Bakili Muluzi’s corruption case adjourned


The High Court in Blantyre has adjourned to Thursday the hearing of the MK1.7 Billion case involving ex Malawi President Bakili Muluzi and his ex assistant Lyness Whiskey to allow first witness be present in court.

The witness, ex deputy Director of the Anti  Corruption Bureau (ACB), Victor Banda to be present.

Bakili Muluzi
Bakili Muluzi : His case been adjourned to Thursday.

ACB’s Deputy Director Reyneck Matemba told the court that Banda has been sick and will be seeing his doctor on Wednesday and that he would not be resent in the court today.

Matemba asked the court to adjourn the case or allow the second witness to testify but the defence lawyers Tamanda Chokhotho and Jai Banda objected.

The defence team maintained that it had prepapred for the first witness alone and not the second one.

Judge MacLean Kamwambe then adjourned the case to Thursday as the first witness will be present to testify.

Kamwambe said that matters of the health are core and could not be neglected whle saying that Muluzi who was present in the court has a right to fair trial just like any other person.

The resumption of the case came as court withdrew the initial applications made by Muluzi.

He had applied for a constitutional review in which he was asking the Chief Justice to determine whether the MK1.7 billion theft case answering was to be tried as a constitutional matter not criminal.

For over six years, Muluzi has been answering charges of corruption in which he is accused of squandering public funds amounting to 1.7 billion Kwacha.



  1. Bvuto la Malawi ndi katangale patenga nthawi kuti tizatukuke komanso makhoti athu vutonso lilipo samatenga nkhni serious nanga nkhani imeneyi ndi yaliti? Nchifukwa chake anthuwa sakuopa Malawi & India same same but middle east yah alibe masewera pa mezi iwill mlandu umakhala athana nawo

  2. Justice denied justice delayed if it was tht the case against comrade Muluzi had all the evidence they wanted ths case it wouldent have dragged as it has dne bt lts just wait and see

  3. Justice denied justice delayed if it was tht the case against comrade Muluzi had all the evidence they wanted ths case it wouldent have dragged as it has dne bt lts just wait and see

  4. Malawi zuka.Bakili ndimunthu m’mozi yemwe anazusa malawi.Chovuta ndichani ngungouseka mulanduwu pena tiziyamika bakili anatichosa mumdima kutiyika mukuwala tiyeni timusiye adyelele ukalamba wake.Mwatani koma akazafa ndiye muzayambe kukamba za ubwino wake?Pepa malawi.

  5. Whats wrong with Malawians mukulimbana ndi a Big wo bwanji inunso mesa zanu munakaika ku,,,,chosani kaye chitsotso chanu b4 cha atcheya iyaaa,leave our former alone

  6. Whats wrong with Malawians mukulimbana ndi a Big wo bwanji inunso mesa zanu munakaika ku,,,,chosani kaye chitsotso chanu b4 cha atcheya iyaaa,leave our former alone

  7. This is crazy mukufuna kupha munthu wankulu ndi nthenda yantima let it go akhululukileni amuluzi nditate wanthu ameneyo

  8. Kodi iwe Evas isaac chafunya ukuti a Muluzi amangidwe chifukwa cha K1.7bn nanga wa K92bn uja? Popeza ngakhale ali pampando wa kunalowa K39bn kuchokera kwa acc, ya akulu aja. Ndemukamalemba ma comment anuwa mudziona mbali zonse. Komanso K1.7bn ya Atcheyao ndiopatsidwa kuchokera malemu Gaddaf, pomwe anawa kuba ndalama za boma mbavaaaaaaa

  9. Kodi iwe Evas isaac chafunya ukuti a Muluzi amangidwe chifukwa cha K1.7bn nanga wa K92bn uja? Popeza ngakhale ali pampando wa kunalowa K39bn kuchokera kwa acc, ya akulu aja. Ndemukamalemba ma comment anuwa mudziona mbali zonse. Komanso K1.7bn ya Atcheyao ndiopatsidwa kuchokera malemu Gaddaf, pomwe anawa kuba ndalama za boma mbavaaaaaaa

  10. ziyende mbali zose tisamaone nkhope pogamula nkhani nanga ena kundende ena akudya kondole ndi akazi awo olo zaka zingachuluke chotani tiyeneni tionenetsetsetse

  11. bakili ayalulka anaba ndalama Zambili zedi koma ena panopa akumangidwa chifukwa cha cashget kodi amalawi mmayendera mawu oti zakale zapita? kukhala satelo tiyambe kumbuyo tizipita kutsogolo.

  12. Osamawamvera azunguwa penapake osangomusiya bwanji aaaaaaaaah 1.7 ndi kachani……let him b please……let him spend his old days happy…kodi azunguwo anayamba amangapo president wawo wakale…? Zolakwa zawo ndizambirirmbirir ife nde azititola kumatilamulira kuti mumange uyo ndi uyo….??????????? Leave atcheya alone please

    1. Government yathu yazaza ndima bulutu…osangochotsa milandu imeneyi bwanji mxii and even za cashgate zimanditopetsa heavy..government spending ndalama and in the end if they lose they will spend even more..Fools trying to cover the mess we are in at the moment..

    2. Government yathu yazaza ndima bulutu…osangochotsa milandu imeneyi bwanji mxii and even za cashgate zimanditopetsa heavy..government spending ndalama and in the end if they lose they will spend even more..Fools trying to cover the mess we are in at the moment..

  13. Kuyambira chaka chomwe mulanduwu udayambika up to now,gvt yapanga spent how much?What will happen if the first witness sapitanso on thursday again?Sometyms i wonder mlandu uwu wakhala morethan 10yrs sunathebe up to now but anthu ena anagamulidwa ali ku ndende coz of cashgate ya 2-3yrs ago.

  14. Once this Nigga is Behind Bars.. we gona Murder every motherfucker dealing with this case..

  15. Boma likupanga zokomela anthu omwe akugwila tchito boma chifukwa mukawona amene zithu zawo zikusitha zina ndizina monga malipilo awo akukwela mwezindi mwezi pomwe anthu akumuzi angowakwezela zithu ngati amagwila tchito ndiye musalimbane ndi atcheya alibe tchito zinapita kalekale ndiye amati mazi akatayika sawoleka ndiye a acb mukufuna kukoza zithu zakale kusiyana kukoza zomwe zikuwonongekazi panopazi mukulimbana ndizithu zakutha.

  16. The amount that bakili is in question is nothing compared to the amount that gvnt has lost through cashgate. Y can’t they think.
    When was that, when bakili was A president and gvnt yimatani pakati posempa aaaa,

  17. The amount that bakili is in question is nothing compared to the amount that gvnt has lost through cashgate. Y can’t they think.
    When was that, when bakili was A president and gvnt yimatani pakati posempa aaaa,

  18. vuto ndamuluziw0 chipani anagulitsa kwaiwo omwe akuwaukilawo ndiyeasamadadwepo kannthu asovatuzimenezi kayakundendeko akakhala .

  19. Kkkkk koma guyz ma presdent akumalawi ndiwokakamira ntunda opanda madzi mulandu woti zaka 10 tsopano osamupeza kuti ndiwolakwabe.bolatu ziko la ku Thyolo & Mulanje (RTM) Posachedwapa liyamba kudya manner ndi zinziri.chifukwa ndi ziko lokalo lili lochepa pa dziko lapansi low popolation,high agricualture high expoting.musanene Malawi umbava basi kkkkkkk.

  20. mutoiwala ma cashi geti anuwo ait..mufuna muzlimbana nd bwana Muluzi bcarefl hs son ‘uona. Atupere Muluzi azabweza mukazasia mipando yanu ikukupangisani matamayo

  21. ariyense ari ndi zolakwa zake koma onani kaye joyce banda anaba zambiri ndipo bakiri zambiri munamuchita kare musiyeni! pliz onana joyce banda wakukanikaniyo!

  22. Mukamva umenewo kenakoso ndidzamusumila kuti ndichifukwa chayani Evison Matafale adafela ku cell nthawi yaulamuliro wake? chigawenga, chozunza, nebukadnezer, falao, fire burn ali kutalitali ndimpando wa Rastafari ameneyi and his died body will be taken by the birds that flying to a sky.

    mulungu mwini adzamukanthaso ameneyo

  23. How long shall we develop as national? Mwasiya kukamba za njala nde muona kt mukalimbana ndi big man yo!! Zikuthandizani aahhhhhha?? Manyazi bwa,?enanu kuchipanda acheya sitikanakuziwani2 lv acheya enjoy hz retierment lk anybody….

  24. Ndiye choncho nkumati mwana wake akhalenso president? amangidwe basi muthu modz kudzunzitsa myoyo ya…athu ochuluka….mwachina chovetsa chison ndichot amaba ndalama mziko losaukitsitsa mnkumaka gula manyumba odula mmaiko akunja… always feeling shame to my country malawi

  25. Kkk malawi drama sizantha basi ndipo akamati ndi banana country sanamadi basi dziko limenelu limandisekesa kwambir olo kupanda ulesiko kumalimbana ndi agama

  26. Izizi its the same as kuti:

    someone based in Nsanje waba nkhuku(worthy 2,000), nde mkumati oweruza mlandu achokera ku Chitipa…
    How much will be spent kuti judge akafike ku nsanje from chitipa????

    Now the questions are???
    A Chair anaba ndalama zingati?
    Ndalamazo anaba chaka chiti?
    Kuchokera pamene aChair anawatsegulira mlandu wakuba boma lawononga ndalama zingati pa zaka zosezi?
    Chiyambileni mlanduwu chilipo chanzeru chomwe a Malawi tinamvako choposa kuti, “the case has been adjourned”?

    Why can’t they just pardon him rather than worsting alot for nothing… Am saying this because I have a great belief; that aChair will never go to jail…?

  27. these are politicians gayes let us mind our tongues. they know the truth amangst themselves. lets not react like we have just come to Malawi today otherwise we are giving them more chances to continue on cheating us. the way we comment the same way they know we still dont they eat and drink togather. kikikikiki

  28. lija mkale tinayamba kumva za mlanduwu kodi uzatha liti timangobva ukupitilira ukupitilira paka liti sono. koma oba nkhuku ndye mwezi suthu chulungamo mwachipeza kale



  31. Ubwino wake lucius banda ananena kuti mukulimbana ndi athu omwe analemela pa zaka 10 zapitazo ndiye mukusiya amene alemela miyezi 5 yapitayo lelo siizi mukulimbana ndi muluzi simungankwanise muthu ameneyo olo mutaoda ma loya kuchokela kunja umeneo ndi nkango ndipo mungotaya thawi

  32. Ndikakumbuka bwino lomwe paja wina uja Asanamwalire pachiyambi anamanga Dr Atupele Muluzi kenako atatulusidwa tinangomva kuti Bwana aja azigwera pa mpando omwe anakhala ulendo unali omweo (kufa Basi) Ndiye pa zomwe ndikuona apazi ndikukhala ngati ndikuonanso Munthu wina akuiputa minyama So u must be careful (Mr Prezident) palibe zamilandu apa mwina Boma lasowanso chochita eti?????

  33. Pankhani Ya Mulandu Wa Dr Bakili Muluzi Ndibwino Kuti Akhoti Pezan Mbon Zonse Kuti Mulanduwu Uthe Mwa Changu Ngati Mbon Zikusowa Ganiziran Kuti Munthuyu Ndi Tate Wathu Bola Osalowesapo Ndale,

  34. To comment on this post it’s a waist of time,aGalu inu choti mudziwe n’chakuti:atcheya ndi atcheya basi, like it or not Dr Muluzi samangidwa.

  35. Dzaboza basi, kapena ndinene kuti zachinyengo zokha zokha basi, zoona mlandu umodzi mpaka 7yrs? Komanso nzoona kuti angamange bambo chikhalirecho mwana wake ali nduna m’boma lomwero, za zii ati kutiphimba m maso ife ngati kuti bomali liri serious pothana ndi ziphuphu, chokani apa onyenga inu, tangomtayani cheyayo, adyerere ukalamba wake.

  36. Bwanji mukuyang’ana mbali imodzi bwanji osayang’ana mbali zonse #Bakili amaba koma ndalama anthu amanzipenza. Koma ulamulilo walelowo akuba ndikwamawa komwe chifukwa anthu akusowa ndalama. Nde popanga nzithu mudziyamba mwaganiza. So let him relax than wasting time 4 nothing.u4get about cash gate shame.

  37. mesa amati kumachenjera pa town amanena kusolorako. achina mphwiyo ,Lutepo onse aja anavera atcheyawa so ndamva wina akuti forgiveness. forgiveness izikhalako akakhala olemera nanga aja munawawotcha ku Nsanje aja osawakhululukira bwaa Amangidwe basi ngati sakufuna kungotiyesa paja Ali m,boma ndi mwana wawo.

  38. Mmmmm Bambowatu Akula Guys. Mesa Mamati Sabola Wakale Sawawa?? Ndi Maulamuliro Angati Omwe Adutsa Chichokereni Pa Mpando Nkuluyu??? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I Think Its Better To Let Him Dance His Own Last Tune Peacefully.

  39. ife kuno kudziko la Republic of Thyolo and Mulanje (RTM) tikuti zomwe mukuchita uko ku Malawi ndichibwano ife kuno sitikugwilizana nazo ,mumusiye azipuma a chair Allah ali nanu cholinga

  40. Leadng & Abusing former leaders interms of politics cnt make sense.better 4giveness,leadng against poverty and developements you make Malawi a better place to stay…..#Dpp_Government …..@Malawi

  41. Ndizayamika Bakili mpaka kale, pondipezera sogoleri wabwino monga Bingu. Korma amangidwe abwenze misonkho yathu anatilowe satanic usatiuza munthu alibe ufulu pamaso pamulungu.

  42. Kodi a chair msana uja unasiya kkkkkkk?koma chair ndi makina opangira makina azawo……chair kukhala ku ndende akayidi akhozs kukanenepa chifukwa ndichama riddle heavy fanz azikangodya kakaka

  43. This is right and just. Thus the merit of his wrong doing. Some Malawians should not blame or criticize this government and court for taking this case into consideration but they should rather get a lesson. Muluzi did this when he was at least young but the consequences eishhhhhhh!!!! are coming when he is dancing his last tunes. This is morally legitimate and authentic.

  44. munthuyu anatiwuza kuti kumachangamuka pa tawuni…..mukulimbana ndi che lume mzukulu wa kapoloma …..mwachepa zedi ndi munyamata woyenda nfi mdidi uyu…..wakusewerani ya msaba mpaka mwatopanaye pano wakupasani mwana wake kuti mugwire naye ntchito …..inu simukuona kuti chubu chili mu bomamu anachita chopopa yekha??abazangofuna azachiphulisa ndi singano (ATUPELE)

  45. Is this the image of BAKILI MULUZI the former President of Republican of Malawi the one I know? Tell/clear me guys, if ‘yes’ then really yes the world is round like a ball.

  46. They just want to blackmail Malawians and the donors, they will make sure that the director of public prosecution does not provide enough evidence to have him convicted

  47. Let the law take its course without fear, favour or prejudice. Malawi and Malawians are the poorest economicaly on the globe therefore stealing from gvt coffers is a very serious crime. No matter who you are, where you are, but the looong arm of law will surely find you. Palibe kuthawa apa….we are watching with keen interest.

    1. Was goin tro say wat Al-hajj Roxeyn Baibe has said. These cases never end gvt just losing money..even the cashgate big fish wont go to prison they will prolly win or the case will be dragged forever

    2. Was goin tro say wat Al-hajj Roxeyn Baibe has said. These cases never end gvt just losing money..even the cashgate big fish wont go to prison they will prolly win or the case will be dragged forever

    3. Guys, when you say he is not going to win this case…what do you mean?? Do you guys understand the constitution of our country? Do you guys understand the jurisdiction in Malawi? You speak as if Peter is the one taking Muluzi to court….well, its not him but the Director of Public Prosecution and the Anti Corruption Beaurau. Muluzi vowed to abhore our constitution and always abide by the rule of law that governs our country…..which is contrary to what he did during his presidency. Malawi is poor today because of the spirit of ” kaya zawo izo, ife bola moyo” which am totally agaisnt with. Muluzi must face the music…he must take responsibility of the repercussions of his actions. After him, alot more people are following him. Corruption is a disease that has brought many successful nations down and we cannot tolerate it in Malawi. All corrupt public representatives do not deserve better….from UDF….DPP….PP.

      If he doesnt have money to pay back every tambala he stole from the gvt coffers, then his property must be confiscated and be auctioned to recover some of the money he enjoyed while millions of Malawians were starving and failing to access education and quality medical facilities…

    4. Guys, when you say he is not going to win this case…what do you mean?? Do you guys understand the constitution of our country? Do you guys understand the jurisdiction in Malawi? You speak as if Peter is the one taking Muluzi to court….well, its not him but the Director of Public Prosecution and the Anti Corruption Beaurau. Muluzi vowed to abhore our constitution and always abide by the rule of law that governs our country…..which is contrary to what he did during his presidency. Malawi is poor today because of the spirit of ” kaya zawo izo, ife bola moyo” which am totally agaisnt with. Muluzi must face the music…he must take responsibility of the repercussions of his actions. After him, alot more people are following him. Corruption is a disease that has brought many successful nations down and we cannot tolerate it in Malawi. All corrupt public representatives do not deserve better….from UDF….DPP….PP.

      If he doesnt have money to pay back every tambala he stole from the gvt coffers, then his property must be confiscated and be auctioned to recover some of the money he enjoyed while millions of Malawians were starving and failing to access education and quality medical facilities…

  48. Yes,he must pay if he is found guilty,don’t say forgive him ,we want to eliminate corruption,& all corrupt leaders will be brought to book ,we r not electing u to steal but to help Malawians

  49. Madolo asiyeni adawo m’malo mo sova mavuto enawa mukulimbana ndi izizi.Inde amati mulandu sumawola komabe ndimadala amenewa just let him free lather than westing time and money

  50. Madolo asiyeni adawo m’malo mo sova mavuto enawa mukulimbana ndi izizi.Inde amati mulandu sumawola komabe ndimadala amenewa just let him free lather than westing time and money

  51. Let Muluzi be,cash gate ikumunyelani kusova mukhumba mulimbane na Bakili.sovani masuzgo ayo yalipo sono kulimbana na masuzgo yoti yali kujumphapo kale yaye.uo ndio tikut undele.tavuka na phada ilo mukusewela ilo.

  52. awa adali makina guyzs eee ndalama sizinali nkhan koma akut akufuna amutan pobibila pao yose wamene achta vosakhala bwin pa Dr Bakili osaiwala paja aimaxo

  53. Kkkkkkkk mukutipangisatu kuseka ife kodi mulandu wakenso uti nkuluyu mukumuimba mukandu lelo mwakanika zaka zonse maboma tasintha katatu bwanji musakamuzenga mulandu zinazi mukuwononga nawo ndalama tazisiyei munthuyu ndiosalakwa

  54. mmm ithink what they have done allowing him to go on with his travial is totaly senseless…..dont you think that he is trying to escape?…… is the case made him to arrange such travial?open up malawians…wake up please,,,,,if the presdent is possesing such bad picture,how will it be to local people?,will they ever believe in politicians?muona akhalanso ten years kumrenmeneko ngat m’bale wanu JB

  55. Munthu wankulu kwambiri ,odziwa kuyanjanitsa osati kumenyanitsa timakudyadirani kwambiri,ndili ndichikhulupiliro kuti anduna atengera chikhalidwe chabwinochi..

  56. dziko lathu la Malawi vuto ndi akulu akulu amawudindo Muluzi osangomusiya bwanji ?? ndalama zomwe zinasowa zija zambili mbili zija aliyese or mwana amaziwa za Cashgate zomwe anaba muluzi ndizingati palibe akuziwapo koma muli busy kulimbana ndi Muluzi inu musiyeni Muluzi inu kubako muzibaso chifukwa munazolowela kusolola soka lili kwa ife sitingasolole nawo

  57. Eleson Bakili Muluzi ndiye anakulowetsani m’boma mwayiwala? Komanso inu nde mbava zoopsa chilichonse sichikuyenda chifukwa cha boma lapaubaleli,mwayesa ufumu wakwanu eti? Mu ulamuliro wa Eleson ndalama sizimasowa, inu mwatikwana!

  58. Let him free it was 4 political reasons dont u know that this Gentleman is acomplete politician & waz athreat to late Bingu Wa Muthalika as Bingu was new in the system so ha had 2 do wat ever 2 kp him quite

  59. The case of former president Dr Bakili Muluzi is still surviving,then its really true that the case doesnt rotten.So if on earth is like that,what about vyaku heaven? May be it will be more than this one.So let us wait and see.

  60. Nazonso mbuzi zomwe zikulongosola mlandu umenewu zilibe nzeru its lyk empty tin, nakonso ka #peter kamakanika kulakhula kapanga khope ngati chosekera pakhola lankhuku, musiye #muluzi azipuma pls bwanji osalimbana ndi cashgate zii… Komanso hule uyu #joyce #BANDA wabaso uyu bwanji kungoyang’ana, mbuzi yamunthu.

  61. Dr bakili muluzi has change malawi to be agood country that man was retired for president why complain bakili muluzi u no bakili is kumtunda.

  62. osangomutaya ndalayi bwanji. Mommuja nkhani osatha. Musiyeni mnzanu apume

  63. Kodi mirandu mukafika nayo kuti? musiyeni mzanu aziganiza zamavuto ena osati zimenenezi (Musiyeni Mulungu akhale Mulungu)

  64. Vuto ndinu nomwe Mr Bakili “m’pando wau president simungasiyire #Mr_IBU pano ndizimenezi munalowetsa nyasi m’dziko, tawonani amuna kukwatirana okha okha, plus njala mkati, Malawi wabwino bwino uja anavunda. “Apa mwina tingodikira Ambuye yesu wina Adzatifereso pamtanda kachiwiri Basi.

  65. How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.

  66. Kuti amwalire apa boma linena zabwino za munthuyu ndipo ayamikiridwa heavy, imfa yake kukhala state funeral. Sono funso kumati paliphindu lanji pa mulandu wakewo. Za ziiiiii.

  67. stupid gvt tchende instead of overcoming the challenge we are facing here in malawi busy arresting anthu oti anapanga zinthu zooneka…

  68. Anthu andalama azawo amakhala aNdalama ife osaukafe timakhala ngati masache, olemeranu zengananu milandi kuti kudziwika kwanu kwa Azungu kupitilire.

  69. Justice delayed is justice denied! Milandu yanji yosatha? Ma file onse a milandu imeneyi muwatumize ku Joni atipatse ruling next week. Kunoko sungatheke mlanduwu due to Mafia like acts komanso sinanga wakhala pa mkhate!

  70. black people always talkng nonsese leav him in peace. plz we tied to this. plz peter r u a mid men or not y u ukupha mtundu wa anthu ndi njara galu wamunthu be careful we countng the days wasala madzi amodzi iwe

  71. athu osowa chokamba mwina. khan yakale pakana pano chisiyile pando pakhala ma presendent angat nanga a. cash get akwasiya bwanji kwaopa chan kukatenga muthu amene anati menyera ufulu wa bwino ziko lathu ndi kumayamba kutubwa

  72. Mulandu siuwola,,, kodi mundende za ndziko muno mulibe okalamba kuposa Bakili?? okyyy mukufuna mutanthauze kuti Okalamba samalakwa? akadakhala kuti anali okalamba osauka bwezi alikuti?? Lamulo siliwona nkhope,, kodi mwaiwala zinja adamupanga Kamudzu???

  73. Kodi mukufuna atani munthuyi NDE akabweza ndalamayo dziko LA Malawi lilemera ndi a ngati aba ndalama za boma uyu chifukwa mukumuona et.. en anatiya aja mukawafunsira kuti?

  74. Osangompasa Bakiliyo chithumba chomwe mukufuna kumpasacho bwanj?tikuziwa tonse bakili anagwira ntchito yotamandika pokuikani pampando sibwezi utaulawa,ndie pofuna kumuthokoza osatiphimba mmaso kut milandu osamvekai,kupapeto muzat alibe mulandu timpase compasation,just give him osanamizira milandu,mwamangapo angati oba ndalama zathu ife amalawi nde mungamange hero yu?wat iz 1.7 billion afer o,inu nde mbava zopanda chifundo,msiyen bakili timamkonda ife.

  75. whatever the negative final outcome will be to muluzi’s side,muluzi will not b jailed under the current government cos doing so its gona risk the relationship which is there betwn UDF n DPP.munthu sungamange kholo lachibwezi chako nkumadikirabe kut azikukonda ndimtima onse never !

  76. here is my comment, people who are on this page following this story, i know some of u gonna criticise me,some will ignore and my comment will go un noticed, guys ndasegula shop yogulisa ngumbi za fresh,omwe mungazifune imbani panambala iyi,0856432190,chonde musayiwale kutenga jumbo,zikomi

  77. Waist of time & resources, nokha mukuchita kuona kuti bwanawa akula & olo muwamange palibe chimene angabweze, komaso olo kundendeko azikakhalako bwanji? Just do us a favour & arrest all the cash gate convicts

  78. Kodi mukumuzunzilanji munthu?anthu padziko pano aba ndalama zochuluka koma osamangidwa chomwe mumafuna kwaiyeyo ndi chani?ndiliti munayamba kumunzunza munthuyi?mlandu osatha wantundu wanji?more than ten years now,mumafuna adzakufeleni mmanja kodi?ife zinatikwana kumangomvabe zokhazokhazo mwamva?mtayeni munthu apeze mtendere.

  79. Galu amene ine simuona ndi diso labwino ndi amene apangitsa kuti ng’ombe zamakolo athu zithe komaso kuti adziwe kudya zikhawo ngati thawi ya kafula galu muthu uwuyu kwabasi tanichotselani apa akundinyasa chimangidwe basi

  80. Boma lapanoli zeru lilibe bwanji osangochotsa milandu yakaleyo then iwowa kupitilizaso umbava akupangawo. Cashgate ndalama zinasowa zinawoneka? Panoso akuti ma billion asowaso so wat make sense to take muluzi to court? Akanati akutengaso muluzi ukhala President PM amuchotsa kanasangalala.

  81. kkkkkkkk komasotu inu a 24 hours inu zikakusowani zolemba basi mmango ganiza kuti anthu a comment better izi basi inu mkuyika

  82. Mkuona kwanga,gvt seldomly win a case,trust me,ndi imodzinso mwa njira yoonongera chuma cha boma coz any court hearing involves spending gvt fund!pamapeto muzamva kuti ngosalakwa ndipo akuyenera kupatsidwa compensation!thats what we call ‘political brotherhood’akuzunzana dala kuti azalemeretsane ataononganso ndalama zochuluka kuonjezera pa zomwe zinabedwazo!to HELL WITH POLiTICS!

  83. I am a spiritual Psychic reader and advisor, I can and will see the future I will answer your deepest questions I will solve all matters in life. I specialize in reuniting love, I will guide your way in life through your darkest times I will reveal the mind of your lover in one phone call +27738951830, I will look into the future to help you find your soul-mate your way through life I will remove all obstacles in your way. I am a third Generation Psychic my work is guaranteed I have been proven to be 100% accurate With one of my psychic readings you will find a better way in life you will have all the answers in your hand to be able to change the way in your future be back with your lover and know the mind of your lover in one of my love spells you will make your lover commit be strong faithful and bind your relationship. I guarantee Results in all my services there is no problem to big or to small that I can not handle.Whats-App/ Call +27738951830 now for a free psychic reading.

  84. am very confused,they are the same people who crowned him as a hero,today they are saying Muluzi store money,…let me tell you,”muluzi is not a thief and he did not steal money,only that he miss appropriate it.

  85. boma linali kale thawi yakamuzu enawa amasiku anowa akungofuna kutibela ndie mwati 1.7billion ndie + cach gate malawi inadutsa polemela mwina miracle money izathandizako;>

  86. Umenewo ndiye uchitsiluwo mupatseni ulemu waukulu ameneyo kupanda iyeyo bwedzi malawi ali pati? ??? Mukafuna kulimbana ndi chair muyambe mwalimbana ndi bingu kaye, mwina mwasowa ntchito agalu inu panyopanuso

  87. Bwanji osango musiya munthu okalamba ngati ameneyu mmalomoti tinyadile kuti tilindi wachikulire wathuwathu ndikumamu patsa ulemu momunyadila koma muli bizy kulimbana naye ..ena maba, ena akumapha anthu oyela khungu koma simukuwa sakasaka ,koma agogo wa ndiye ophwekakwambiri??

  88. Most of you ,you want him to be released. ……how come ..?.how many prisoners are saving down in our prisons just because of simple simple cases like kuba TV and alike. thousands things ….so you want millions case to be vanished off …hahahahahaha

    1. So u r comparering the man who steals the TV and the man who was a state prasident of the republic of Malawi? Ha ha ha ha ha think twice

    2. anyone who has break the roles should face the role……whats what roles of malawi federal states ….who is he not to face the role after all …we need justice to this issue …!!

    3. paul kagame he is in jail just because many have lost there lives sometime in april ,hutu and tutsi war …do u remember that ..?he was a president of luwanda that time but he found guilty ….so who is this big khuluku after all

    4. Hahahaha …….when cash is talking Justice always keep quite ….and there comes a time Justice rise up and talk and the money keep quilts forever ……..justice is greatrthan the cash …thats what yoi can know…..kkkkkkkk

  89. mose mlandu unayambila muja uzatha liti, patha zaka 12 bakili chichokele pa u President kudakakha komumanga zikadachitika kalekale

  90. Banja lamuthalika kuti liziwike ndichifukwa chatcheya emweyo lelo waipa zokamba mbwee mulomwe sazatheka sazayamikanso zaekha

  91. mmmm so stupid why Muluzi with K1.7 billion after all we cud have acredited him Malawian hero….agalu a cashget mukuwasiilanji????

  92. Dr.Bakili Muluzi ¤MK1.7 Billion. pro.Late Bingu wa munthalika ¤MK92 Billion. Dr. Joyce Banda ¤Cashgate. That’s adrama

  93. Mukulimbana ndi 1.7 billion, kusiya ma mabillion ankhani nkhani abedwa mu ulamuliro woyamba wa DPP ndi ma billion enaso abedwa nthaw ya PP…asiyen achair afele zina…

  94. koma mlanduwu uzatha???1.7 billion koma zaka zikungopita no judgment…sipano 1.7 bn inapanga ma billion ambiri…

  95. Kkkk dziko la Malawi Mmalo mopita chitsogolo ndipomwe tikupita mmbuyo, musalimbane ndi uyu awa ndi Achalume,, lipupa, kuchitekete, anyamata pa town. Cash gate wadutsa apa palive chokamba nde mukulimbana ndi Munthu yemwe anakutsegulani maso kti mudziwe mmene dziko limakomera. Musiyeni Tcheya ndi mthawi yake yopuma naye acheze ndizizukulu momasuka

    1. Inanu ndiye mwangoonekelatu kuti moyo wanu ndi oipa basi,ngati amakhululuka mulungu ndiye kulibwanji munthu kuvomeleza ndi kofunika kukhuluruka ndi kwabwino

    2. Ena anaba zanu za misonkho mukungowayang’ana pamene uyu anatenga zimene akuti ena anakuthandizani. Mukuona ngati mavuto ali panowa atha achair akamangidwa?

    3. Anthu awa akufuna mulanduwu uthe achair apezeka osalakwa zikatelo boma liwalipire, ndi filimu iyi Peter ndi Bakili believe me

    4. This is a fake case,this people want to clear the mess that has been their for long they want to wipe up the shit that sorround Muluzis image believe guys nothing serious ‘ll happen and next it’ll be Chasowas case,they’ll pretend as if they want to get to the root of the case but the culprits will never be taken to justice,this is a set up game to release the pressure dont you see.

    5. Angomumanga ameneyo mphawi wina last month anaba paket ya soya pieces anamangidwa but mbava zolemerazi mmangozisiya pamwamba pake ndkuzilipiranso chamba eti

    6. Ife sitikuti amangidwe amuluziwo ayi…..chigamulo chakhothi sikumangidwa kokha ayi amalawi inu. Munthuyu azengedwe mulandu wakuba basi ndipo ngati apezeka wolakwa akuyenera tutsata chilango chomwe khothi lingamu patse malingana ndi kulakwa kwake. Mukati Peter amulondola Bingu, amalawi dziwani kuti akapita anthu onsewa adzatsala yekha mkuluyu tsikulina ndipo idzakhalano nthawi yake nayenso apite….azapindulapo chiyani…? ” Man came with nothing into this world and therefore he will also go alone with nothing” wokaweruzidwa ndi NAMALENGA…

    7. Ife sitikuti amangidwe amuluziwo ayi…..chigamulo chakhothi sikumangidwa kokha ayi amalawi inu. Munthuyu azengedwe mulandu wakuba basi ndipo ngati apezeka wolakwa akuyenera tutsata chilango chomwe khothi lingamu patse malingana ndi kulakwa kwake. Mukati Peter amulondola Bingu, amalawi dziwani kuti akapita anthu onsewa adzatsala yekha mkuluyu tsikulina ndipo idzakhalano nthawi yake nayenso apite….azapindulapo chiyani…? ” Man came with nothing into this world and therefore he will also go alone with nothing” wokaweruzidwa ndi NAMALENGA…

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