Stalled road project angers Balaka residents, institutes committee to fast track works


Frustration refuses to die among people living in Balaka over an abandoned road project around the Township.

The less than 2 kilometres stretch which connects the Escom turn-off and the M8 road at Ngwangwa filling station has stalled for over a year now—with no visible progress recorded.

The stalled project has affected business operators along the road section, according to Haroon Moyenda Matipa, Chairperson of the Balaka Central Market Vendors.

“The quality of our goods is mostly compromised due to the dust emanating from the road, forcing us to sell our merchandise at a low price,” said Matipa.

It is reported that the contractor owes workers salaries totaling around K18 million hence the workers downed tools. 

Recently, parliamentarian for Balaka North constituency Tony Ngalande also expressed his dismay over the issue, calling on the Roads Authority to expedite the works.

Information Malawi24 has gathered indicates that a cross-section of people around the Township intends to hold a demonstration to force authorities to expedite the work.

Meanwhile, the parliamentarian has instituted a steering committee comprised of various business operators around the township to push for the resumption of work.

Reacting to the development, business operators believe the move would help in ensuring that there smooth progress in the works.
