Railway accidents from January to June claimed four lives, including cattle 


Machinga Police says four people lost their lives to Railway accidents which also killed five cattle between January to June this year.

Superintendent Richie Thomson of Machinga Police Station disclosed this during community awareness meetings at Mbanila, Chinyasa, Namanja, Chipakwe, Ntalala, Mphonde, Likhonyowa and Nayuchi Trading Centers in the district.

The police raised awareness of the dangers of loitering and grazing cattle and goats along the railway line.

They said two people died due to drunkenness while the other two had mental health problems and the five cattle were killed due to the recklessness of herdsmen.

Thomson therefore advises relatives of people with mental health issues to ensure they don’t go closer to the railway line unchecked.

He also advised people along the Mbanila -Nayuchi railway line to avoid loitering along the line saying this is risky behaviour.

“Rail accidents are avoidable if you avoid loitering along the railway line. Avoid grazing cattle and goats close to the railway line and make sure you look after people with mental health so that they should not move along the line,” he said.

Machinga Police Community Policing Coordinator, Sub Inspector Masautso Katemera, asked the people along the railway line to desist from stealing or vandalising Central East African Railway (CEAR) equipment including rail sign posts, saying the signs posts were fixed for good purposes to help in preventing accidents.

He therefore called on the people to report to the police any person found stealing or vandalising rail signs. 

The Community Policing Coordinator said police will arrest all that will go against the law on theft or vandalism of rail signs


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