Health workers at Mwanza district hospital have threatened to go on strike if their District Health Officer (DHO) will not release names of promoted nurses, Malawi24 has learnt.
Reports reaching Malawi24 indicate that the health workers’ letters of promotion were released last year but the DHO is holding them.
According to one of the workers, in other hospitals health workers have already received their letters.

However, Mwanza DHO Rafael Pilingu said the health workers are supposed to work in rural areas but they are refusing to take up their posts.
”The requirement is for them to work in rural areas but they do not want to work in the areas,” said Pilingu.
Spokesperson for the ministry of health Adrian Chikumbe said the issue is minor and it will be handled by Mwanza hospital.
He added that the DHO might have given the letters to health workers who are interested to work in rural areas.
Nurse sopano. Anyway mumaigwira ntchitodi but mind on people’s lives first than striking. Remember the code of ethics signed. Muthalika is clear; if simukukondweresedwa, just leave the government than killing people
Mukangonyanyala ndibwela kumalawi komweko and get ready for 2016malawi nurses xenophobia
Mukangonyanyala ndibwela kumalawi komweko and get ready for 2016malawi nurses xenophobia
Malawi24 ndapota nanu plz dzifufuzani kaye musadalembe nkhanizi, palibe Nurse emwe akufuna kupanga strike ku Mwanza, ndi alangazi a za umoyo (HSA) and the story was aired on Galaxy fm on Friday
vuto lake ma nesiwo mudalowesa mwachinyengo olimbikila mkwasiya….nde ndizimenezo2
Ma Nurse amasiku ano mumazimva ngati mumanyera mu food warmer bwanji? Siyani tikagwira ife timathanso nafe kumangilira drip.
How does one go on a life threatening strike & expects to be promoted?! Are the promotions based on work performance or just salaries?!
How does one go on a life threatening strike & expects to be promoted?! Are the promotions based on work performance or just salaries?!
Why the Officer is hiding the names like he is the one who promote the workers? I think if something can happen to the lives of pantients he will be answerable.Why the govt is still keeping these harsh & Selfish bosses?
Why the Officer is hiding the names like he is the one who promote the workers? I think if something can happen to the lives of pantients he will be answerable.Why the govt is still keeping these harsh & Selfish bosses?
Zipitani Kwanu Ngati Mwatopa Nayo Anzanu Akuifuna Mapazi Anu
ine nilibe pulobulemu…i am Government
Noooo!I’m pleading with dese nurses not to do such a thing! Let dem realise dat getting promoted is one thing and saving people’s lives is another thing.Let dem realise dat being a nurse is more or less like being pastor Bcos dey R both called 2 save pples lives & No matter how tough de curcumstances may be in deir work places,We always expect dem 2 respect deir call.So let dem know dat pples lives r more important dan deir own promotions.
Ena kusowa VEP zachamba
anurses pepani osangopanga zinthumosazikila ayi chifukwa anthu ndiambili akufuna ntchitoyo ku school tinapitakonafeso komatikusowa ntchito mukuwooa tikngowotcha makala sikufuna ayi komakusowa kwantchito inumukunyada? Sichoncho kodi
Someone’s life is at stake!
Bwana Ndindi akwiya…….. Lol
On probation for 9 years !? 2007 to 2016 still at grade K. you think ndizithu zamasewera!? kapena zibwana!? osangoyakhura mwachimbuli mbuli gyz!! This is noble professional authorities should treat us well so for us to achieve the best!!!
On probation for 9 years !? 2007 to 2016 still at grade K. you think ndizithu zamasewera!? kapena zibwana!? osangoyakhura mwachimbuli mbuli gyz!! This is noble professional authorities should treat us well so for us to achieve the best!!!
ingopangani strikeyo ifenso ntchitoyo tikuifuna, mwava eti?i
ingopangani strikeyo ifenso ntchitoyo tikuifuna, mwava eti?i
Kupusa eti ngati mwatopa nayo ntchito ingosiyani kusiyana ndi kuphetsa a2 osalakwa…. Mukangopanga Strike ntchito yanu yathera pompo zitsiru…
cement mixer can you compete with medics!? shame!!!
Kupusa eti ngati mwatopa nayo ntchito ingosiyani kusiyana ndi kuphetsa a2 osalakwa…. Mukangopanga Strike ntchito yanu yathera pompo zitsiru…
cement mixer can you compete with medics!? shame!!!
Aisiye Tilemba Ena Mapazi Awo
siyani mwina tingalembedweko ntchito.
siyani mwina tingalembedweko ntchito.
pic mwaikayi sikumwanza ndipo ndi wana wasukulu yawa
Awa ma nurse ndi makape.
boma liri ndi ndarama za cement malata baxi shame, bwampini
promotion a reason for strike.
nc1 ya
Mwatopa ndikuba makhwala ndiye mufuna pro
Promotion yopanda malipiro kkkkk
Ma nursewo akugwra ntchto kapna masewra.kul ma nurse nyanja akusowa ntchto.
Paja boma lilibe ndalama zolembera ma nurse enatu mugophetsa anthu za zii
Ngat mwatopa nayo ingosiyani musatnyasepo apa. Nd ambiri akuifuna.
They don’t care about ppos lives
Nde ali Manu Ngwee… Akusekelera cha?
mxiiiii osangopanga bwanji
mxiiiii osangopanga bwanji
can someone tell me who is in control please
Tikufuna Zithunzi Za Ma Nurse Enieniwo Osati Ma Student Mwaikawa…
Eee boma lanyanya
why cant you just go on and strike if you really want to why threatening? manurse amasiku ano kupusa is that areason enough for strike?
brother differentiate crop husbandry and animal husbandry. This is noble professional and medics zinthu sizikuyenda
brother differentiate crop husbandry and animal husbandry. This is noble professional and medics zinthu sizikuyenda
you were trained to work even in rural areas why are you denying to do that? mmaona ngati muzingogwira ntown mokha? kuzikonda bwanj
you were trained to work even in rural areas why are you denying to do that? mmaona ngati muzingogwira ntown mokha? kuzikonda bwanj
you were trained to work even in rural areas why are you denying to do that? mmaona ngati muzingogwira ntown mokha? kuzikonda bwanj
Strike ndiye yofunika chifukwa ndiye kuchangamuka kumeneko
mmm. kambilananani. musanapange zimenezo.