Don’t name your dog Mutharika, you might be arrested


The naming of dogs is such a private affair but it appears in Africa it is not really a private affair and if one is not careful then they may end up in Prison.

A man in Nigeria is in custody after he named his dog Buhari, a name which corresponds with the name of the country’s President.

Joe Fortemose Chinakwe, a trader in Ogun state in Africa’s most populous country has been arrested for naming his dog Buhari, the Nigerian media has reported.

Man names a dog after Nigerian President and gets arrested.

Chinakwe was arrested after one of his neighbours of Northern extraction complained bitterly that he named his dog after his father, Alhaji Buhari.

According to the Nigerian media, Chinakwe told his friend to kill the dog and eat the meat as a way of getting rid of evidence in the case against him.

A relation to the suspect said Chinakwe was being persecuted for no just cause and expressed fears that he may either be poisoned inside police cell or thrown into jail.

Buhari also happens to be the name of the Nigerian President.

Although nobody has been arrested in Malawi for naming their dog a name similar to that of the President even if it is of another person’s grandparent, the Malawian law stipulates that an insult against the President should lead to an arrest.



  1. To all those who named their dogs Mutharika or Peter, and those who are planning to do so, mine is a warning: Do not blame Peter Mutharika or his government if you are to be arrested and rot in jail. Tamvana! Kumeneko ndi kusowa ulemu. Tiyeni a Malawi tiphunzire kulemekeza atsogoleri athu.

  2. Dzina ndi dzina basi. Kodi Muntharika adathira msonkho kuti dzinali ndi lake lokha palibe galu wina angalikonde atalifuna? Popeza kuti mukuti tisapatse galu dzina kuti Muntharika ine ndipatsa mbuzi yanga dzinali. Matchende ya Muntharikayo. Tidachoka kale mu mnthawi ya u dictator. Nkutheka kuti Munthaarika ndikunena Si President koma ngati neighbour wanga ndi Muntharika ndipo ndi chitsiru sindikumvana naye o President osamuyimile chifukwa cha uchitsiru wawo Naonso. Ine mu ulamuliro wazimuntharikazi simdapindulepo ndipo simdadyepo zawo chifukwa momwe zitsiruzi zidatengera boma simdakhaleko ku Malawiko. Mdachoka kalekale uko nilikuno kudziko laweni koma uchitsiru wawo nimaudziwa chifukwa Anthu wanga alikumeneko ndipo akuvutika chifukwa cha matama a mbolozi.

  3. Kkkkkkkkkk kuti chani mayina onsewa,Whisper,Snowy,Matolatola,Tikhalenawo,Gonthi,Vwivwivwi basi ndi katchule galu wanga dzina loti olo mu dictionary ya chilomwe mulibe misala chani

  4. Wina ayelekeze kumutchula galu wake dzina la bwana president, ukalowa ndi summer yi. Ambirinu munajayira kwambiri nthawi ya Joyce Banda mpaka kumamuyitana kuti bakha!

  5. kkkkkkkkkkk ngati akuti uzimangidwa. nanga ukamupasa zina loti OBAMA Eeeeee uzi nyongedwatu Kkkkk basi agalu anga ndiapha angayambe kundi paramurisa coz pali zuma,mugabe, n mu 7

  6. Who is saying that, for what and what does it mean don’t threate people they are citizens of this country and they have freedom of speech and to live so what this is new generation we are in 20th century don’t forget leave people to live who is muntharika and when did people know hin shame

  7. Mutharika what’s type of name kapena wa-mutharika ineyo dzina limeneli kusaimvesesa kwake ndimakhala nako siku ndi siku padzoona zake kumpasa galu dzina lantundu lotere nkumulakwira galuyo chifukwa sidzina labwino dzina limeneli ndi la ntundu wa anthu okhala nthengo ma bushmen ndye ndye zimadabwisa kuti dzina limenli analitenga kuti kapena ndi kagulu kochokera Ku Botswana ka ma bushmen

  8. Pepani munthu wamukulu wamwalira Maxon Ndembera yomwe anatithandi kwambiri I’ve abpp kuti tipeze mupando wa u President mu2014 muzimu wawo ukuse muthendele

  9. Kkkkkkk koma Peter wasowa nkhani yofuna kumangira anthu? Pangani zoti dziko lipindure osati zimenezo muonongenso kandalama kunyenyekaka kuyenda mmadera kusaka amunthalika ganizirani anthu osadzikonda nokha plz mulungu si munthu tsikulina mudzafuna ife akamfansiyanji.

  10. Malawi ndi anthu ache,zonadi pansi pa thambo lino, dzina lili ndi mbuyache?
    Kodi kalero ndi pano kunalibe a Kamuzu, a Hestings ?
    Kodi kwawoko Ku Thyolo akuti kulibenso a dzina la u Mtalika ndi Malawi, Mozambique Zambia?
    Kudziyerekedza ndi kudzitamandira kwaika a Malawi pangozi ya ufulu wao.
    Kulmekeza munthu kopambana mulungu amakwiya nako zedi.
    Masalimo 46:1-3.

    1. What a big deal with a name. Chitukuko chakukanikani. Just busy hunting pple to get them arrested. U wil need them come 2019 we wil be voting. Cant u have something to do than maina zazi. They was John in bible which means no one is allowed to call it becoz John was the baptist. If u are not a baptist get arrested.

  11. Am not a supporter of any political party but zoona munthu wanzeru zake angamatchure galu wake a name of his or her president? Thats an insult…Whatever he is, we need to respect him.

  12. Ine wanga zina lake ndi Bwampini wa Pitala nde mundimanganso, zangovutani kuyendesa boma lomwe Mbendera anakupasani misonzi ili chu..chu mmaso, lero ndi uyu wasogolayu kukamana ndi the Judge of the judges


  14. we will do it for the purpose of creating it a remembrance to recall my fellow malawians the foolish things he is doing during his term of presidency !


  16. Kkkkkk koma anthu muna kwiya ku mnpanje ngati munthu wankulu wabwela poela ndekuti watopa nanu dzina la muthalika lumapatsidwa kwa galu mmm

  17. Ningomuitana komaliza kokha Garu peter mtharikaaaaaaaaaaa koma nde amabaaaaa sizinaonekeso mmmmmm Garuuuuuu peter mtharika kaya wapita kwaneba sakukuwaso et.

  18. koma garu mwayika apayu ndiujayu munkati wadya nkhanda la mwana ku brantyre lero ndiuyu mwamuyika apayu koma ndi same picture kod mumasowa zolemba ??? and nkhan iyiyi mwabera ku nigeria coz wamalonda wina anatchula garu wake dzina #buhali pompopompo anamumanga mkuluyo lero lino nanu mukulemba zoti kutchula garu wanu dzina #munthalika umagwidwa zaonetseratu kut ndinu mbuzi za anthu kubera bax pangan zanu osati zomakoperazi shame on you journalist mxiiiii ndakwiya nanu nose anyapapi

  19. Kodi Amalawi Anzanga Timachedwelanj Ndikupanga Za Ena.Mmalo Mopanga Zathu Chonch Mulungu Sangatidalise.Cos Tikuchedwa Mmalo Mokut Tilimbike.

  20. You cannot give your child a name of a person you hate, a neighbour you hate, a family member you hate, that means you are insane. You bring closer the name to your family or property which has contributed positive change to you, your family, your community, country and beyond. It means you adore, like and love the name. If a Jew who survived concentration camp names the child Hitler, the name will just torture the parents and open the old wounds. The name has power.

  21. A thomasi nkhani yabwino komano example ya zinthu zinapatsiwa mainazo nizabwino zokhazokha kusiyana ndi galu nchimodzimodzi nanuso aneba anu kukhala ni galu nkumutcha Thomasi I tink kungakhale ya pachiweniweni yofunika UN kudzalanditsa.

  22. Eeee mpakana maina. If my dog is john, then all the John will arrest me. So which names are allowed. My dog is my dog i wil call any name and i have a right to do so. If u dont like it then change yo name. So what charges are u going to press on the guy who call a name that u dont like.

    1. if iname my dog michael mkandawire inu mukudutsa panjira ine ndikumaitana inu kuvomera ine kunena kut ndikuitana galu wanga mungachimve bwanj thats an insult vuto tikamaziphatikiza ndi ndale tizipeleka maganizo olakwika

    2. That wil never change. U can call it i dont care that wil never change who i am. So what charges are they going to accuses this guy. If pple give the dog yo name, that shows u are disgusting or u act like a dog. Why did they called the name 4rm the beginning? The arrest is unlawful. That is a civil matter not a criminal case. Now trust me many dog are going to adopt the name. This game is rough.

    3. Loius watch yo tongue idiot. I didn’t fuckn ask yo opinion on my life. So if u don’t have a word just eat fuckn shut up. Who do u think u are fuckn malaka? I dont give a fuck damme. Yo headteacher to yo kids not to me. I have a right of expression and u have to respect it u like or not. No fwii fwii to me am a big man than u teacher.

    4. That good Enock. Becoz we are sick and tired of pple who think they can bull us defending mbewa zaanthu. They is not name which is restricted to copyright act.

    5. @Jackson nawenso kuwerenga macomment azitsilu kusowa chochita ndiwe chitsilu. I think we are all zitsilu including u. And u are the C.E.O of zitsilu. How do u know kuti ndife zitsilu? U dont have a right to call anyone chitsilu. Watch yo tongue!!!

  23. a name is just an identification bt it doesnt change behaviour of an organism. am thomas d phiri i can change it to be Madelicate Organs and my character wont change. here in malawi we have paul kagame road, bingu comference hall, kamuzu college, or central hospital. can u tel me the section in the constitution of the republic of malawi which restrict names. my first born wil be ….

    1. What respect r u talking about ? Name is just a name …and mind u a name doesn’t mean anything it just a symbol …. Thus agreeable thing to represent something…. Therefore any one can name anything any name of his or her choose as far as he/she is able to recognise it .. So wake up bro and see that the word mutharika doesn’t mean anything thing but is people’s interpretation that it may mean the current DPP President or may be that dog or even certain cashgater or may be a car to others so to me there is nothing and is not constitutional to arrest any one for name ……. May be this President is thinking that is god … Get me right I did not say God for I know for sure that he is not the Almighty…….. To be continued …….

    2. Emmanuel Chikoko, your point is just the same with that of Thomas. Thomas hasn’t mentioned anything like “respect” as you are putting it, but restrict which means restrain,forbid,stop.

      He is challenging the writer to tell him the part of our constitution that stipulates on names. I’m sure we don’t have.
      Re-read his point.

    3. Yah u posted to wrong person’s comment someone talked about showing respect …to President … I am real sorry for posting to this good comment…

  24. Tikuchedwa mkunyoza kutukwana anzanu mukwatukwanawo zawo zinayera ndipo zikuyererabe pano inu ndine tikutuwa mmmmm amalawi mutani kodi ,Vuto titukwana nkunyoza koma sitingasove mavuto anthu olo mpang’ono pomwe

  25. Come arrest me if u want cos i dnt see a reason why i shld change the name for my Dog Muthalika 2yrs nw wth this name so what?? A name is a name….Lawyers wake up its time to eat money after winning the case!!

    1. Tapitani Poyera Kaa Tikuoneni Mutchuke! Kkk Zazi Tonse Tinalengedwa Mu Chifaniziro Cha Yehova tiyeni nazoni ma lawyer kumwambako akakhalako! bwanj mumalimbana ndi zithu za zii?

    2. I can smell a rat here. Cowards seek revenge, powerful pple they keep silent, and intelligent pple just ignore. They is an agent here. Wake up this is a free country. Kaya zanu izo birds of same feathers flow together. A dog is a pet and its part of our family.

  26. ine ndili ndi ka nursery school komwe fees yake ndinakweza kwambiri malangana ndi economy ya dziko lathu lino. makolo a ana atandidandaulira kt ndisiseko, ndinasisa ndi k50. from that day anthu akumanditchula bingu. ine si galu kma munthu nde pali vuto ngat?

  27. We shall name them Thomas Thomas D Phiri, moses Munthali, or stand wakwaphwanya chavula, uladi mussa, justice Banda retired

  28. nde tikapezeka otchula agalu athuwa dzina la amfumuli amzinda wathuwu, ku prison ko tizikakhala kwazaka zingati?

  29. In fact naming my dog Munthalika is an insult, but naming it Peter it may sound far much better. Nanga Munthalika kwathu kuno is not a common name that can be given to pets.

  30. Tuuzen Khani Zokhala Ndi Umboni, Osat Zongoganizra, Muthu Yemwe Mukumuda. Samalani Ikhoza Kupangidwa Delete.

  31. ife kumudzi aliko galu Bingu posaka mayenje a mbewa alibe mzake ndiye pano anapeza kena kagalu anakapatsa dzina akuti nyapapi koma ndinawauza kuti akazakuverani aboma azaona ngati mukunena abwana mukapatse lina ayiii ndithu anakana…

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