Three juveniles sent to Reformation Centre in Nkhotakota


A Child Justice Court in Nkhotakota district has sent three juveniles aged 17, 15 and 16 to Chirwa reformatory centre in Zomba after they were convicted of various items including car tyres and batteries.

The court through public prosecutor James Muyira of Nkhotakota police station heard that the three law offenders who cannot be named committed their crimes at different occasions.

According to Muyira, the 17 year-old during the night of January 18, 2017 stole two minibus speakers and vehicle oil worth K13,000 at Nkhotakota police station.

Thereafter on the night of January 19, 2017 at Nkhotakota-Dwangwa bus depot, he stole motor vehicle battery N50 valued K55,000. He later stole one vehicle jack at Kulima Gold depot valued at K60,000.

The thief also admitted to stealing another N50 motor vehicle battery, one modulator, one 2GB memory card and a piece of Chitenje cloth at Nkhotakota ADMARC.

Police arrested him at Nkhotakota trading centre while selling the batteries. The law enforcers managed to recover all stolen items and they charged him with the offence of theft contrary to section 278 of the penal code.

The 15 year-old convict, during the month of December 2016, stole a bicycle which is valued at K100,000 at Chipanda fishing dock in Nkhotakota.

Upon receiving information, police launched a man hunt that led to his arrest and the recovery of the stolen bicycle.

On the part of the 16 year-old boy, he was accused of breaking into a house at Chakaka village in the district where he went away with a 25Kg bag of maize.

He abandoned the bag along with his shoes some few metres away from complainant’s house. This prompted the complainant to recognise him.

The teenager was arrested by community members and brought to Nkhotakota police. At police, he was charged with burglary and theft contrary to section 278 and 309(A) of the penal code respectively.

After the three were convicted, magistrate Fred Juma Chilowetsa committed them to go to Chirwa Reformatory Centre in Zomba for them to reform and to be a lesson to all law offenders.



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