A Malawian couple in Karonga district has been killed by being set on fire by irate villagers on allegations of witchcraft in Mchenjere village in the district.
Police has identified the couple as Titus Vikhumbo aged 76 from Mchenjere village and his wife Marinara Mathongo aged 65 from Mwanyecha 3 village paramount chief Kyungu in Karonga district.
Confirming the development Karonga police spokesperson Enock Livason said the situation went hay wire on Monday evening where people killed the couple and buried their remains in their kitchen.
“The couple was killed by the members of their community on allegations that they were keeping Crocodiles for witchcraft,” said Livason.
So far no one has been arrested,but police has warned people to stop taking the law into their hands saying it is a criminal offence.
Meanwhile the Executive Director of Association for Secular Humanism George Thindwa has condemned the act and said the association will investigate the matter.
He further said that it is unfortunate that people are failing to accept sudden deaths in their area.
Thats bad
Achita bwino kuwapha,aphenso ng’onazo.
zabodza. karonga wake uti?mwasowa cholemba mwayamba kupeka basi
Very bad.
Son of beech
Kukamwa kwangondiuma.
Mwapiya mukole luru mwanthu. harmony iz abig gun
well done to who kill them..kkkkk
really? what if people accuse u just because they hate u???
So o cn just make up a rumour that someone is practising witchcraft without any evidence and have them burnt and the police won’t even arrest me?
Let me not get enemies.
karonga! Rip granny’s
Zinthuzake! Ayi ndthu tzingophana tokhatokha maptoake.
bola ng’onayo ndi ya ku madzi,musova kwatsala mkango tsopano
Ufit kulibe kuno! Malamulo agwile ntchito yake muthu akakalamba bas zokamba mbweee mpaka ndikumupha
amchita bwino nayeso auwone ukali wa imfa,ngozi pa ngozi basi iyaaa,ufiti kulibe kuti athindwa nanuso misala eti?
Thindw u just talk like u re in Europe
Oh ! My beloved Mother , Malalawi .
Where has all the God fearing spirit and the Humanity gone ?
We don’t have to behave in such an inhuman way , we are one .
What are court there for ?
Let’s stand together as one to end such violence and Keep higher @@[1:[0:1: our flag of Peace and unity ]] ( Identity ) as a Peace Loving Nation @@[1:[0:1: Warm Heart Of Africa ]] !
God help us !
Zuvuta kuvetsa izi ngasi ufitiwu suwoneka poyera mwinaso siamfiti
Why people kill people
ng’ona ndiyomwe imayenera kuphedwa osati anthu mchiyani kodi amalawi?
That’s too bad to MW people for burning live person,this is done not here in MW but in SA