Leader of opposition Lazarus Chakwera has blasted President Peter Mutharika over his government’s failure to implement public reforms.
Responding to Mutharika’s State of the Nation Address on Monday, Chakwera said in Malawi there are no reforms but rampant abuse of funds by politically connected individuals in the so called reform program.
Chakwera who is also Malawi Congress Party president gave an example of a situation that happened last year in which a highly respected Finance Director resigned from her position because she was being forced to make fake payments and the government said and did nothing.

“When he stood before this House, President Mutharika mentioned the word “reform” around 25 times, when we all know that the only place in his Government you can be sure to find plenty of reform is in his speeches. The truth is that President Mutharika wouldn’t recognize reform if it hit him in the face.
“But in this area, Mr Speaker Sir, I believe I have some useful experience that the President might find helpful. What I know from my own experience of leading the Malawi Congress Party through a steady process of reform is that one of the first signs that reform is really happening is when those within your ranks who are comfortable with the status quo begin to actively and publicly oppose your efforts to change it,” reads part of the statement.
He continued saying that if everyone in Mutharika’s party, cabinet, or government is comfortable with the way he conducts business, then it is a sign that everything is exactly the same as what they are used to, and that all talk of reform is nothing but talk.
He also questioned Mutharika on the splitting of ESCOM into two independent companies saying, although it is a welcome development, it has been compromised by government’s decision to politically handpick those who will lead the new company.
“As a case in point, recently new leadership was put in place at ESCOM without any interviews at all despite the fact that this is a public institution whose job vacancies should be open to all qualifying Malawians.
As a result, Mr.Speaker Sir, the Mutharika Government is creating shortages in electricity through its political interference in the institution that supplies it. That is not reform,” said Chakwera.
Kodi Malawi 24 munalemba munthu oti azipanga campaign pano ndudabwa afuna atipange convince kuti mcp is the party why can’t he respect our choices? comment iliyose akupanga comment how he feels about dpp ey government isn’t run e same as a family…..Wait campaign ikayamba mutiuze what uv done n what you wish to do mukazatenga boma…
Come out n reply this ticheze about politics bruh!
ine chakwela wafika pondikwa ndipo m wafika pa yona,, 2019 ndizavotela DPP chifukwa cha Chakwela
Anzeru amanyoza boma eti? Nzerudi Kkkkiest
You are jst a good example of a tree frog
Paganism… at your best… I don’t blame you son of an oraguntan
Chakwera mapwala ache….ndatopa naye..kodi anali pa ubusa wa nkhandwe???
Nonse amene mukunyoza Chakwera mulibe nzeru
Ichi ndichifukwa chimene Chakwera ndi mcp tizawasiyebe mu oposition ndi 2019 maguys awa kusutsa amatha.
Chakwela you can’t talk about MCP reform but gvt reform, are you mad sir.
Alohlomwe sasowa akubakira petulo
Alomwe ndi okhawo chiyambire 1964, amene atulutsa ma President a Dziko awiri.
Ndiye achewanu mukabakira kwakwaseyu zasiyana chiyani?
Ine sindingaikire kumbuyo mbava chifukwa chakuti sindine wakuba
Axapange iyeyo azakawina 2019 mbuzi
Palibe zelu iliyonse yomwe ngakhale ine ndili kuionapo kuchokela ku Dpp palibe zinthu sizili bwino katundu wakwela mtengo pamene malipiro ndi ochepa kwambiri, kubedwa kwa ndalama zinthu zomwe kale sizinkachitika
Ofatsa,mapwala ako…
awa nawonso pena adzikhalako ndi manyazi chili chonse basi kumangokhala chowayipira
Mwachitika chanzelu chanji mu reform chomwe chikuchitila ubwino dziko lino?
Munthu woti CHAUTA anamuyipira, ndiye angaone chabwino cha munthu mzake?.
Ndafusa mpofunika uyankhe
inu mumafuna muone chani? Mukanakhala ndi maso bwezi mukuona koma popeza ndi short sighted tikukumvesetsani
Mbewa ya munthu, tiye Ku convention galu iwe
Khala ndi ulemu, where is your humanity? Ngakhala kwa ine sindili kuonapo nzelu iliyonse yomwe Dpp ikuchita mdziko muno kotero kuti zinthutu zisili bwino, mnthawi ya Mcp ma company akafuna kukweza mtengo katundu wao boma linkatenga ndalama ndikupeleka ku company ija kuti anthu mdziko muno azikwanitsa kugula katundu pa mtengo wabwino
Odikira bomanu muliradi, to me things r okay. MCP was subsidising goods, how was the population as compared to now? .Work hard pakhomo pako u shall never complain.
@Msaya, here is conversation so take it easy
That’s how you can describe Former pastor L Chasika
Tikwera yomweyo yakabazayo kkkkkkkkkk
Vuto la amalawi ndilimeneri kukakamila zinthu zomwe zilibe kuthekela kuli konse kosintha zinthu mdziko muno, iweyo ulikuti ukaona Dpp ndichazelu chanji chomwe yapangapo? popeza iwo kwao ndi kuba ndalama, kukweza katundu ndikumatibweletsela malipiro mochedwa. Palibe zelu ili yonse apa
And what about Malawi Congress Party’s reforms, Hon. Chakwera?!.
Iweyo pomwe ulipo moti sukudziwa kuti zinthu zambiri m’malawi muno zinapangidwa nthawi imene Mcp idali m’boma? Ma xool ngati chanco, Bunda, Polly? Kamuzu Nursing, kungontchulako ochepa chabe kuphatikizapo ma bwalo andege, zipatala boma lirilonse, ma primary komaso ma secondary xool boma lirilonse, sitima za pa mtunda komaso mmadzi, ma stadium, Airport, Admarc onse ku malawi kuno, malo ogulitsila fodya onse, ma barracks onse, kuphatikizapo ndege za asilikali komaso ndege yomwe idachita kugulitsidwa ndi joyce banda, miseu yoonse kuyambila ku chitipa mpaka mchinji mpaka ku Malaka msanje, ma town onse, ma bridge, ma post office, ma Add, ndi zina zonse zomwe iweyo ungazione ndi maso ako zinapangidwa mnthawi ya Mcp ndipo palibe chipani chomwe chapanga zinthu muno mmalawi kuposa mcp udziwe zimenezo kuyambila lero pa 10 may
Eeeee kwa inuyo MCP and Chakwerayi ndi Angelotu bwana.kkkkk the fact is even chakwera atawina though doubtful mavuto sazatha ayi tili padziko lapansi
Kaliba, Chayamba ndichoti udziwe kuti MCP yomwe wanenayo si ya Chakwera komanso zomwe watchulazi ufunse mbiri za chiyambi chifukwa ukusonyeza kuti n’zongomvetsedwa chabe komanso kwa anthu osazindikira.
Chakwera dzulodzuloli amanyenga mahule ku ntandile…shit phwala
Tikukamba za Mcp, komaso sinkhani yongovetsedwa monga mmene ukunenela iwemu sichoncho zimene ndakuuza iwezi ndizo ngakhale aliyese kuphatikizapo a Dpp akudziwa ngakhale Peter Mthalikayo pomwe alipo akudziwa komaso adaphuzira ma xool yomangidwa mnthawi ya Mcp
Kaliba, ndingotaya nawe nthawi.
Musova ndi nyama kazi yanuyo
Musova ndi nyamakazi yanuyi
Chipani chopanda galimoto kkkkkkkkk mukwera kabadza 2019 pakampeni
Galimoto agula akweni ndi chaponda,talowako kumeneko….
kkkkkkkk koma ndiye olo kuona galimoto imozi yolemba mcp munseumu kkkkkkk mwana kubadwa kumaliza university mpaka kuyamba ntchito kuzapanga retire osaonako galimoto yachipani cha mcp asaaaaa musovadi koma
Kape iwe suziwa za ndale.
Mafukeni ndale asiileni eni ake izi kwaine sindionapo cifukwa chomachemelera Dpp palibe chazelu chili chonse chomwe akuchitapo iwo koma kuba ndisakaza ndalama za boma
Mr ofatsa you comment always mutavala magalasi a mcp always inenso abusa ndimawafila koma zina zomwe akuwanena anthunzi nzoona.
ngati MCP leader alibe democracy mu chipani chaocho ndi mufuna mumuike president wa dziko? 2019 ndikupits ku Mozambique basi kkkkk
Palibe chanzelu chili chonse chomwe ndingave kuchokela kwa Dpp ndikudziwa khalidwe lawo kuti kuba ndalama zaboma komaso kusanjata olakwa ngati Chaponda zikusonyeza chani zimenezi?
Kape uyuChakwera anzako akufuna convetion koma iwe ayi shit.
Khala phee ndale ndizovuta coz ngakhaleso ineyo sindikudziwa kuti kodi reform yomwe akuinenayi pali phindu lanji , lomwe amalawi angaloze kuti apa zilibwino, zinthu kukwela mtengo, ndalama zikubedwa m’boma, malipiro ndi ochepa komaso sakubwera mnthawi yake
Ku DPP Osati Ku MCP
Uyu nde Ndi Malema ku S.A. sakusiyana aaaaaaa koma Chakwela
Pa iwe wekha ukuona phindu lanji pa ma reform omwe akuchitika mdziko muno? Tiyambe ndichontcho kaye
kape uyu asamakutayitseni nthawi tikufuna convention ife si zopusa zakozo zolimbana ndi anzako demet
Azakewo akuona kuti palibe chanzelu chomwe akuchitapo coz akungoba ndalama, katundu kukwela mtengo, malipiro ndi ochepa komaso akutibweletsera mochedwa kwambiri ndiye choncho mudziti zilibwino ndi boma lanu la Dpp?
Ofatsa,mapwala ako
@ Chris mainje, GOD bless and gives you long life