Mangochi teachers impressed with Kankha toolkit


Teachers during the training

Teachers in Mangochi say Kankha toolkit, used for equipping teachers with knowledge and skills to teach adolescents interpersonal skills and critical thinking, is user friendly and will help in creating conducive learning environment for learners.

Primary Education Advisor for St. Joseph Zone in Mangochi, William Buta, said this at Lungwena Primary School where Story Workshop Education Trust  (SWET) held teachers training on the Kankha toolkit.

“The training is relevant because it has provided opportunity for teachers to gain knowledge on how to use Kankha toolkit which will help improve school attendance and in turn increase pass rate,” he added.

One of the trained teachers, Shamim Mdala, said the Kankha toolkit will help learners to improve their performance that will lead them to secondary because there is a lot of content in the Kankha tool kit  that include an element of life skills.

SWET Project Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Denis Sinchaya, said the Kankha tool kit is there to equip teachers with knowledge and skills to teach the adolescents interpersonal skills and critical thinking.

“This is meant to see the adolescents participate and take part in decision making,” Sinchaya said, adding that this was the reason SWET brought back Sara comic books to enable the adolescent learners to gain skills in decision making .

SWET introduced Kankha Maphunziro, Tsogolo Labwino multimedia branded campaign to address challenges that include lack of parental support for girl child to attain quality education and to access information in inclusive and gender sensitive environment.

The Kankha toolkit is a bag containing activity guide, Sara comic book  and games to facilitate learning sessions under school clubs  through plays.

According to SWET, Kankha Maphunziro Tsogolo Labwino is a one-year UNICEF funded Project implemented in four districts namely Mangochi, Dedza, Salima and Kasungu implemented through United Nations Joint Programme on Girls Education( UNJPGE).

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