Zomba Malosa MP donates wheelchair to girl with disability


Member of Parliament for Zomba Malosa, Grace Kwelepeta, has donated a wheelchair to a schoolgirl to assist her mobility to school.

Speaking when donating the wheelchair, Kwelepeta said she decided to donate the tricycle to Fatima to allow her easy mobility to school and church knowing of her difficulties to travel.

The legislator donated the wheelchair after learning Fatima’s problem from her parents at Gobola Village, Senior Chief Malemia’s area in Zomba Malosa.

Kwelepeta got the wheelchair on request from Big Heart Homes Foundation, one of the charitable organisations that assist people with physical disabilities .

She therefore hailed the organisation for responding to the request for a wheelchair for Fatima who is standard five learner

The parliamentarian asked youth clubs in the area to interact with Fatima and ensure that she comes to participate in various interactive activities at the youth clubs.

“I would want to see youth clubs coming to interact with Fatima so that she should not feel lonely and rejected,” Kwelepeta added.

Fatima’s mother, Janet Mwamadi, hailed the parliamentarian for responding to Fatima’s mobility challenge.

She said Fatima was born without physical disability until she felt pain on her leg on her way from school on April 5, 2022.

“On April 14, the other leg stoped functioning and we took her to hospital but doctors failed to find the cause to this problem,” the mother added.

She further hailed the Big Heart Homes Foundation for coming in to assist Fatima through Zomba Malosa Member of Parliament.

Group Village Head, Gobola appealed to Fatima’s parents to take good care of the wheelchair so that the girl should finish her education.

The local leader also thanked both Big Heart Homes Foundation for responding to Kwelepeta’s request over Fatima’s problem.

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