Malawi President Peter Mutharika has appealed to all Malawians to say a big no to the darkest evil of killing people with albinism in the country.
Mutharika made the remarks during the commemoration of International Albinism Awareness Day on Monday 13th June which took place at Kasungu community centre ground in Kasungu.
The Malawi leader said it is the duty of every individual to fight stigma and discrimination against people with albinism and urged Malawians to protect their friends with albinism.

“I appeal to all Malawians and to all sections of community that lets protect fellow friends with albinism, it’s embarrassing and it’s wrong above all it’s a sin to treat a fellow human being as a commodity,” said Mutharika.
The Malawi leader further said the day is celebrated in the country to promote diversity and promote inclusion since we are all one human race and God’s children.
“We celebrate the diversity and promote inclusion because we are all God’s children, this dehumanization is simply unacceptable, we choose to accept persons with albinism and [they] must not be denied rights, health, education,” he emphasized.
On his part, President for Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM) Boniface Massa said society must accept that people with albinism are human beings.
The International Albinism Awareness Day was set aside by the United Nations general assembly on 14th November 2014 with the aim to reflect on the plight of persons with albinism and serve as an appeal to government, civil society organizations and the general public to respect the rights of people with albinism This year’s international albinism awareness day was celebrated under the theme “Together we must stop violations against persons with albinism”.
Government has said dere is no market place 4 albinism so were dis evil ppo r going wth albinism’z bones???? Boma likanangonena kt azigwidwayo azivekedwa theyala nkumuotcha cbwenzitu anthu akupangansoi
Peter just punish these albino killers by putting them in jail for 50 years or more
mwatchena bwino ndipo mwalankhula bwino koma samalani poti chilungamo mkutheka mukuchidziwa ,,mulungu simunthu,kubisala pachipande
Wakupha nzake aphedwe that’s it…
Taonani zimasuti ngati athu anzeru
Don’t just be saying shit. Do something. You havent showed us any action, yet. You just good at talking. Kill some Albino killers so we shud knw that you are serious about this shit. Otherwise shut your stinking ass mouth up. Dick head.
is that the State House, how many rooms does t have?
Zochititsa manyazi a malawi. Nyasi zithe zimenezi.
We need visible police in rural areas.
U r not serious Mr. President, ur fell President ku Tanzania has a law that who kill must also be killed.So why here how special r u ? Mukudziwapo kanthu apa, shamon u
dont just sing like a chouer master we re action mr leader we are loosing our friends
bodza la president akamalamula silidziwika / mwachidule timalondati amapanga nawo asakukulungeni m’masamba
This is aspiritual battle,people can play the blame game for years but still no solution! Its not the president,not the police,not the herbalists,not the rich and not even ourselves.this thing has an invisible source it is has destroyed our minds the only way out is through God! Let us ask our God not to let this happen and for our part let us clean our hearts:replace evil mind settings with Good and loving settings,let us show our friends that we are images of God and God is love and that it.
anthu ogwidwa aja munalumbiritsa kuti asakuulureni akagwidwa, mumatuma ndinu nomwe lero mukuonetsa ngati ndinu okhuzidwa. Shame to you the hypocrite, shame to you the wicked. chilungamo chasala pang’ono tikudziwani.. God will show us the real you very soon.
He is pretanding the matter
correct me if i’m wrong, albinisim is a condition not not a type of person and therefore, we refere to people with/living with albinisim not albinos. thank you.
Pitala ndi amene akutuma izi
wy bad mind killn?foseki
Popeza bible zinalembedwa usapha tsoka kwa inu mukupha mulandu muzayankha nokha
No wanuyo tamuwelenga ndikumubva. But bottom line Bon Winiko Kalindo Ayende Maliseche kaye ndiye tigwilizana-nazo ka. No wopanda any action kuli ngati kuyakha Call 4n isadaitane.
Ndinu nomwe musatisokosepo apa, onse agwidwa aja sanaulule komwe kuli nsika? Kodi aja anagwidwa kuntcheu aja mesa anaululapo anthu ena mwapangapo chani? Musatinyanse anthu oipa inu ndinu nomwe mukupha mulungu ndiye mwini zonse mudzayankha zonsezi
ineso zikundinyasa kwabasi onani zimasuti ngati zianthu dzazeru musatisokose apa.
Albino anayamba kuphedwa kalekale even in kamuzu Banda leardership Do you have a prof kut is Peter Munthalika????
Kamuzu wake utiyo? Ukuyikila kumbuyo poti kwanu palibe waphedwa, akanakhala kuti sakudziwapo kanthu bwenzi atachitapo kanthu, malawi ndidziko lalingono sizingawavute kuthetsa zimenezo akungoyankhula bwanji osakhala serious? Dzipangani chiweluzo chikubwela
Malawi consistution does not recognise witchcraft and satanism,now look what is happening and you are calling evil yet our own laws forbid us to call this satanism or witchcraft.muisova!!!!
Abwana ingonenani kut opha ma albino nawonso aphedwe basi
musamayese zida a pa tangonena kuti opezeka ndiziwalo zimenezi nayeso azingidwe basi osata zomwe mukunenazo
Akamagwidwa ingophani ndalamula ndineyo pano
U r d 1 who kill em
Mr leader u knows where there’s reallity very well so don’t shade citzenz sight.
#choziwaziwa Galu wa Kalulu apanga dala moyayo Nyenga ndiyemweyo
Koma akupha azawo. Mulungu amasewela naye
Makape. mafuta nde akwera shaaa!
Kodi nanga apulesidentiwo naonso akanakhala albino ndikuphedwanso, okuphayo sakanaphedwa? Nanga iwowo sakuvomereza kuti wakupha albino nayenso aphedwe chifukwa chani? Akudziwa kanthu akungotizemberera. Tizingopha tokha basi opezekayo.
Just saying no will not help any more what is needed is to deal with the killers first and then deal with the buyers
The best way to handle these issue is capital punishment who kill must be killed also or people should take a law into their own hand because goverment is failing to handle these issue.it is shameful and sinful to kill innocent people.
To say the fact the practice is beyond witchcraft.
The President should put strong measures to stop the trade of killing albinos .Once one is found killing themaja or anyone,the goverment should take serious action as alesson to other evil doers.
Bt apolice nawo achepetse kumangomenya wamba anthu rather than finding an alternative solution to aleviate this malpractice… Ukangoti wadeledwa .. Uyenera kuopa apolise #osati achifwamba kapena mbava. Ukafika 8 pm usadaweluke kutchito… Nkwabwino kupempha malo wogona komweko. Ngati umalawilira kutchito before 6 am… Ayi ndithu…samala ungadzole #mambama aapolice….
kodi chikuvuta ndi chani kupanga lamulo loti opezeka kupha albino aphedwe?
lamulo lilipo_ wopha mnzake aphedwe. koma anthuwa akupanga kaye human parts trafficking_ a boma likudziwa
just by saying a big no won’t help but opezekayo aphedwe
Mr president and ua cabnet knws something about .
Only GOD can afford to handle this.
Kulephereka kwa a police ndikumeneko kumanga ndikutulusa afitiwa
We needed immediate reaction from u mr leader,where were u all dis tym u r coming when pple are already brutality assasinated??? Thx u 4 ur remarks!
doubting to give right decision till things come to worse. was waiting for albinism day kkkkkk
Blindfolding I guess
May b he waz nt aware!kkkk
But i guess we need action on this matter not words only
we need action not words, kill this suckrs
Yes indeed is evil plz….. Mr president do something for as
Empty speech, no solution still, albinos wil stil b targetted! Leadershp too weak to handle the problem
One has to b in position of authority to curb the problem. Enough of petty talkng, we need action
U too u are concern to fight in the area u are! And give ppl the important point stop killing them!
Vuto linanso ndilimeneli mmalo motenga anthu akumudzi mwatenga ammaoffice okha ophunzira
And Kodi Anthu Amagwidwawa Saulula Kuli Misika Kuti Zitheretu?Mu News Timaona Awa Agwidwa Bt Go And Deal with The Buyers And The Hunters Wil Stops Coz They Know Where They Sell Deal With Them!
Akuluakulu omweo akudziwapo kanthu ngati akumatenga anthu kumawagulitsa kwa Aluya what more with these people.
James Chimaliro imagine 139 pipo caught but no clue as to who is behind all this are we serious really osawafinya bwa iam puzzled tikati tithane nao akukana chabwino pakhale death penaulty ayi kodi akubisa ndani
Me Too I Wonder Guys Ma Guys Opha Ma Albino Amawagwira Koma Kodi Amagula Ndindani?
and i still believe to call a spade a spade.
Do serys action first,not jst talking without anything heeee!!?.
Lord Hav Mercy
this guy z an idiot . we r tired of hearing his nosense, atleast he shulđ show some actions. galu amenei buanji
We need more security and development in Malawi please
Akungotipusitsa awa nyenga ndizomwezo
The killers should face the long arm of law.
Real that is very bad and those pple who do the thing must be punished to death as well.
please deal with the market, that big no can not work if market doors are open we should not pretend we all dont know otherwise you are just increasing the demand. God help malawi
Thanks Mr President. Fundo yabwino
fundo it-imeneyo???
Uzimvetsa akamalankhula
Chulu enough of talking its time to act agwidwa anthu ambiri awafinye mpaka aulure amene akuwatuma mpaka 139 Kugwidwa koma osawafinya kumangowaunjika mmaselo mmalo .mokuti akupatseni clue are u serious??????
Only Jah Knw! #beVeryCareful.
satanist/illuminates does that way
Malawi dziko ratendere mwapanga bwanj ariyese ndimuthu one love
Yes I agree wth u r point bad spirit. Out. Where ever u r
Apo ndiye mukuyitha
Its so embarassing what is happening ie our countly. Should we are the last days? Imagine being ur own blood- child would u perform such evil thing? Where that Malawi called ‘WARM HEART OF AFRICA’? Being Albin isnt parents will neither the albino himself or herself. Lets spare their lives for God’s sake coz he has plans on them.