Just in: George Chaponda finally back in Malawi

George Chaponda

Minister of Agriculture, irrigation and water development, George Chaponda has finally arrived in Malawi through Chileka Airport in Blantyre, Malawi24 can confirm.

Earlier reports indicated that he was going to jet in through Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe.

Chaponda in his capacity as minister of agriculture and irrigation despite the court order went to Germany where he attended a workshop in Berlin last Thursday.

George Chaponda
George Chaponda back from Germany.

Chaponda challenged a Mzuzu High court ruling that stopped him from working as a minister due his implication on the maize saga.

The ruling followed an application by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the country who argued that Chaponda was likely to jeopardise investigations on the maize scam which are currently underway.

Confirming before a joint parliamentary committees of public accounts and on agriculture, principal secretary for the ministry of agriculture, irrigation and water development Erica Maganga said Chaponda’s invitation came before he was suspended.

Maganga also confirmed to have facilitated the trip for Chaponda who is attending Africa-German Association conference.



  1. Alowe chapndayo osamusiya okuba nkhuku ali ku ndende ndiye awa aba ndalama zoti zikanathandiza amalawi iye ndikuyika mthumba mwake boma likagomusiya ndiye kuti nawonso ali limodzi

  2. corrupt leaders????how can u steal such amount of money in 1 and half months? ANTHU OIPA INU God wil punish u sure

  3. Ine ndikudikila ndione aMalawi Police Service awuzidw ndi court kut akamange Chaponda kkkkkk may be wapolice mkulimbamtima ndithu kutero kma ndili chelu ndione zimenezi

  4. Tikukamba kut mbuz imeney yaba mkhutukumve zina ndkuytumiza kunja,kkkkkkk ndmangova kut malawi ndwamkaka nd uch koma sndnamwepo,bola kumipandoko

  5. Kodi chaponda ndiosalakwa zili ngati galu wachiwewe waluma munthu osauka saphedwa koma akaluma mwana wa bwana ndipamene amaoneka kuti ndiwachiwewe,zisiyeni muona akayambana muchipani chawocho sionse akukondwa ndizimene wapanga mzawoyo.

  6. Fuck Chiponda people of they suffering too beacause of poor of leaders of the country but their pocket they are fat but people of Malawi they are in big problem. FUCK THEM ALL THE ONES THEY ARE EATING GOVRMENT MONEY OR TAX PAYS MONEY

  7. Ngakhale Achaponda Abwera Sangapangidwe Kathu!Mmensa NdiMlomwe Ukanakhala kuti NdiwaOpposition Bwenzi Tikumva Zina!Amalawi Kayaa?

  8. If Mr.Chaponda walks free, bring section 65.Because the president is falled to sack mr.chaponda.The president must stepdown.

  9. ndinakakondwa andunawe ali wachinansi wanga mwina nane nkuziwika palipose ngati iwowa. welcome back olemekezeka anduna timakunyadilani

  10. A Malawi timangotaya nthawi kulongolola… Chponda ngati analakwa timva posachedwa… kodi mumamva bwanji mukanama kenaka choonadi nkuzaoneka? Munatokota za APM…koma anabwera ndi moyo… adani a DPP sumumafunira DPP zabwino…. asiyeni a ma court ndi commission of inqiry … timva zoona soon

  11. I hope the headline is incomplete; it should have been “George Chaponda finally back in Malawi and arrested for contempt of Court”

  12. Nachipanti wabwela;ndipo chimanga chatha;sopano ayamba kuba cha m;minda;tiyeni aMalawi tichenjele:amene tili ndi mbudzi kapena nkhuku tiyeni titseke makolawo molimbika;chifukwa chimanga chatha asowa chakuba sopano; ndipo inu aweluzi chiweluzo mukuweluza bwanji?chiweluzo chongondela andalama; god will punish you rubbish

  13. As I said already that our judicial system is poor, the whole system was politicised, some people are above the law now, as you can see nothing is happening, I wish malawians if we could be corrageous like Arabs, we could have remove these idiots before their time, in Arab Countries like Sudan, Egypt, Libia etc such nonsese can not happen!

  14. Is that breaking news? Chapondayo sikwawo kuno? Nkhani ndiyoti wabwela and with all the talk tipangapo chani? Ndalama zomwe zinasowazo zaza jiggs,ndizachimanga cha a Malawi in other ways tax payers money,,,,,,nde tipangapo chani?

    1. Kkkkk zikuonekeratu kuti khani ya chaponda unagoionera pa social network. Zomwe ukulemba sindikugwirizana ndi zomwe zinachitika.

    2. Kaya chinabedwa ndichimanga kaya ndalama,,, all in all there is missing money that would have helped us in a certain way,,,otherwise Malawians we are very passive to take action to remind greedy people not to play with tax payers money

  15. Mwa dzina lathu, Malawi WA Moto. Indedi tilipa Moto ife, amene analoza malawiyo ufiti wake uli ndi salary, anatilozayo ufiti wake uli ndi chiyabwe. Koma ngati ndi ufit, anatilozayo ndi nfitidi

  16. so what, who cares? ngati boma likukanika kumanga nkhani zawa zisatibhowe. Ife tili m’munda pano kudzala chimanga. Mulungu atipatsaso zambiri. panoso munthu ungamakhale busy ndi boma la Malawi? ndekusowa zochitatu

  17. That’s African syndrome. we dance to our own tune of Music. while others are moving forward we move backwards kkkkk. I am not suprised with so many gates in my so called poor country where capitalism is the order of the day

  18. I thought the breaking news would like be ,” Chaponda has been arrested for going against the court order ” not like this one; “Chaponda has landed” mxiiii !! Feed us with proper news iyaaaaaaaa.

    1. Amabungwe mumangosokosa pa radio nanuso chilungamo mulibe mwamusiilanji amalawi tifuna tione phindu LA mabungwe mdziko osamangosokosa uyo jijo wafikatu

  19. Breaking news: Gvt suspends three Teveta officials to pave way for an investigation on the alleged corruption. If you don’t catch a fish atleast make sure you catch a flog.

  20. munthu wakulu khwambili wafikano sopana, bwanji mwathabula chani wankulu komwe munaliko muneneletu zisanafike pomvutaso tikabwezeletu.

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