Breaking news: Suspected thief mercilessly killed in Blantyre

Machinjiri robbery
Machinjiri robbery

A yet to be identified man has been found dead with his skull out in the wee hours of today at Nathoka along the road close to Anderse tower in Machinjiri, Blantyre.

It is suspected that the man was a thief and onlookers say he was found by people who were passing by the bush early in the morning. The onlookers said when they saw a humanlike feature in the bush, they  went closer and found that it was a indeed a man who was in a red T-Shirt and brown trousers.

However, no one around the area has reported any cases of theft.

Our reporter Happy Soko says the incident has left many people in the township wondering on what really happened to the man.

Police are yet to identify the deceased and Malawi24 is keenly following the issue.

Police have since taken the dead body to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, according to reports.



Machinjiri robbery
Oh! My word: The slain man in the grass.
Machinjiri robbery
Here is where I end.
Machinjiri robbery
Where are my skins?
Machinjiri robbery
Machinjiri robbery
Lying dead without skins.




  1. Inu smunafufuze kungofkila ndi mbava bax…kupusa et….mob justice mmaiziwa inu….nde nokha mukuti palibe wadandaula zoberedwa yet you went on with ur stupid headline…uzaziona akazakhala m’bale wako

  2. Munthuyu Sanali Okuba Koma Wachtidwa Chiwembu Dzana Ndikupaponyedwa Kutchile..Wapezeka Dzulo Kwa Nanthoka Atakamponyera Kutchile Atamuchotsa Mphuno,mano,maliseche,ndikumusenda Mmutumo Kuti Anthu Asamuzindikile ,rip Gaba

  3. who said he was a thief?? koma abale.. hahaha. i stay around that area.. he was just found dead there. atamupha they dropped him there..

  4. He is yet to be identified why are you saying he was a thief? I bet this man has just been murdered. especially when noone around has been robbed of. Anyway,God and the killerz know wat exactly is. But it showz lawlessness and insecurity.

  5. Thats A Sad News To Say, Why Killing Like Dat? Malawi Is A God Fearing Nation;but What Is Going Wrong In Our Minds.

  6. Munthuyu sanali wakubwa; he is just an innocent victim of thugs. Zovala zakezo zilibe even even a single drop of blood and pamene wagonapo palibenso even a single drop of blood. Ulesi apolisi, m’malo mofufuza achifwamba apha munthuyu they are just concluding that anali wakuba. This is horrible.

    Tapha anthu akuba ife, koma apapa palibiletu umboni oti munthuyu ndiwakuba. Bwanji anthu amu area yomwe zinthuzi zachitikira sanamve kuti kukuphedwa wakuba? Wakuba amaphedwa kachetechete? Zosatheka. Komanso palibe even a single stone or mwala omwe anthu opha wakubayu anagwilitsa nthito, why? Wakubatu timapha ngati njoka ndi ndodo, miyala, zikwanje, etc.

    This could be a new trend in town where people will be skinned and their body parts used for satanic rituals. Be careful friends, this is no laughing matter and the police shouldn’t jump into conclusion on such issues. What happened to Njauju? The dead man may have been an important person who had to be gotten rid of for someone to survive. I for one can’t buy the cheap thief theory for a lot of things aren’t adding up here.

  7. If they’re men & women of GOD (christians) here, I just want to ask you to take part in prayer and intercessions, to interceed for thieves and every kind of sins in our that people are doing in our nation, and that they should turn back and repent to the LORD! For its better to have more born agains christians, than to have more death due to unselved……!

  8. Why was he a suspected thief again? Any evidence? Pssss! Looks like an animal attack to me. And posed a good question, why is there no blood at the scene? Either the skinning happened elsewhere and the body just got dropped there when the bleeding had stopped or something was eating him.

  9. Let’s not take law into our own hands. Catch a thief all any suspect and surrender him to responsible authorities for interrogation and if found guilty to be arrested and jailed.

  10. izi ife timangoziona mu ma horror anthu kwathu kuno mumathanso kusenda munthu eti

  11. Tipheni momvetsa chisono choncho pongotiganizira kuti taba khonyo la mondokwa;na aja anaba ma #MILIYONI mu ulamuliro wa #AMAYI mutaninawo?????? #RIP BRO

  12. Anthu ofuna ntchito sakulembedwa mungotenga azukulu anu anatopa kale ndi ntojani kodi enawa muwathandiza bwanji?????? Zimenezi ndichani kodi ameneyu mutaninaye!!!!!?

  13. Musatinamize a malawi 24, he wasnt a thief wangopezeka mmbali mwanseu ataphedwa chomwe chachitika up to now sichikuziwika ndani angaphe okuba ndikumamusenda nkhope?i was there

  14. Kuyenda usiku chomwe chimakutsata sumachiziwa kupewa ndikufika panyumba nthawi yabwino2 ngati ukuziwa za miseu ya panyasalande mmene ilili yenda kumbali kuwopesa galimoto zapa Nyasaland zilibe cof ikagunga imalanza bwana wa tikawamva kumwamba zomwe zinawachitikila loooo

  15. Dear Editor,
    I have a level 4 & 5 diploma in journalism and media studies and was wondering if you would like to hire me because your news stories seem to be written by amateurs and usually unedited when posted online.

    1. Do not Judge chani apa! Ngende ndi ngende kumachulukira nzeru mathanyula?? Zoona anthu ophunzira a nzeru zanu mungamaime pa chulu ndi kumati tifuna tiamenyere anthu ufulu oti azipanga mathanyula? Mwasiya kuganiza mwa umunthu mwayamba kuganiza mwa misala kuposa Galu! Akulu inu mwakomenta komaliziranu ndifuna ndiku uzeni palibepo cha nzeru chimene munganene choikira kumbuyo anthu okuba komanso opanga mathanyula!! Anthu amenewa akuyenera aziphedwa! Ndi bwino Mulungu akatiotche ndi mulandu oti timapha zigandanga ndi anaMathanyula

    2. big up #chrissie…. i like people like you… you ate on my side… thumb up… bible likunena kuti opanga mathanyula aphedwe basi…

  16. Guyz izitu ndi zabwino ndithu. Iyindi njila imodzi yomwe ingathandidze kukhwimitsa chitetezo muno m’malawi , ngati ife tingalekele a police okha ndiye kuti chitetezo tilibe chokwanila , ineyo ndi kuti , more fire amalawi!!!!! . maiko ena akusowa mphanvu ndi umodzi ngati izi .

    1. Iwe #Ntilosanje ine atakhala m’bale wanga ndinena kuti wapitira zintchito zache! Munthu wa maganizo olongosoka sangamulimbikise m’bale wache kuti aziba kapena kumasowesa ena mtendere! Ife tikuti anthu a mbanda komanso a Mathanyula azipangidwa zimenezi no mercy!

    2. Kufa saferana! Munthu amakolola zomwe wafesa! Munthuyo khaya ndi m’bale olo ayi koma ngati wapanga chisankho choti azipanga za uchigawenga ayenera aweruzidwe moyenera ndi zintchito zache

  17. Where is security now???Should we jst chop each other like S.A.s?No,take action b4 it’s 2 late.You Mr President ignore my message and U’ll b the next Gadhaf

  18. Lero mukut poor security, dzana kukutsekesani mabotle store 9koloko mwat apolisi, inu mukufuna apolisi adzienda nanu? Akakuthamangitsa mmiseumu 10pm mwat human rights, dat time akakubela uli kumowa poor security, 90% mbuli, kuombera mfiti manja.

    1. Mapoliticians akumadimba amenewa asiyen koma akuganza kuti akapha peter alamula ndi mnkhatabayo? shame tiziwopa mulungu tilibe mphavu yochotsa moyo.mulowelerepo mbuye.

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