Government asked to show interest in education sector

Mthunthama primary school

The Civil Society Education Coalition (CSEC) has asked the Malawi government to show interest in addressing challenges the education sector is facing.

Benedeicto Kondowe
Kondowe: More needs to be done.

The statement has been brought forward by the organisation’s Executive Director Benedicto Kondowe.

According to Kondowe, in 2016 the education sector faced a lot of challenges which needed to be addressed.

Kondowe pointed out the delay to recruit teachers in the country as one of the challenges which needs to be considered.

“There is a need for this government to recruit more teachers who are just staying idle,” he said.

The activist also asked government to make sure that there are no unnecessary closures of public universities. In 2016, most of the country’s public colleges were at some point closed due to protests.

Currently, The Polytechnic and Mzuzu University are yet to be reopened.

The former was closed due to a rift between students and management over fees hike while the latter was closed due to a strike by employees.