I have spoken with Mark Zuckerberg – Liabunya

Prophet Liabunya

Malawi Prophet Austin Liabunya who claimed to have a direct chat with God and Angel Zagagel said he had a call today with Facebook founder and META CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Liabunya is known for making controversial and clickbait posts on social media, particularly on Facebook.

“I MUST admit that I’m glad to have been on a telephone call with the CEO of Facebook, @zuck today and discussed issues of public interest”, Liabunya announced on Facebook.

However, a majority of his followers called him out for the lie. In response, Liabunya only claimed to have spoken with Zuckerberg in the Spirit.

“Lesson: In the Spirit, anything is possible! Be filled with the Spirit always and you will not mind the things of the flesh. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit”, he commented, quoting Ephesians 5(18).

He once misled the public that his ‘holy oil’ can heal HIV and that an Angel was reading comments on his Facebook page.

Malawi is home to many renowned fake prophets in Africa. Some of prophets have been convicted of raping women and children.

Other prophets face money laundering, fraud, corruption and other sexual abuse charges, both locally and internationally.
