Auxiliary teachers told to continue working


The Ministry of Education has told 3,270 auxiliary teachers to continue working in their assigned schools.

Secretary for Education Chikondano Mussa issued a statement yesterday on the status on of auxiliary teachers working in schools across the country.

Government through the Ministries of Education and Local Government hired the teachers in February this year on an initial five-month contract. The contract was extended by two months in June hence expires this month.

With the third term of the school calendar expected to start next week, Government says the auxiliary teachers who were recruited from the Initial Primary Teacher Education (IPTE 13) cohort should continue discharging their duties in their assigned schools like they have been doing from February 2021 when they were initially engaged.

“All concerned Head Teachers, School Management Committees (SMCs) and District Education Managers are advised to continue honouring all contractual obligations to the teachers.

“Government would like to thank all the 3,270 teachers who were recruited through the Ministries of Education and Local Government for playing a crucial role in decongesting classes while teaching and learning continued amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Mussa.

However, commenting on the Ministry of Education Facebook Page, teachers have demanded government to employ them on permanent basis.

“Many schools don’t have even one Auxiliary Teacher to support and decongest in schools amidst the pandemic. Imagine and think with a sober mind the benefits that might be there in schools if only the two cohorts IPTE13 and IPTE14 are permanently recruited into the government system. The teacher learner ratio might be somewhat reduced,” said Reuben Soko.

“With that little amount of money while chi ntchito phwiii we are given tasks to do yofanana ndi omwe akulandila full salary what’s that? Imagine had it been kuti ndi ana anu akupangidwa choncho how would you feel? You are enjoying with your families uko mmmmm ayi zikomo God is watching,” said another commenter.