Nkhotakota recording high cases of Indian hemp possession


After being named the second best police station in combating crime in the central region, Nkhotakota police says in last year 71 people were convicted in the district after the police had arrested them for illegally possessing the illicit drug Cannabis Sativa locally known as Chamba , an increase from 20 convicts in the year 2014.

Marijauana is being smoked recovered frequently.

According to a 2015 by Nkhotakota Police report, from January 1 to December 30, 2015, 81 cases were registered of which 10 were committed by women while 71 were by men. Out of the 81 cases, 71 of the law violators were sentenced and convicted by the courts.

The report also indicates that the convicts and suspects are aged between 20 and 40. Most of the convicts were fined between K10,000 and K900,000 or in default serve between three months and six years jail terms.

In an interview, Nkhotakota detective drug Inspector Nicholas Benedicto attributed the success to the hardworking officers and the cordial relationship the police have with the general public.

“Imagine, in the year 2014 the station and the courts managed to convict 20 people on Indian hemp related cases. While in the year 2015 we have managed to secure 71 convictions on the same. This isn’t a lesser achievement,” said Benedicto.

Benedicto added that most of the arrests occurred at Kaombe police roadblock while others occurred during snap roadblocks, and result of rest-house searching.  Some were caught unaware on uncharted routes and during several sweeping exercises police conducted in the district.

Among the Indian Hemp cases last year, police arrested Matambo Chikwa who was found with 29 bags of Chamba systematically packed in a Toyota carina saloon type, registration number NU 5592. Chikwa was convicted to pay a fine of K900,000 or serve a six-year jail term.

In September, police in collaboration with Nkhotakota wildlife and game reserve officials destroyed over 4.5 tons and uprooted over 4 hectares of the illicit drug which was being illegally cultivated in Nkhotakota game reserve.

Being found in possession of Cannabis sativa without license is contrary to section 4(a) of Dangerous Drug Regulation and 19 (1) of the Dangerous Drug Act.

Police in the district have put in an initiative where anyone whose report will lead to the arrest of traffickers shall be rewarded accordingly.



  1. Am from Nkhotakota en I support ulimi umenewu coz muli dollar even a police akagwira chambacho samaotcha chose China amagulisa we no their misika .

  2. Achita bwino pomugwira chifukwa chamba anthu akupenga nacho, ena samakhala ndi ukhondo pa thupi lawo nde choncho sizabwino bola aziwamanga basi…….

  3. Naneso kamunda kanga kachita bwino ndithu chaka chino oti chimanga sidzalimaso pano ndikusimba lokoma ndi kaning’ina ameneyu kkkkkk NB ndikufunaso malo ena chamukhotakota momuno plz chandilora ine

  4. Malawi police muli nd soka….ganja kumalawi akuyenda malonda ku zibwabwe asiyeni anthu akupulumukila momwemo muzilimba nd okuba ma cable amagesi osati zomela.. kod simuziwa kut chuma chathu chili mu nthala.regalize chamba

  5. Malamulo ambiri amene tikuyendetsera dzikoli anapanga ndi azungu, iwowo anaunika patali osatidzindikilitsa zazinthu zina zaphindu mmalo mwake anatigwira kumaso. Nkhani ya chomerra chimenechi ambiri sayimvetsa amakamba zimene wina ananena kapena kuopsezedwa ndi anthu ena. Chilichonse ukapanga beyond limit zotsatila ndi mavuto. Bola ganja nanga mpaka mathanyula?

  6. Ndiye bola ziko likanangopanga legalise kuti anthu tizilima Chamba mkumagulisa! kusiyana ndikuvomeraza mchitidwe oyipa wa Mathanyula!!

  7. Go arrest murderers,thieves n law breakas +the president who’s incouraging gay marriege!!.Leeeave the weeeeed alone!!!!

  8. Malawi24???? Tafufuzani bwinobwino tsiku lina mutatiuzeko Kodi Chamba ndi Za Mathanyulazi chabwino kulollezedwa mmdziko mwathu muno ndi Chiyani? Malingana ndi nyengo yomwe tikudusayi…

  9. Legalise [[weedicon]] [[weedicon]] Pliz! Chikanakhala [[weedicon]] Cimapengetsa Bwenz Atamanga #mental_hospital Ku Nkhota1/4’ko

  10. Koma Dzikoli lalowadi ku Dzenje.Boma likudziwa kuti Chamba amalima kuti,kudikira kuti Apolice a gwire Munthu atanyamula ,osangopita kumindako nkukawotcha bwanji?kumangowapasa Ntchito A police kuti azitchuka kuti akuziwa Ntchito yawo.

  11. Malawi’s best boost economy could be ganja but police are hindering the growth of economy in MalawiWe can’t compare Malawi to other developed countries that are not allowing the cultivation of canabis sativa.Our economy is poor and we don’t have recommendable resources to via up Malawi so let’s venture in ganja business.

  12. Ganja its part of agriculture and can help grow the economy. Stop arresting ganja growers n start arresting those gays

  13. kkkkkkkkk bola azigulisa chamba nanga osamanga akuluakulu aku cashgate awo ineso ndimagulitsa bwelani muzandimange misala eti

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