Hundreds of people in Nyongo village, Traditional authority Chiwewe in Dowa district are destitute after heavy rains blew off roofs and completely destroyed some houses in the area last week.

According to Mponera Aids and Counselling Centre (Maicc) programmes manager George Kaunda, 78 households have been affected in Nyongo alone and among them 12 houses have been completely demolished.
Group village head Nyongo said the heavy rains were accompanied by strong winds.
“As I was hurrying to check where the noise was coming from, l saw iron sheets from my house being blown off. I quickly called my family outside and we stood outside soaking in the rains,” he said.
Nyongo added that most people in the village have no shelter and are struggling to access food since most of their belongings were in the houses.
We need indeed strong preparations towards this rain season although our economy is unstable
apapa ndiye boma likuyenera kukonzekera mokwani chifukwa nyengo tikupitayi ndi ya mvula
Kunakakhala kuno kwathu pano anthuwa atathandizidwa kale, koma central region AAA zawo zimenezo.
tili ndi Peter profesor athananazo zimenezo
God protect us
Disaster fund
Sory brothers
Bad news
Ndiye Munali Kut Nthawi Yonsei Osatdziwitsa?
kukutetha hvy that’s why ukubwera mwaukali
Prayers and planting more trees is the only solution. Kodi ku Dowa kuli mfumu Chiwewe kapena Chiwere?
Imeneyo ndie malawi24 sazxwa kuwerenga zomwe alemba mkuchita edit
Dziko likhutha yhoo
Heavy rains cannot blow off roofs.
Malawi needs serious prayers!!help us Lord
Sorry 4 dat Accidents Kwa mawanja Onse Okhuzidwa.
Wea z accident mr ngoma?
In Dowa.4 houses that destroyed with havy Rain.
Tanyanya kuxibera tonkha moti pano MULUNGU wakwiya nafe ndi chilango
Tiyang’ane kumwamba athandize malawi wathu
Lowe shire warning imeneyi!
Pepani okhuzidwa nonse.
Iiiishi ku Dowa? Koma dhen ya mdhala siinafoirenawo?
TA chiwewe in Dowa?
T/A Chiwere Not Chiwewe
Kodi Ndizachilendo Kumalawi Kuno?
T/A “Chiwewe” nde mbalii?
munyanya amalawi kuba wakwiya mulungu
Kkkkk koma adha lol
Oh Lord, have mercy on the pple of Malawi.
sorry for dat let hope well wishers will help the suffered pple.
We Don’t Hv TA Chiwewe In Dowa
TA Chiwere amafika mpaka kuno ku salima
Ndipo titha
Thot u jst headlined 12 families…nde “…hundreds of people…”, where z thah sum coming frm? Overpopulated families?
I think 12 z 4 houseless pple n others their houses r just destroyed but not completly
May b, cuz panopa tili ndi ‘Exaggerative journalism or Investigative journalism.’ And e way Mw z at e moment I tend not distinguish e two.
Zikatelo ena amakakamila komweko
hehehehe..ayayaya..koma kuli kanthu..ISIS ivutire pake kunonso ndizimenezi..M’Baibulo analemba kuti:”Masautso omwe azaoneke m’nthawiyo, sanaokepo chilengedwereni dziko lapansi ndipo sazaonekanso.” nthawi ija mwina ndiyimeneyi..
At least you never mentioned Deaths. There’s hope to rebuild n restore. We all need rains .
Zosakhala bwino ai
Waku Lower Shire ingosamukiratu chaka chino boma lilibe dollar. Ma warning ndi amenewa ukumvawa
Nde bomanso ndalama njee zoti nkuthandizila ngozizi.
Malawi Ali Pamoto Basi
God heal malawi
Zimatelo madera ena tikugona panja nako kutentha
Boma tithandizeni mofulumira. zagwera ife koma mmawa ndi awonso kapena inu nomwe. chonde tithandizeni.