Tay Grin-Chipapa
Mfumu ya zinyau Limbani Kalilani imene imatchuka ndi dzina lodyera loti Tay Grin yakwera pa chulu ndikunena mokweza kuti anthu abalankhula chifukwa za iyo zinayera kale. Tay Grin ndiotchuka pa mayimbidwe mu zamba zosiyanasiyana, choncho… ...
Malawi Tobacco
Malawi has made US$44.3 million (about K32.1 billion) from the sale of tobacco so far. An infographic released by AHL Group on Tuesday shows that from the opening day of the market to 3 May,… ...
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and TEVET officials attempted to dupe government of K6.4 million by inflating the price of beds. Government hired TEVET to make 20 beds which it wants to give… ...