PRISAM Invests in Education: Funding Training for 140 Students

Ernest Kaonga

In an effort to bolster educational standards alongside government initiatives, the Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has partnered with Malawi Assemblies of God University (MAGU) to fund training for 140 students in various teacher programs.

According to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) seen by our sources, the five-year agreement outlines PRISAM’s commitment to support a minimum of 100 student-teachers pursuing the University Certificate in Education (UCE), 20 in Education Degree Programs, and 20 in Early Childhood Development (ECD) Diploma Programs at MAGU.

Under the terms of the MAGU-PRISAM bursary, each PRISAM student will contribute fees totaling K480,000 for UCE, K617,500 for Education Degree Programs, K514,125 for ECD Diploma Programs, and K406,500 for Open and Distance Learning (ODeL) Education Degree Programs per semester.

The MOU emphasizes that this initiative aims to ensure students produce quality work, foster a positive work ethic, instill a spirit of diligence, and develop specialized expertise.

However, accommodation and upkeep costs remain the responsibility of the students and their guardians. MAGU retains the right to dismiss any student reported by PRISAM for misconduct, provided appropriate evidence is provided.

PRISAM President Dr. Ernest Kaonga expressed the association’s dedication to improving Malawi’s educational landscape by making sure that teachers are receiving necessary trainings.

“We don’t want our schools to be closed hence we are encouraging all our members to make sure that their teachers are registered with the Teachers Council of Malawi (TCM). This MOU has come at the right time when the government is encouraging teachers to get trained so that our education standards are improved,” said Kaonga

MAGU will offer training in UCE, Bachelor of Education in Science, Languages, and Humanities, as well as Diplomas in Early Childhood Development (ECD). UCE training spans one year, ECD Diploma programs extend over two and a half years, and Education Degree Programs run for four years.
