Machinga Police ask Communities, Stakeholders to renovate Mposa Police Cells


The officer In Charge of Machinga Police Station, Senior Assistant Commissioner Jane Mandala, has asked communities and stakeholders around Mposa Police Unit to renovate police cells that are in bad condition.

The plea was made on Monday at Mposa in the district during an interface meeting with stakeholders and communities on how to improve the living conditions for the criminal suspects awaiting court trials.

“Mposa Police Unit covers T/A Mposa, T/A Nyumwanyumwa, and Traditional Authority Chamba so we are urging duty-bearers, including the legislator for this area, businessmen, and all concerned stakeholders including those living around Lake Chilwa to support us by renovating police cells here,” she said.

She has also commended the Traditional Authorities around the area, Member of Parliament  Grant Ndeche, and the District Council Chairperson Sydrick Standy for their support to the Police and other security agencies. 

“We are very grateful and we appreciate the support you are showing to us  despite your support we still have many challenges, especially  inadequate police cells.” She concludes.

In his remarks, the Chairperson for Machinga District Council, Councillor Sydric Standy, assured concerned stakeholders that he will work hand in hand with the legislature for the area on how they can utilize the constituency development fund (CDF) to solve the challenges.

T/A Mposa commended the Police Officers in the district for working tirelessly to protect the lives of citizens and their properties.