MANEB yet to disburse centre fees

Malawi Students seating for Examination

As the 2024 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) exams are expected to start in a week, the Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) is yet to disburse centre fees which are payable to secondary schools for purposes of examination administration. 

According to a letter addressed to the President of Malawi Secondary School Head Teachers Association (MASSHA) and three others, “The delay has been caused by logistical challenges beyond MANEB’s control. Please take note that MANEB is tirelessly working on the matter and would like to assure you that disbursement of the same shall be done any time soon.” 

In the letter which has been signed by its Executive Secretary Professor Dorothy Nampota, MANEB said it remains committed to fulfilling its mandate of administering national examinations in Malawi as provided for in the Malawi National Examinations Board Act, 1987. 

Meanwhile, the Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM), has complained that the delay in the disbursement of centre fees will negatively affect private school’s preparation for the administration of the 2024 MSCE exams. 

PRISAM president Dr Ernest Kaonga told Malawi24 that, “Private Schools rely on the same money to buy materials of practical subjects. Our friends in Government schools are not affected because they are provided with mobile labs while for private schools we rely on this money.”

Dr Kaonga has since urged MANEB to expedite the disbursement process claiming the same board restricts schools from buying materials when exams are in progress. 

The 2024 MSCE examinations are expected to start with practical tests on 2nd July and will end on 26 July 2024.