Kodi akanakhala waku Angola ite ndikumayankha muchinenero chakwao mukanameseka?
Much respect dalitso… Wayankha boo… Ambiriwa akutokota apawa ndi mbuzi sizimatha english zikungofuna kuoneka madolo… They cant even make 80grand a month
Thought its an official language, how does he interact with the coach
Which official language the coach is here he has to understand our language…. Messie doesn’t speak English they would find interpretors the supper sports folks
Ameneyo Ndiye Munthuyo Kwake Kumakhala kunyoza
Zimandimvetsa chisoni kwa ma players athu,ndi abwino pa nkhani ya mpira komanso ndiochuka and amalandira ndalama zambiri,kodi ndipovuta kupedza mphunzitsi oti akhonza kumawaphunzitsa English language ,coz ntchito imeneyi adzidziwa kuti adziyenda maiko osiyanaaiyana,English ndiyofunika guys
Nsanje ndy yomwe yachuluka Koma akanakhala nzungu mukanati chani kapena akanakhala kuti nd munthu wochokela ku joni mukanati amakonda chiyakhulo chake
Yakkula ndi sanje amalawi vuto amasankhaso oziwa kudoda okhaokha ngati a bulets player koma munakakhala mumaziwa kudoda anakasankha ma player anu kuti tikuoneleni neba sanje nkozo nyamilandu fc
Osamasekana Guys Aliyense Ndiopunduka,utha Kuyankhula Chingelezi Koma Kuchipindaso Mayaz Kkkkk
Bola wapeza dollar zambiri pamene enawo wotha chizunguwo tiwawone apeze R5,000 within an hour and half
I tried to be Extremely quite on this issue since from the start,,,, but It is getting out of hand I guess.. Anyway, who do we have to blame! The Government or Sailesi himself??? For the fact that we were under British Colonial, yes we were suppose to speak good English atleast….. But do we have good teachers in our respective schools who does provide better education right from Nursery up to the Universities??? Let us be fair!
This is absolutely fallacious.
Inenso Im Not For Nbb But I Hav No Problem With Sailesi. He Is A National Material And Anything We Do To Demoralize Him Will Not Only Affect Him But The Nation At Large. Timanena Zomwezo Kwa Gaba Lero Gaba Afika Pati. A Malawi Mtima Wa Jealous Sutithandiza. Nanga Uja Amayankha Mchiswahili Ma Interview Bwanji Simukumunena. Iam Not For Bb But I Will Support Any Player Wa Bb Who Plays In The National Team.
Amwene ineyo sikuti ndikudana naye dalitso Ai koma tiyeni tikambe zoona English ndiyofunika paliponse.technology Kaye ndinene kuti zinthu zambiri zikupangidwa mu English, English is international language. Ufunika kumaunika zonse achimwene.
He is a big embarrassment to the country. He would rather speak broken English than Chichewa.Eeeee koma Malawi bwanji?????
What about Lionel Andrew Messi does he speaks English coz i never heard him before, so it embarrassing as to Argentina nation? Kumayankhula ngati muli ndimutu mn kumachangamuka
Kikikikkk… MacKnowledge Achair Maliro tayankhani wakukwenyani nalo funso munthu apa
Messi speak His official language,English is our Official languge
Kikikik,,,, kodi ine ndimayankha zilizonse ngati? Messi is another idiot bro.Am sorry to say this but it is unwelcome move for a professional player responding in his home language. We all know English is an international language; we should make no mistake. Talent or fame without education is useless.
Kikikikkkk….komabe mwayankha kaya. Komabe Sailesi is intelligent. I dont think we can say he is dull
Hahaha,,,, I like your comment. Anyway.
Of course in Malawi setting English language is taught in school so it becomes, in part, a measure of intelligence. And, if someone speaks English well it usually shows they have been to school. If you haven’t been school in Malawi, it is very likely that you cannot English. That’s the case with our talented player. However, we cannot conclude that he’s dull. We can only conclude that he has been to school, which is embarrassing anyway. Mainly at that age. Sure @ MacKnowledge Achair Maliro. You weren’t wrong
Palibe chalakwika kwa amene amausata mpira, koma Kwa omwe anali ndi zifukwa za personal ndiye kuti mwaonapo vuto
We are proud of him down here,English is a language not a profession,he will learn if he wants to
Wanangwa Pau Mwafulirwa problem with us African who still prefer white wedding and call our marriage traditional forgetting that white wedding is a traditional wedding to white people have that tendency that white people used to blindfold us with,imagine a black child laughing he/her tummy out because of a black child who can’t speak English fluently….can they Lough if a white can speak a broken chichewa?
I am the Seal of Comments. Dalitso Sailesi was never wrong. Language is anything that humans use to communicate.
We heard him, and if “they” didn’t hear him, well, we’re here to interpret that to “them”.
I am sure both of us have been in that moment in a tough exam where you don’t know an answer to a particular question and just end up scribbling anything as long as it means filling the answer sheet.
Kumawasokonezako bongo angeleziwa inu, aaaaa!
Iwe admin tandipasa maina a ma player osaphuzira ku bullets ko ndifuna ndi aziwe lero komaso amalawi sitizatheka bakili anayambisa xool yaulere koma ai osapita koma kumakakumba mbewa
Dalitso is just kanna guy who is sucka free……he hustles to his mouth…..life’s all ’bout chasing money by all means
The issue here is not about what is important btwn English and playing football, it is about a football player who represented Malawi in an international game whose design and practice uses a certain medium of communication. So both are important. Almost all football rules, standards and philosophies are in English at least for Malawi. One can be a good football player but I am sure he misses something if he can not converse in English. We shud be encouraging the young man to do what he can to learn it. We are not assisting him by saying there is no problem about it. There can’t be a problem yes if he has no ambition but if he wants anything higher then English adds value. It is an official language in numerous countries.
am sure sports have no official language
I hope you mean in sports pple do not communicate. I didn’t know that.
Tikchokera ma banja osiyanasiyana ena osaukilatu oti sangakwanitse kutumiza ana awo ku sukulu mind ur tang
palibe vuto apa. He went zea to play football not kudziwonetsa kuti amatha chizungu. Shame 4 trying to xool him.
yhu are ryt the guy jus av to adapt apapa osat timachokera kusauka chan chan …
If he wants a soccer career some efforts must be made to learn the language. Gaba speaks English and is able to communicate well. As I said if he doesn’t aim high then it’s okey but if his interest to go higher than this then I feel he has an obligation.
in football, pipo are interested in skills not english language. by the way where english came from before colonisation of africa?
Asanka yekha chinenero chimene afuna kuyankula tisamusankile
what is messi of bacellona missing for not speaking english?
To compare Messi and Dalitso Sailesi is the same as comparing a boy born in Blantyre staying in Blantyre and has football skills with another born in Johannesburg who has skills of football in that area, both do not speak English but one speaks Africans and another Chewa and you say they are equal! For the sake of an argument you can say so but realistically one of them has huge advantage.
To cut the story short you english people join sports so that u will be speaking english to sports analyst may be our football team will start winning once players akayamba kuyankhula chizungu
Ash…0 pa 10 i dont agree
Phìri mwasocheratu apa…..get back to your senses bro.
Skills matter….not English apa….
English won’t make Flames win cups. Don’t forget that. This Sailesi boy didn’t need English to play in the Flames.
Unless if you explain how English will add much value to the productivity of a player, then you might be missing the whole 60 seconds.
Encourage the boys to score more goals and concede less, then and there will excel in their football career. Any team that is professional will sign a player who does what he is required to do on and off the field, and not any player who is very fluent in English or what superior language you might think of.
Yes, football, is but just a short term career. Let’s encourage the boys to invest for the future. If they combine football and school, they might, in the future, have an opportunity to work in various offices. Walter Nyamilandu played for University, Nomads and Flames, now works at Illovo and is president of FAM. Peter Pindani is also a UNIMA graduate. Not so sure how far Patrick Mabedi, John Maduka, Ernest Mtawali, Peter Mponda and many more went with their education, but you can’t deny, they didn’t want your so called school to be excellent footballers. Even Frank Mhango. Ena amati Gaba.
We are now having coach wa chizungu- how is he going to communicate with him? Am asking you,you are saying that there is not connection between football and English. Coach azilankhula much chichewa? Tell me!!!! Daliso could have done that witty conscious/deliberately. But there it was not like that. He failed. …Daliso you must know the shape of black board! !!!
With not witty (point of correct)
Mmmm mainstream views,,,i dont think you are considerate enough try to think in a disability way possibly u myt notice why some fail to perform other things which are able to,,,, i see no connection between communication and football period
Kkkkkkkk following.
muli useless akulu inu Google difference btwn official language n national language muphunzirapo kanthu
Chitsilu iwe!! English is not a measure of intelligence!!
This guy is right (Nditani)let’s encourage our footballers that atleast they need English.Though talent and school are two different things but if they can have chances to play abroad they need English.if u compare Ronaldo or Messi their languages are familiar in other countries rather than our local chichewa. So English and talents go together now.Big up to Sailesi and our goal keeper
Kodi musamunyoze munthu or messi satha english amalankhura chakwao
Mphwanga Dalitso…zako izo ukulankhulazo…bola watengerapo phunziro kufunikira kwa English…akukulimbisa mtimawa sakukukonda…udakayendabetu…next time uzayenda ulendo wawekha ndipomwe uzaziwe.
ambiri akungoBakila utakataka wa dalitso hahahah
azizayenda ndi gome zakazaka kkkkkkk
But he is nt 21 yrs nyasatimes
He did what he knows
But if he get chance to play in England what he will do
Yes Didnt There To Learn English Thats True
wayankha bhoh
iiiiiiiiiii zangovuta malume xool ndiyofunika basi
Dalitso……”Am happy to be man of the match today,,this game is not easy to be man of the match”.. Jorna…..”it oz tough in the midfield”.. Dalitso…..”tough as u can see”. Jorna……”makes very difficult aswel for the team to progress given this results”… Dalitso….”Yeah aaah to my country tikudziwa kut kwaifeyo stimafuna kut zchitike chonch komano ndimmene zakhalira tinthokoza Mulungu kut zakhala chonchi”… Kkk Dalitso umatipanga represent…ukabwera uzatenge mphatso ina yomwe amalawi takukonzera watiimilira kwabac… Iwe ndi za ⚽⚽ ✍ *Pliz yemwe ali ndi Nyimbo ya Phungu Joseph Mkasa mutu wake*_(Tumizani ana Ku School)_ *andipatseko Ku inbox* _Tonny B_ akuifuna atanvera
Umaleka kuimilira iweyo bwa?
koma ndaseka ngat zabwino…..
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahh… akumulimbitsa mtima Dalitso tsiku lina sadzapezeka
Ambiri KuBakila utakataka hevy hahaha. i lyk that part wanena za nkasa hahaha azakhale ngat peter wa muntharika!
Ndafwa kkkkkk
nonsense comment,you dont know what you’r saying………….@ george chibisa,he is a footballer (dalitso siles)not a teacher.
Mpaka mbuzi but why?English is not dalitsos language ok
It’s embarrassing bro…..we learn English from std one
indedi koma tadziwa nawo kuti anasiira xul std 6
Leave the poor guy alone please
ndine wa noma koma sailes ndi machine mwana amatha uyu big up dude
Am proud of him…amene akukambao thy no noting…kma malawi guys…
yes some can speak chizungu but even 100kach in ther pocket. but busy kupepha ya mogo. 65% of people in our country our language is chichewa.nothing wrong mr.that is fact
Whatever! !
Dalitso……”Am happy to be man of the match today,,this game is not easy to be man of the match”.. Jorna…..”it oz tough in the midfield”.. Dalitso…..”tough as u can see”. Jorna……”makes very difficult aswel for the team to progress given this results”… Dalitso….”Yeah aaah to my country tikudziwa kut kwaifeyo stimafuna kut zchitike chonch komano ndimmene zakhalira tinthokoza Mulungu kut zakhala chonchi”… Kkk Dalitso umatipanga represent…ukabwera uzatenge mphatso ina yomwe amalawi takukonzera watiimilira kwabac… Iwe ndi za ?⚽⚽ ✍?????? *Pliz yemwe ali ndi Nyimbo ya Phungu Joseph Mkasa mutu wake*_(Tumizani ana Ku School)_ *andipatseko Ku inbox* _Tonny B_ akuifuna atanvera
I was in aclub another guy ask me why do malawian players fail to express in English I was like ‘”mmm Even me I don’t know may be if you can ask Malawians kkk:” That was embarrassing dude
hahahaha for sure we cant compare with ronaldo,tevez, messi those went to football academy when they were Young and in their country they learn in their mother lang. not english like in Malawi
Inenso ndikudabwa kuti anthu akkukamba za messi, Rinaldo, koma tevez pamene amene aja maiko akwao ngati messi ndi tevez amayankhula Spanish ( Argentina) ndipo anapita Ku Spain komwe amayankhulanso Spanish pamene Rinaldo kwao ndi Ku Portugal komwe amayankhula Portuguese ndiye anaphuzila Spanish.ndiye mufuna kufunaniza ndi Malawi komwe timayankhula chichewa chlmwo sichili international language ngati Spanish kapena Portuguese.
Tisaname English ndiyofunika paliponse ngakhale phone kaya computer kaya zikwangwani zapanseu zili mu English. Mukadzayenda mudzadziwa kuti English ndiyofunika. Ukuyankhula bwanji chichewa maiko oti salankhula chichewa? Ndipo mukavana bwanji?
komabe ndiwe mbuli sasamba iwe , amakufunxayo and amaonerawo amamva chichewa chakocho bwanji bullets imangokoka mbuli zokha zokha zama player mumatichitisa manyadzi agalu inu nde yo fellow illiterate supporters akungoti “fact” “auze boy” “chilungamo”!!!!! what kind of stupidity encourage is this idiots? ndakwiya nawe dali wamva
Ambuye kulankhula chizungu sikutanthawuza kuti munthu ndiwanzeru, how ignorant can you be?
Iwe Gama mbuli zinzako zisakulimbise mtima….
lets nt run away from the truth, school is important.ucnt in anyway justify ignorance.
Mungolakwa kumunena munthu kuti mbuki mwina tanthauzo la mbuli simukulidziwa
This is a bad comment what were
Very bad comment, ziripobe zosekana chizungu,colonial mentality
Sitikukamba za xool,kodi olo chizungu mwalemba inu apa ndi chotani?
Emmanuel kukamwa ngat matako iwe ndi school yakoyo wapanga chani chaphindu kumtundu wa amalawi????
You idiot speaking english doesn’t mean u r graduate its alanguage as u speaks chichewa u go to european countries u wll find mbuli zikuyankhula chizungu but they can not write anypaper work
1) messi English 0
2) ronaldo English 0
3)suarez 0
but they r much better footballers than daliso sailesi think wise
naweso Hestings ukanakhala ozindikira kt sukulu ndiyofunika ukanalimbikitsa Yamikani Chester sukuluyo b4 kunena Sailes
Emmanuel chihuwa, nkhani yake yomweyi yomwe yakupangitsani kuyankhula mosakhala bwino choncho? Mukhale ndi manyazi. Inu nde ndinu otsogola popeza mmayankhula English, really? You are such a dummy. And you don’t have a right to nyoza mzanu simply because he isn’t fluent in English.
Manuel ndimakuona ngati iweyo ndiwe ophuzila, mbuzi manu kunsi, chizungu chanji walemba apachi kutengela kuloweza basi (what kind of stupidity encourage is this idiot) grammatically (factually ) wrong coz u don’t even know hw to construct a sentence
Emmanuel & Falakeza,ndikugani kuti inu school sinakupindulirene,simungakhele apa ndikumanyoza munthu coz ayankhula chichewa pa interview.Ine ndikuona kuti sinthakuganiza mokwana
Akufuna ma comment(# reply) uyu. Kt atchuke ngt sailes, ng’oo
Xul yake iti yomw mukuztama nayo,ndnu ndan,mumatan ,tiuzen tiziwe
Iwe nde walemba English yolongosoka pamenepo,?? bulutu iwe
kamwendo samatha english, wadabwa, chande, chester nde chamba chomwe amadziwa munyoza bwanji sailesi
Yemwe ukut nd mbuluy ali pa map,alot of pple knw him,iwe wa xul ,how pple knw.Many quexion,km sukuyenera kuyankha
Sinaoneso kupusa kuli apa
“What kind of stupidity encourage this” nde kuti chani? Nanunso mwa mbwita apa Emmanuel chihuwa ur such dumb ass bitch bola Sailesi
dali sanali ku malawi….choncho anayenera kuyankhula chiyankhulo choti ena amve nawo
Mmmm musatero bwanji inuyo ndi nzeru zanuzo sinu player must national team? Mtima oipa ofuna kumanyoza anthu for no good reasons. Ndukuphunxira kwamuko ndinu osatchuka osadziwikanso pamaso pa anthu nzanuyo osaphunzira but steal he has made history
Vuto siiwe koma kusazindikira kwako olo mavalidwe akuwoneka
kodi english imagula ndiwo ???
ambiri apa MUKUBAKILA utakataka hahaha. umbuli @ its beeeest
Mbuliyo bola ya bwerako ndi ma dollars nanga iwe !!!! Mulungu Si Emmanuel Chihuwa chifukwa enanu mukanakhala kuti ndi Amulungu Eiiiiish ikanakhala ngozi yoopsya, so poti Si iwe mulungu lekani mbuliyi inakhala man of the match !!! Shame on you!!!
“”What kind of stupidity encourage is this idiot” ndie chani nanunso ? Hahahagagaaaaaa! Mungodziwa kutukwana nanu muli gwafa eti kkkkkkkk Osangokhala chete bwanji kkkkkkkk
Iwe ndiye Kape bolaso sailesiyo ndiwaphundu kumakwi kuno
Guys….tiyeni timukonde ndikuwongolera mwanayu…mphwanga Dalitso…english ndiyofunikira kuyidziwa…udakayendabetu…ndipo ulendo wina uzayenda wekha mwina ulendo wopita ku ma trials…ndiye pangapo kanthu mphwanga. Ndalama wawinayo peza teacher akuwongole mkamwa ndi ngende halfways.
Emmanuel ndiwe bulutu othelatu mukudzudzulala pomwe inunso grammer yakudyanitu apa kapena mukufuna kutchuka nanu sailesi yake ndi talent ndipo sanachite kuilowera nkalasi,chomwe ungadziwe kulankhula chinzungu ndi talent chinthu chodula ndi talent inu mumalankhula english koma umadziwika ndi mako basi koma ife apa takudziwa kuti kuli chitsiru china chake chifukwa cha Sailesi,u must know this talent its a gift from God and mulungu amadziwa mene munthu angazayendera mpaka kuboleza.Kamwendo English waphunzilira ku John,achina Albert Mpinganjira,achina Chester,Chande naonso samatha koma Chamba ndiye vuto ndi chani amwene ndi sailesi?Kapena ka mk187 000 ndi kamene kakuwawani?
Ndife Amodzi Guyz Tisamanyozane And Nzeru Zathu Ndi Zosiyana Ngati Muli Ophunzira Osatukula Dzikoli Lichoke Pa Umphawi Bwanj??
Mbuli ndi munthu amene amanena mzake kuti ndi Mbuli
Sindinamvepo izi zachilendozi.
Dalitso wasankhidwa Man of the Match mu mpira osati mkalasi. Phuma bwanji,mpira ulibe ma Diploma ayi ndi skill
Emmanuel you are such a heck. this is why Malawi never do better too much jealous. Go for International players and find out how many speaks English. They are very rich but have never spoken English in life, so who are you in Malawi to judge others.?
All this nonsense gives me headache
can u re-write ure comment in english….may be i can blive in u
Iweyo nde watha?wat kind of stupidity encourage?does dat make sense?osamakhala patsogolo kuweluza amwene you n dalitso yo mchimodzimodzi cz atleast he spoke vernecular kma iwe ukanamalankhula brocken wayankhula apayi
Koma Emmanuel wandikwiisa ukunva?
Is mkuzatsogozana nd idiots hahahaha
Emmanuel chihuwa I thought u know how to write or speak English…koma nanu English yakupetani…iwe nde mbuli number one…
I will share ur coment fans iwone umbuli weniweni oposa wa sailesi ukumunenayo
mpaka (is this idiots)?kkkkkkkkkk odi ukooooooo
kkkkkkk English Mr Chihuwa apa tivomeleze kut ndife a Malawi
The story is written in English but u hv written ur comment in chichewa which mz u r mbuli number one
Exactly let we 4gve hm coy he dont know wat he z saying he z impairement daliso sailes z our player &we proud of hm !
keep ur fool mouth,respect yourself,don’t use anoyance words
dont talk like that bro english is just a language
Ha hahaha a Emmanuel Chihuwa yankhula chizungu….. chikhale chama Aliens koma coz it doesn’t make sense…..!
Muyamiklen nzanu luso ndi chyankhulo xinthu zowiri zosyana.keep it up Sailesi.
Mind ur language bra ndizampira izi mpaka kutukwana eish ochitisa manyazi ndi iweyo Emmanuel Chihuwa
While Dalitso Sailesi Is Making Money, An Idiot is Making Statement (So Called Manuell Chihule) watch Ur Mouth Boy Next Tym Learn To Respect Others Ucant Talk Any How To Anybody. Finally Ur’e Monkey, Baboon, Owls, Snake, Dog Infact Ur’e a Rat (Ass Hole)
Ngakhare ukwiye naye Sailes, savutika komaso sadandaula chifukwa sanapemphepo ufa kwanu
Ukhalira yomweyo yotukwanayo anzako dzikuwayenderaa, kkkkkkk ha ha ha
Ass-whole if you dont know how to type good things on yo phone ,it high time u should go and fuck yo self #Dalisoul ndi dolo
Mwana Wahule Ababo Ako Adasewelapo Mpira Iwe Mapaz Ako #Chihuwa
makape nonse mukumubakira sasamba nzanuyo? yes he got a talent but illiterate still in him……….. kusadziwa ndikufa komwedi ndaonera iwe sailesi
ngati wandinyasa i shud say it publicaly n straight to the point . he s making money but cant talk with that money what shame s this………. thanks ma parents gor lemmi xuling koma achina silence amathawa opopa magazi ngatiso alinao okwanira kkkkkkkkkkk
A #chihuwa Nanunso simutha chingende, “thanks my parents gor let me xullling” kkk khalani chete mbuzi ndinu
mukuti chaniso nanu apa?
You can’t write a clearly comprehensive setence yet you are here criticising Sailesi hahaha.kape, mbuzi
98% of replying are bullets supporters and i hav no wonder for being cretsized with then but i they bottom of thier heart they know i said de fact… is s making money of coz but the money he s earning can he can fail to talk with it am glad for yo comments guys but i ddnt mean to av alot comment so dnt hate me or let this issue be for among of us (Silence,me&Malawi24)
Lembani chichewa, sitikumva chomwe mukunena ndi broken mwalembayo. Just so you know this is Facebook everyone is free to comment, next time try to think before posting nonsense like this.
mbuziiii ona sono english ukulemba iweyo! (this idiots? nde zichani? illiterate still in him? nde zichan? ukadati illiteracy bola.So don’t judge coz you will be judged
Mmmm man muzikhala mu2 wanzelu osangokhala ngatso mbuzi bullets nd Malawi it’s different bt a lot a maules how do better if they go to di tonament nde skill nd geli ndzosiyana iwe ogela w@s yo talent or a2 akukuziwa nd chan bola dalitso nde musapangile kt mukumuziwa kuchokela kwao w@ we a talking is abt his skill ndpo mu2 mumanziwa akalakwisa bt zabwino simukamba so be quite
Emmanuel chihuwa bola ukanalemba chichewa koma waonesa kut iwe nde mbuli yenyen bolaso iyeyo chifukwa ali nd talent, koma iwe english yako il poor komaso talent mbola ulibe pokomera aise. Ndiwe Gwafa bwanj kkkkkkk!!!!
What is English? Give Dali a bells kkkkkk
Akadzafuna ophunziranu ku COSAFA adzakuyitanani ndithu next time inuyo 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 koma adhaAAaaa kkkkkkk olo ophunziranu mumalakalaka kungotchulidwako dzina pa super sport koma sidzidzatheka 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 kuti mumvere very first interview ya GABA.. Ya pa Super sport mutha kukhumudwa inu, mwachidule, super sport is for SPORTS and not CENTRE FOR LINGUISTICS 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Kwa ine sindikuwonapo vuto apa.
Amalawi timaona ngat kuyankhula ngende ndekut wafikapo iweyo..lets accept that we are Africans and as Africans we have to be more proud of our local languages that this so called English which is taken as a great superior language.To hell with that..umakwana dalitso umatiimilira.
Mmmm English is international language musaname APA.masiku ano chilichonse chili mu English ngati ngati phone, computer, ndizina zambiri zili mu English. Ndiye wina uzidzilimbits mtima kuti English ndiyopanda ntchito.
hahahaha koma adha kuithawa kumeneko
Za mpira izi si zanuzo ngat mumaziwa English akana kutengan inuyo Ku khala man of the match
Lets be honest here this is just a rivarly of clubs i see no problem with sailes broken english and a switch from english to chichewa in an interview, azungu akabwera kuno sitimawaseka akalakwatsa chichewa chathuchi koma ife poti anthu akuda timazinyoza tokha timaona ngati chilichonse chathu nchoipa koma za chizungu basi, almost each and everyone interviewed in cosafa was speaking his mother tongue why Malawians kunyozana because of language, its high time Africans and Malawians inclusive shud realise that English is not an instrument for measuring intelligence, Sailes well done lad
don’t mind Big. you have said already that English is not the measure of intelligence. For your information people are laughing because here in Malawi it compulsory in our schools where as in Europe chichewa nje
I salute Sailes for that. waonetsa udolo. heavy
Avomereze zaumbuliwake and achitepokanthu english is official where as chichewa is not, achina mesi akumulimbisamtimawo spk their official language fluently
Yes,rivarly and jealousy.5 against 3
Chichewa is not an official lang.. dont dare comparing with chipwitikizi.. kiswahili.. spanish.. dutch and faransa
kuBakila umbuli kumeneko? hahahahahaha
Mumafuna ayankhule chiyao?
Amwene musatinamize Messi sanatha English basi,official language yake iti imene mukuinenayo?nkhani ndiyoti sanapite ku xool and kwawo kwa messi anthu ambiri amayankhula English koma vuto anthu okudafe timakonda kunyoza zinthu zathu zomwe@Rhonnex
Africans are regarded as inferior race because of how we underrate ourselves
Boss stop cheating us English in Malawi is a measure of education levels. Stop tallking such lies here, just advice Sailes to do some gud practice on how to speak simple english when communicating to international media
Sailesi ndiwa bullets amene akuti ndimbuliwo ndia noma kapena matimu enawa iwo azikampunzitsa english anthu amajelasi inu,anthu agodo inu agalatiya omakukuta udzudzu ndikumameza ngamila
Nice comment James Gongolo
Izinso zinachitika kwa Gaba anthu ake omwewa akuti sailesi ndimbuli lelo Gaba ndiuwo pa Jon ngankhale mwana wobadwa lelo akumudziwa kuli kuchuka, akamuseka aja lelo ndimakasitomala akulu a black punch,sorry maningi
But u guys have u ever seen these heads ofstate,i mean president of Russia (Putin),Turkey (Erdogan) and China (ximping) when they are on foreigh tours they are unable to speak English .In Africa we had Colonel Muammar Gadaffi,he wasnt spoke english but he was a leader of state.Leave the boy alone.
Vuto ndi uphawi
Jelousy will kill you
nanga akazazkhala captain wa malawi? azizayankhula chichewa chakecho ndi ma referee??
Muchitepo kanthu bambo Sailes chifukwa anthu nde akukambani!!!
Palibe vuto pamenepo abale. Ngati anthu ena omenya mipila mumayiko mwinamu samatha chingelezi amachita kuwapatsa omasulira ndiye wathuyu vuto nchiyani? Ameneyotu apitilize. I wish akanalankhula chitumbuka.
@ Kelvi Spencer James Kalulu, how far did you you with your education? I think for you, you need to go back and understand the issue on the ground! You are saying Chichewa is not official language! I guess its field language! Then Dalitso was discharging his duties from the field? He was not in the office!
good comments from all of u guys. proud of sailesi. he has shown that he is true malawian boy. bravol!!!
Kkkkkkk,funso labwino apo.Akuti akazakhala mtsogoleri wa team ya Malawi(captain)azizayankhula chichewa chakecho ndi ma referee?kkkkk
Anthu opanda kanthu ndi conco
kkkkkkkkkk maria nyasulu wandiseketsa, koma thats true
We have got so many languages in Malawi but only two are regarded as main languages, Chichewa as local language and English as international language, now, the official of FAM know that the player can’t speak English why they didn’t send someone to interpret in English and the player himself why he didn’t explain to official that he can’t speak English
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk maria nyasulu wandiseketsa, koma thats true, be my friend
Akazankhala captain azizayankhula chichewa ndi ma referee ? Nanga silesi, mwati amava-zomwe coach wachizungu amamuwuza? “A road to nowhere”
Inu amene mukumupopa siyilesi- muzitiyankha…..!!!!!
The problem with Sailesi was code switching, otherwise, speaking Chichewa wasn’t anything strange… But we should also avoid misplacing the argument. The other guys we’re comparing Sailesi with speak Portuguese, Spanish, German etc which their countries adopted as official languages. For Malawi, it’s not debatable that English is the official language, making it imperative that we know it. So clubs aside, let’s stop defending the indefensible. Our players should at least know English for communication.
umbuli kuchiluka ku Malawi its a must to speak english,why turnishing the image of our country.
Africa poyamba anali was fresh izi ndiye ziti
A Malawi tili ndi vuto sititha kunyadira pomwe wina wapanga mbili ya dziko l anthu
Munthu akachita bwino timayamikira, zikalakwikanso tidziyamikira??
Hahahaha!!bro be serious iyi ndi mbiri ya dziko zowona?
Kunyadira kwathutu ngati a Malawi nkoti…..mwanayu wayika Chichewa language pa world map.
Kunyadira ndi zinthu zochitisa manyazi zomwe hahaha koma iwe
Yakula Ndi Nsanje Enawa Poti Osewera Awo Abwerako Opanda Kanthu Maka Mkodzo Fc!Kunena Ngamo Mwana Ndizampira Izi!
thats the fact
Zoona iwe ndimakani umakwana sailesi
Awuze boy ..
21 years? My foot…
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk ankolo munthuyi ali ndi 21yrs akutelo??
Aaaa amwene nde ife sitinakhaleko ndi zakatu
zaziiiiiii!!!! iwe padzaka zake chikukudinya ndichani??? mbuziiiii
Wayankha bwino.
koma nde mwamufunisitsatu
great sailesi