Crocodile killed in Mangochi


People at Kwitambo village along the Shire River in Mangochi with help from rangers from Department of Parks and Wildlife on Thursday morning killed a crocodile which has been causing havoc in the area.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana), one of the villagers, Mohammad Juma said the animal had been wandering in the village causing panic to the people for five months. He said the crocodile killed a cow last week.

On Thursday, the villagers used a dead monkey as bait to trap the crocodile and the animal was later gunned down by a game ranger from Department of Parks and Wildlife.

Juma said there was  relief and excitement in the village after killing  the crocodile as the crocodile was being brought to Mangochi Police .

Reported by Hanleck Mkumba

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