Malawi youth drilled on tolerance

Art and Global Health Center Africa

Young people in the country have been urged to live to the warm sense of accepting the way other people are in the country.

The sentiments comes at a time when Malawi has been accused of lacking tolerance towards minority groups due to moral values and religious beliefs.

Art and Global Health Center Africa
Youth interact at the workshop.

During a workshop in Blantyre organized by Art and Global Health Africa, youths in the country were urged to help in having a tolerant generation in the future that is to come.

Speaking in an interview with Malawi24, Art and Global Health Center Africa program officer Rodger Phiri called for a need of not ignoring the rights of minority groups but rather embracing the spirit of accepting their existence.

“Our main aim is to instill the spirit of ‘Umunthu’ which we think is missing not because we are not aware but rather they don’t care because of selfishness and we think that if we can target the youths whom we believe that they are to be leaders in the near future we will have a generation in the coming years that is tolerant,” said Phiri.

He further bemoaned lack of information on the general public arguing that ignorance on the situation of other minority groups remains a challenge that needs a sharp eye in addressing the problem.

AGHC Africa fosters creative leadership and implements innovative arts-based, health orientated programmes that inspire and mobilise through Make art to Make Art Stop Aids (MASA) that use participatory film and theatre to break the social, cultural, and structural barriers to HIV testing, treatment and care.

Rodger Phiri
Rodger Phiri: We want youths to embrace tolerance.

The programme mobilises communities, local leadership and healthcare centres to collaboratively address stigma, discrimination, and fear to improve access to HIV services.

The other programs include ‘Umunthu’ which uses arts to catalyse reflection and discussion, providing a platform to address issues of stigma and discrimination through the lens of “Umunthu,” a Pan-African philosophical concept of humanity.

And Students with a Dream  that is aimed at providing college students with training, mentorship and seed funding to develop innovative projects that creatively address pressing social issues.