K900 million scholarship to study in India unlocked


In a bid to empower the country’s brightest minds and foster a new generation of leaders, a prestigious scholarship program has been launched to offer K900 million to deserving students from across Malawi, enabling them to pursue higher education in Delhi, India.

India’s Shadah University and Maranatha Academy have joined forces to launch this unprecedented scholarship program, sharing the total cost of the scholarship, with each institution contributing K450 million.

Each year, from 2024 to 2027, one outstanding male and one female student from public and private schools in Malawi, along with one highest-achieving student from Maranatha Academy, will be awarded an MK20 million scholarship each to study in India’s capital, Delhi.

This extraordinary opportunity will enable Malawi’s most talented students to access world-class education, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to drive positive change and propel Malawi towards a brighter future.

This pioneering initiative marks a significant milestone in Malawi’s education sector, offering a beacon of hope for students who may otherwise be unable to pursue their academic dreams.

The scholarship program is a testament to the power of partnership and collaboration in transforming lives and communities. As the first cohort of scholars embarks on this life-changing journey, they will not only gain academic excellence but also become ambassadors of Malawi, fostering global connections and cultural exchange.


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