Bullets Hit with Misconduct Charges 

FCB Nyasa Big Bullets vs Silver Strikers

Two misconduct charges have been leveled against FCB Nyasa Big Bullets in response to the violence that erupted at Kamuzu Stadium last Sunday during their match against Silver Strikers.

The Super League of Malawi (SULOM) has brought forth these charges, citing the team’s failure to control the actions of supporters and officials, which goes against Article 26.2.31 along with Article 26.2.33 of the Super League of Malawi Rules and Regulations.

Additionally, the team is being charged with bringing the league into disrepute, as outlined in Article 26.2.51 of the same regulations.

SULOM has leveled two misconduct charges against Bullets.

SULOM emphasized that as an affiliate of the organization and as the home team, Bullets had the responsibility to manage their supporters. 

This misconduct, according to SULOM, has led to disorderliness and has tarnished the image of sponsors TNM plc, the Super League of Malawi, and the game itself.

The violence erupted after a 90th-minute goal by Chinsinsi Maonga secured a win for the Silver Strikers. Post-match, enraged FCB Nyasa Big Bullets supporters damaged buses designated for both visiting and home teams.
