Under fire Minister of Agriculture irrigation and water development, George Chaponda has been reinstated as leader of the House in Parliament a little over a week he was replaced by Local Government Minister Kondwani Nankhumwa over his controversial suspension as Minister in the on going maizegate saga.

Chaponda was replaced as leader of the house pending a Supreme Court of Appeal ruling over an injunction Civil Society Organisations sought depriving him of his duties as Minister over his feared involvement in the unscrupulous purchase of maize from Zambia- a scandal christened maizegate.
The matter was brought before Supreme Court Justice, Dunstain Mwaungulu, by the Attorney General so that he could reverse the decision of the High Court.
Delivering his ruling on Friday, 10 February 2017, Mwaungulu agreed with the Attorney General that the High Court erred in its granting of an injunction to the CSOs.
Mwaungulu indicated that the Court overstepped its mandate as the power to hire or fire a minister rests with the President and subsequently the suspension of a minister.
Mwaungulu also indicated that there was no law requiring the suspension of a person if they are under investigation.
Calls have since started for President Mutharika to fire Chaponda whose actions have been labeled as suspicious in a reports submitted by the commission of inquiry set up by Mutharika last month.
Malawi is still struggling to attain and enjoy its democracy. In a democratic national assembly that can’t happen. A vivid example is our friends in South Africa. The opposition is doing everything possible to bring to book everyone who is looting public resources. DA and EFF are doing a recommendable job to needy south Africans. They can’t allow such a person to be in the house of honourables. I hope it’s high time our opposition must learn to protect and defend the public resources. The judiciary must also help to alleviate such malpractice. It seems the judiciary itself is porous in decision making
That is way to fight, hate, tribalism, regionalism, emotions and insanity.
chaponda woyeeeer
Miyala yomwe mukugendela Chaponda lero, ikachuluka mawa azamangila Nyumba. Inu nomwe mudzabwela kuzafunsila REND. Chaponda azakhala Landlord wanu.
Komatu ukapanda mano sibwino kuswa phaliiiiii. Chipanichi mukuchionongadi che muthalika? Kodi nzanuyu mwamukondesesa chonchi chifukwa chani?
Makes me wonder what our president is thinking ??
Ine anga ndimafunso awa kodi ndi unduna wa a chaponda wokha umene ukuba ndalama zaboma? 2: kodi kumwela kulibe amabungwe kapena ndiwogona kapena kalipo kalipo? 3 kodi ndi udani kapena kukonza zinthu pa Malawi ? 4 why a times sakugona ndi Chaponda is it normal kapena kalipo kalipo?
Welcome back our leader
Malawian Minister of the moment…dziko ndiwanu uyu, abwana mumatiimirila!!!
Malawian Minister of the moment…dziko ndiwanu uyu, abwana mumatiimirila!!!
ankaoneka ngati shasha pobera amalawi, pano ndi zimenezi, ntchimo lamubwlera. i have no mercy over him
Koma zina zikamachitika mmmm zoti mkumalawi komwe anthu ankakunena kuti ndikoopa Mulungu kuja aaaaah ayi ndithu, zofufuza sizinathe mukutenganso kumubwezeletsa paudindo koma ma Court mukuti dziko likupita kuti? ndipo azitsogolela anthu ngati ndani mbava ngati imeneyo chachikulu apa anthuwa akuziwana adanya onse ndalama, kukhala otsutsa apa mmmm nkhani yakeyo ngati anamupeza akukonza upo olanda Boma mulungu akukuonani
Anthuwa ndi amozi amangofuna azitipusisa
Abale anga kulira uku ichedwa nao tatiyeni tilimbike kupaliraku mvula ndiiyi ikugwa bwino osati kukacha eeee chaponda eee dpp sizitithandiza
The country is being lead by thieves, most of the leaders are thieves hw do u think Malawi can improve
We say nobody is above the law.chaponda now is above. Even the courts fears him.
Black lebel R14, milkstout R15.50, Castle Laguer R13, hunter dry cane R10, savanna R13 ,4th street 3L R90 ine zanga phee pa xenophobic pano agalu inu źibani choncho mu dziko lanulo
mwapweteketsatu a Bro.
Eeeee3 athuwa awonjeza kuba daily nkhani yake ya umbava bc
kkkk koma ,fisi sangayende ndi mbuzi ,zose ndi mbuzi zikudziwana
Their reckoning day is to come coz they have have allegations before God the creator. kadauluka kadzatera, ask Lutepo and Mafia Raphel.
panja masiku omaliza anthu azakhala ozikonda okha wokonda ndalama ndiwosavera ena 2 timoteyo 3vs1 apa zachilendo palibe
ili ndilo dziko langa mene limayenela kuyendera nanga titani
Chindere chakufikapo
This is why our country will remain poor,we like money than people munthu waba chimanga kafukufuku sanathe mukumubwezeletsa pampando chinyengo ndi khoti lomwe?
He still remains a thief
simungatenge phunziloa malema th real opposition,h made zuma pay bck th money.2 hell wit malawi politics,boot lickers.analipo anzanu Idi Amin,yayah ku gambia,kabila.watch out u r nxt ngati mukuwona ngati dzikoli ndi la mbuyanu.
Thats good in this case he will teach all members of parliament hw to steal government’s money,and the poor are the victim,kkkkkkkkkkkkkh!
Malema ndaazimuna eee not comparable
zopusa mwakezananso udindo palibe chabwino mmalawi muno bs
welcome chaponda osusa ndi zodiak mwauponda, mwakhaula,mwasenza misomali. DPP izawinanso 2019 olo osavota izabela simunati kulirako
A government of Crooks and Thieves!!
Osusa Ali pheee ngat akuonerera mpira zikuwakomera bola zawo zikuyenda anthuwa akuziwana ife tingotaya nazo nthawi izi
I wish it was Bingu’s era he should have rot in jail
Very useless, ma rubbish eni eni, Peter ndi Chitsiru nditu
malawi living by her name
welcome back Dr Chaponda
Tonse Tizafa Or Wina Azikundikire Chuma! Sitizaonetsa Chuma Chomwe Tili Nacho, Koma Ntchito Zathu Zabwino Kapena Zoipa! We ll Be Rewarded Accordingly
Apa malawi waonongeka koma tsiku likubwela tidzayimba nyimbo ya Salafina freedom is coming tomorrow yes yes
2019 agalu amenewa alamulilanso. Pajatu ali ndi njira zawo. Or ife tizavotele ena koma ozawina ndi omwewa. Akhoza kale njira pano zolowera.
Wochewa Tonsa Tagwirizana Kuvotela DPP Pa 2019 Pano!!!
MRA nkumatidulabe misonkho kuti wina azidya seriously????
We are not happy to say de trueth. This is your time…2019 is around de corner when we shall judge as on our part.
Shit kukamwa ngati matowo
Tizaonana 2019 mukutiuza kuti vote yathu ndi ufulu wathu.
kkkkkkkkk, olira akulira oseka akuseka ndedzikolapasi imeneyo. chofunikamukambiranenonse amenemukutsutsana ndicgamulochi mukapange apir basimulanduwo
peter mbuzi,chilima mbuzi,acb mbuzi kodi N,I,C,E ALIkut alimbana nd okuba church atengera mau ot mbuz eat amanglira
Wakuba patsogolo enatonse tiziba boma ligwe ili bt if i hd a gun i wd burst chibwano chonyasacho
hahaha koma adha….chibwano chonyasa ett kkkkkkkk
kkkkk koma ndaseka
We a de revolutionaries dem dnt kno
Ndiye nyasalande ameneyo, koma nde mwatipezelera bwanji !
Total rubbish nd stupid politics in malawi.nd u parlamentalians u jst smilling at ths?,shame on u all.
Leader of the house George Chimanga Chaponda: Mr Speaker,Sir! My Ministry is ……….er!! em!! out of order!
ayi dzikoli lafika pachibwàna,he is a thief koma mwamuikanso pa mpando apapa nde its now stupid malawi wosàuka sadzatukukanso atsogoleli athuwa ndi mbala
Basi nkhani yatha
Nde otsutsanu kukamwa mweeee akukupondani pakhosi? Waiting to see ur reaction
This government is too much childish
thats why ndikuti ine sindineso mmalawi kumeneko ndizabwelako 2019 kuzangomuvotela Joyce Banda basi
This is why malawi needs a vibrant opposition like the EFF in RSA….idont think the EFF would allow to be have a corrupt person like chaponda as a house leader..this just means the whole parliament is corrupt..
Zoona man EFF ndinkhani zina Julius malema samaopa
We need that kind of fire in afriacan parliments maybe some of these corrupt african leaders would ashamed for once…
A Malemanso u savage unawachulukira eish
Inno, thats not usavage thats being patriotic do you think if malema was a hand claper like malawian opposition zuma akanabweza ndalama zomwe anaba zija…What the EFF was saying was in line with the RSA constitition…the dpp led government is sharing tax payers monies at will because our parliament is too passive.
Kodi chapondayo anaba chani?kapena ndindalama?nanga ndizingati?ndimafuna ndidziwe
Zimenezo umufuse msosa popanga recommend kuti ACB imufufuze chaponda..
kkkkkk koma makosana mwaganiza bwanji? m’paka #Malema aaaaa! ndiwakhondotu uja! kkkkkk Last week anayiyambisa mu paliament.kkkkkk ndipo iye samavala suit mu paliament koma Ovolosi.
Democracy ndi nkhondo adanena kamuzu…malema ali bwino akuteteza chuma cha boma…nanga kumalawi munthu kuba dola za boma mkumakulanso mtima..ku africa we need vibrant opposition like malema..or zigogodo pamenapaja ku RSA palibe nduna ingaganize zakuba ndalama zaboma..
It seems Chaponda has become so powerful that he is feared by many in Malawi and you want to create a hero out of nothing w@t? The President’s Commission has recommended he should be probed by ACB over his involvement in the flouted procurement procedures specifically the Transglobe issue as of now the Leader of the house is Kondwani Nankhumwa unless things change this afternoon where the President writes the Speaker informing him that Dr. Chaponda continues as Leader of Government Business in the house and this article is just giving an opinion based on Friday’s ruling by the Supreme Court. At this point, its the President who can decide on how to proceed on the issue as recommended by the Msosa Enquiry.
I like how the opposition parties works in South Africa. The parliament is indeed democratic. No one can think of looting tax payers money at the meantime. Because everyone knows that will be exposed to the public once known. And entitled to pay as Zuma did. But our opposite and the judiciary is not helping the citizens of the country to enjoy their powers
amene alinazo azawonjezeledwa zambir kma omwe alibe azalandidwa or zochepa zomwe alinazo,anatelo yesu.tanthauzo anthu osauka akab nkhuku zaka mpaka 15 kapenans kuwalanda zomwe alinazo pomwe olemera ndi awa or abe kapena kusokoneza ndalama zaboma angowapasa kachilango kochepa mwinaso kuwakweza udindo
That’s buh shit!
mr maize gate.
Thats why i dont go fo politique
Auponda ena wadora ndi wadora
U r an idiot, a puppet, a moron, y r u supportin ths inhuman behavior, let me ask u wen is the last u visited any remotest area in Malawi. Go to th village n see wat kind ppl is ur fucken government is stealin from in th name of tax(im callin it stealin bcoz th money is being misused by ur fucken politicians) if ur uncle is a politician or u r, knw tht u’ll b severely punishd so very soon.
Anzanu tikunenepa ndinthawi yanu yoti muwonde munatenga kulera kwa 60 yrs mukhaula maso psuu akwaa aniwonera viwaburu ivi mweee.
Mulungu ndiye amasamala anthu komaso ndiye amapereleka nzeru kt mupeze mukamangoti manja lende tiwona ngat bomalo lingakuthandizeni lirani mokweza kwa mulungu ndi amene amayankha osati kumangomula ayi.
This dude is a moron,
You don’t even see anything unusual in this scenario?
Where on earth, You mean money should buy Justice?
Have you ever travelled even around Africa and appreciate how our friends are developing? Wake up ! These people are ripping our tax,Our children will even inherit ngongole zopanda ntchito Ku ma bank akunja,ndalama yake yomweyi akugawana panopayi.
Even a standard 1 pupil will ask how transglobe got itself in the dealings.wake up malawi
Gdwl gain weight isnt a thing to b proud of, to me tht an alarm of of obessy, u dont hav to brag abt tht anymo. Wen u realise tht ths wat u r sayin now is inhuman, u’ll feel sorry for urslf for mentioning God on stupid things, things tht He, himself doesnt like. Better repent n stop ur fellow greedy politician from stealin from their own country. Look at urself ths wasnt ur plan wen startin standard one back then i guess, u wanted to work for th money not to steal like wat u r doin now, think again my brother, u can b a better man we can rely on. U can change n we can change.
Yamba zipani zanu anthu akumizi szakuvotereni,mulungu anasiyanitsa polenga antu maiko onse.
Komatu inuyo a Nkhata siwonenepa,mukuwonekanso kuti ndinu wodwala….
Sorry nkhata i am a Malawian but i no longer stay there, i live in one of the most developed city in the world but i feel sorry on how u people are running the country there.
Sorry nkhata i am a Malawian but i no longer stay there, i live in one of the most developed city in the world but i feel sorry on how u people are running the country there.
This #Good_Khata as stupid as they come,dumbass moron,whose got nothing btwn his ears,how on earth can you stand there and fend for someone who has misappropriated funds to the highest degree,you need Jesus,retarded,down syndrome looking ass fool,GTFOH
Kkkkkkkkk am nt apolitian sory sham on you guys even ucan tolk but my life wil nt change oky?u re just cheating people are ,God?only lord almighty can change things dont blame onean
Zanu zimenezo lankhulani kwambir mwina musanduka mulungu muthandize malawi mwamva????? Kkkkkkk nde muzakhala zigandanga zandale kwiyani kwambiri ang’wang’waling’wa inu.
Koma anthuni, mulimbana ndi Chidzete chi Nkhata ichi? Eeeeeish kkkkkkkkk ndichozelezeka chadovu kaya!! Please Musachiyankheso ochi!!
AAuponda ena wadora ndi wadora
Oluza mulandu ndife opanda dora
Maize cash gate….wavaya basi chaponda
malawi wataika basi