It all started on 11th December 2015 when aspiring Presidential candidates Wilkins Mijiga and Willy Yabwanya Phiri and Vice President hopeful Tiya Somba Banda complained to the appeals committee that there were irregularities in the run up to December 12 Football Association of Malawi (FAM) elections in Mangochi.
The three complained that the electoral committee led by Dingiswayo Madise, had flouted several articles of the electoral code.

The appeals committee led by Justice Lovemore Chikopa stopped the polls but FAM used its executive power and went ahead with the elections saying the appeals committee ruling was invalid since it was convened without a third member in the name of George Bakuri.
On the general assembly day, the trio – Yabwanya, Somba, and Mijiga – obtained a court injunction ahead and it took hours for the assembly to convene.
In the presence of FIFA envoy Ashford Mamelodi, Walter Nyamilandu was re-elected and was told to deal with the culprits for violating FIFA statuses that restricts association members from taking football matters to court.

They were summoned by the FA’s disciplinary committee last month where, according to what we have gathered, Mijiga and Yabwanya Phiri, have been found guilty of violating FIFA statuses by taking football issues to ordinary courts.
According to an inside source who opted for anonymity, Somba Banda has escaped the wrath of the FA while Mijiga and Yabwanya Phiri have been handed lengthy bans by the disciplinary committee.
Malawi24 has latest information which reveals that they are just waiting for the signature of FAM’s General Secretary Suzgo Nyirenda who is currently in Mexico for a FIFA congress meeting.
Efforts to speak to the involved parties proved futile as they opted to remain silent until the verdict is out to the general public.
Kkkkkkkkk kodi mpira umayambira pati kapena kuti? Chikuvuta kumalawi kuno ndichiyani kuti tisamachite bwino? Mukungotukwanizana muli pheee. Koma nyamilandu waonjeza, vuto ndi chan?
Koma mpira uyenda
Eeee Koma guys amalawi ife kwacha izatipha. nyamilanduyi anachitapo kanthu basi. zisiyeni apanga nkhola mwawo athu ndi maso tizingoyang’ana.
Madzi nyamilandu Mulungu adzakulanga b4 ur last day padziko pano ndipo ulamuliro wako uva kuwawa pokha pokha utavomeleza kut sudapange bwino
Walter ndi Dhilu munthu ophuzira bwino odziwa nthito yake.
Ntchito yache yomangokhalira kuluzayi?? Flames inayamba yapangapo kolifaye?? Za mkutu basi
Walter sasewera mpira iwe…..kupepera eti?
Akaombe sumusata mpila coz mpila umayambila ku management usanamenyedwe kaye
Chriss chiuze chitsiru chi Bonnet Kaombecho sichidziwa.Iyeyo Chi Nyamilanducho dzitsiru za Pp zokha zokha mbuzi mano kunsi
Inu matenanti a Kampopi ngati m’madana ndi walter awo ndi mavuto anu…chikhala kuti nyamilandu sagwira bwino nthito bwezi waluza ma Elections…Walter ndi Akatundu omanga ndimawaya
Kkkkk Walter ndi dhilu. Zampira, palibenso
Anyamilandu adziwe kuti udindo angoukakamirra koma chitukuko sachidziwa manyazinso alibe,ife timafuna zachilendo izi si za myaya ngati ufumu ayi apatseni mwayi anzanu apange chitukuko.
Nyamilandu azayaluku zedi kumalawi kuposela wina aliyense manyazi alibe chimunthu cholephela muzonse koma nkumakakamila paudindo hahaha mpira wake uti kumalawi? Penya iwe zitaye usanayaluke
Tiona kusogoloku
Achina Walter piano ndiye palibe mukuchita koma kuba ndalama basi
Tiya banda koma banda mwachuluka abanda aliyense banda chamba eti