Wanderers supporters executive member urge Nomads fans to riot on Saturday

Chisomo Malata

…wants Sponsors Be Forward to leave

Leaders lead by example but that’s not the case with Chisomo Malata who has urged all Be Forward Wanderers supporters to riot on Saturday during their Super League match against Wizards FC in order to get rid of sponsors Be Forward.

Malata, who is an executive member in the Yamikani Kaliyapa supporters committee, urged all Nomads fans in an audio clip to resort to violence on Saturday in order to get rid of their sponsors saying they are doing nothing as players are yet to get their September salaries.

In the clip, Malata is urging all Nomads fans to emulate what Big Bullets supporters does when things gets out of hand saying sponsors Be Forward and the current General Secretary Mike Butao must be shown the exit door before hitting the snag.

Chisomo Malata
Chisomo Malata behind the calls for Be Forward to leave.

She then appealed to fellow members to do something on Saturday saying failure to act now will see the club falling into a pit.

“Akulu, zafikapa ndi pa mwana wakana phala. Tonse tikudziwa kuti player alandire komanso kupanga perform mu ground zimatengera kuti ndalama walandira mokwanira. Player asewera bwanji mpira ku nyumba kuli njala nde ineyo ndikuona ngati ma sponsors awa sizikulongosoka bwino ndipo ndimalankhula ndi a chair ndakambanso ndi a chair kuti tichitepo kanthu chifukwa ngati osewera analonjezedwa kuti alandira lolemba koma ndalama sizinalowe.

“Akulu akulu, tikapanga chibwana tikagwera ku dzenje nde masapota anzanga tiyeni tiyishoshe Butao ndi anzakewa achoke atikwana nde titengepo mbali, tipange chinthu chimodzi loweruka likubwelari chifukwa team sitikuchita bwino. Tipange za ku Bullets, eni team ndinu, oyambitsa ndinu, ife tingokhala otsogolera koma oyambitsa ndinu chifukwa eni team ndinu. Anzathu a Bullets akapangana chimodzi zimatheka, nkulekelanji ife? Zaka zambirimbiri osatenga league, tiyeni tichitepo kanthu,” she urged her fellow Nomads supporters.

On Thursday, Butao exclusively told Malawi24 that problems at Wanderers are being fueled by some people who are frustrated with how the current executive committee is protecting the sponsorship package from Be Forward.

“They are fueling all these problems because they are not happy with the way we are protecting the sponsorship package from Be Forward. If we are to leave, let’s follow procedures because some of us are signatories to the sponsorship agreement with Be Forward and we can’t just leave.

“What will happen if we leave and then Be Forward decides to leave as well, what will happen to the team? We can’t afford to lose this sponsorship deal so let’s follow procedures,” he said.

Efforts to speak to Kaliyapa proved futile as his phone was out of reach.



  1. Abiti Noma, Itzhak Zkhey Abraham, De-Empress VebleGal, Be Forward Wanderers Die-hard, Osman Usu Justin, Nde Ineyo Chelseafc Langwan Macholoweyi akuti chani??? Kkk

  2. Am fun of this team. I love it but all I don’t understand is what is wrong with the team these days? Is it corrupted with the money or we don’t have any ideas anymore?

  3. Mmmh ine si nyerere kma iii sathamangitsa ma sponsor kuzindikila kwambiri kumeneko? Uziwona neba auze neba kuti sagona Lol

  4. It is the duty of the executive to to fire extinguish the burning fire that has erupted in the nomads camp,Malata you’re not qualifying as an executive member,i wonder why you’re there in the executive

  5. does this lady really comprehend soccer?if you are a leader,you don’t have to say something like that,she must be fired

  6. I wish if anyone can arrange for riots against the kaliyapa team……..this supporters committee has nothing to offer…..imagine akuganiza zopanga ziwawa eti!! Nonsense

  7. This is not a nice call from an Executive member. Discuss amicably, there is a solution to every problem.

  8. Sizoona zimenezo neba mukane! Enawa angofuna kukuonongerani team. Komaso muonongetse zinthu zambiri chifukwa ena omwe sizikuwakhudza adzalowererapo kuti akuonongeleni zinthu ndicholinga chofuna kuipitsa mbiri yanu. Musalole ma member ndi zazing’ono izi!!

  9. What a shame from my fellow Nomad supporter!!!!!!
    Useless ideas. Why can,t we discuss the matter. Riots will result into fines and pasavute as well!!!!!

  10. Aka ndi kamkazi ndi kamaganizo opepera ngati chiwala cha manyi pakhosi. Panga wekha riot yo ukaoneko ku cell. Ife amene tidalowamo sitingayerekeze dala kuchita nawo zopusazo. Iweyo ndi anzakowo ntchito yanu ndi chani? Nonse mwalephera tulani pansi udindo.

  11. I dont believe these words can come from a mother like her without thinkings the consequences of the riot.I see two things here though am not a wonders fun.

  12. kma neba zozez nd kondwani kumwenda wabweretsa phkoso.next czon adzakubayanson ana inu.ine pheee kmangomwa wamkaka usova neba zako izo sposa manong’onong’o akt bfoward ikubwra kudzathtsa sposa kaya nde ugwra pat.

  13. Peace,love & harmoney to the Nomads atlarge. Let’s come together to a round-table with the sponsors and solve these economic hardships amicably. United we stand, divided visaversa.True Blue.

  14. Hahahahaha!! Amati ku Noma kuli anthu ozindikira koma aaaaa. Apa zaonetseratu kuti ndi mamina okha okha basi. Shame on you useless woman pamodzi ndi omwe akukutumawo. #am_a_Nyasa_BB_die_hard

  15. That’s nonsense. An executive member like u, thinking rioting is a way of solving problems. U deserve not to lead any noma leadership. Hamble yourself and think of other way round.

  16. Kodi mkazi ameneyu ndiuti uti kaya mwina ndikansinganga kao kaja amati ayaya wakubalaka kkkkkkkkkkkk go noma go kukhala wa noma ngati ine ndikulimba ubwino wake ndinachoka dzana ija ndine waaja wo amati maulle

  17. Palibe choĺakwika apa ? . Sponsorship ilipo koma ikukanika kuwapatsa ndalama anyamata athu and our executive is failing us also pa Derby tinapatsidwa 5 mita ili kuti ? bwanji samapatsa anyamata as salaries abeforward akapeleka muja iwo kuchotsa 5 mita yaoyo koma adagawana

  18. Mungomuuza Nakamula alankhulane ndi ma tyre fitter anzakewo a BE BACKWARDS wo! akufuna anthu adzisewera mpira waudxuuu!?? Hahahah komanso zoseketsa kwabasi kankazi kameneka kangakulamurire Nebaa aaaaaa musakamvere aka katha kale kakusowa wopita naye

  19. zingayambe kuyiwalika bullets silenced noisy nebaz ( kondwani rejected stone kumwenda 1 noisy neba 0) ndatukwana ngati?

  20. What her duty this Lady,is it for other executives kuti azipeza mpumulo or what,,

    This sayings by this so-called wanderes executive,is not constructive,She can destroy our reputation.Elect people with good morals in position,rather than Elect someone because amazipaka utoto wa team ku game(those people are not people who can help the club)

    Players Yess ,they are not receiving there money till now,,I see lack of management in our Executive Members ,nthawi yomwe tinalibe ma sponsor ,where they get money to give players(cant they use same strategy kwinaku akudikila ma sponsor kuti apange fund?)
    -thise guys failed or else atopa ,alandilidwe before things worse.

    #Mike Butao- this guy amandisekesa i dont know what he thinks,,,he dont want to look the failure,its good ofcourse no one like that

    But the strategies he follow,mmmmm nothing much of his time is on media blaming Coaching panel.am giving him assignment to read carefully,how someone can get motivated to work towards your goal.Study Abraham Maslows Hierachy of needs.

    My word is ,,,If the team kut inali ndi mwini wake bwezi zikuoneka kuti ,,zikulongosoka koma apapa mmmm guys nothing will work,,,this team is like public properties which ppo benefited individualy without Quetion.posakha udindo wa executive i think patamakhala like vacancy ,the clients must show some of their achievements than kungosakha kuti awa nda team yathu.

  21. Executive members ,you are there to execute burning issues like that, but now you’r running away you’r responsibilities & throw kwa masapota, why not to resign? Unfit to be Ex… Member shut up!!!!

  22. tatiyeni tizidekha tisakhale ngati ajawo ifetimati ndifewozindikira koma zafikapa sikuzindikira uku ayi asiposa akachoka mene mumakatseka offece tikwanitsa kuthandiza timu tiyenitiziganiza popanga zithu

  23. Ine si wa Nyelere komano kunena zoona izi sizabwino ku mpira wathu!! Zimakhala bwino Wanderz ndi Bullets onse akamachita bwino! Komano club ina kuti izivutika chonchi mpira pa Mw pano siungakome!! A Wanderez ndi bwino asove mavuto awo mwa mtendere asati za zipolowezo!! Komanso kuti muthamangise ma sponsors ndiye misalayo imeneyo…..!

  24. I’m not worry with this idiot Lady i dea, cz a lady alway think like a lady but i’wonder why mens choosing to associate with the Ladys in Ftball.

  25. Izi ndiye zausiru zenizeni kaliapa achoke walephela ntchito yake wampatsa mphavu mzimayiyu ndani? Bring back our david kanyenda and yona malunga kunalibe nyasi ngati izi

  26. Well i don’t understand Butao. You mean you are protecting finances of the sponsors by denying what is due to the players. Sound crazy and out of mind. So Butao want prayers to produce good results on empty stomachs kkkkkkk. Koma bambo wanyerereyu ali bwinobwino.

  27. Iam not a nomad but i think the consequencies of the riots will be far too severe. A lengthy ban or hefty fines. Perhaps a demonstration is better than rioting. True Wanderers fans will not take heed of the overzealous lady’s call.

  28. We had enough, the way we keep quet more worse hapen,imagne time and again misunderstanding, its reform tym, what kind of sponsors are they? They changed our traditional colour and now players are striking for their salalies,am second to this mama, we are sick and tired of dramas to our club

  29. kkkkkk……masapota ozindikira sopano…..kaya ife tiwonera inu bt pliz musanamizire Maule ife sitipanga nao zipolowe

  30. Mzimu wa m’bale anatisiya ku balaka uja wakwiya ziwanda zankhumba munayichosa mafuta ija zalowa mwa ma supporters anoma pakufunika mapemphelo akulu okwelera mapiri kkkkkk

  31. Ngati ndalama ikuvuta anthu acheteee, oti saamwa mowa kuti tingaziti amaonongela mowa ayi, ndiye ma spornsors r there kutigwilako dzanja mpaka kulephela kuwamvetsetsa mene ndalama yavutilamu? athamangitseni team so isauke ngati kale

  32. Zimenezo ndiye za fodya. Violence ya chiyani? Zopusa basi. Lets sit down as a family and solve the problems peacefully. The one who is saying of Violence is not a true Nyerere fan.

    1. She must be arrested for conduct likely to cause breach of peace. If someone gets killed in the riots or someone’s car gets damaged by the rioting fans, Chisomo Malata should be prepared to answer the charges and pay compensation.

  33. I second her, some sponsors are burden and hindrance to prosperity, its better to have no sponsors than having them but not fulfilling their promises

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