Minibus tout gets 10 years in prison for stealing from prison officer


By Michael Chiotcha

A court in Mangochi yesterday sentenced a 21-year-old minibus tout to 10 years in prison for stealing K480,000 from a prison officer.

The convict has been identified as Sungeni Kusweje commonly known as “Sunge”.

The Court heard through Mangochi Police Station Prosecution Officer, lnspector Amos Mwase, that on the afternoon of May 20, 2021 the victim Aubrey Mnembo who works at Mangochi Prison was driving his personal motor vehicle to Blantyre.

“Upon arrival at Kips he stopped and picked a passenger who was going the same direction,” Mwase said.

Furiously, Sunge who is a well known minibus tout at Mankhwala stage and two accomplices went to the car, forced Mnembo out of the car and beat him mercilessly.

Prosecutor Mwase added that the three stole K480,000 before smashing the driver’s side window and damaging the rear body with stones.

The matter was reported to Mangochi Police Station and Sunge was arrested last month, after being on the run, following a tip from members of the community.

Appearing in court, Sunge pleaded not guilty to the charge leveled against him prompting the state to parade three witnesses who testified against him.

In mitigation, the convict asked for the court’s leniency saying that he takes care of his family but prosecutor Mwase quashed his plea while justifying that the convict has criminal records and acted inhumanely towards the victim hence the need for a stiff and custodial sentence.

Passing judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe sentenced Sunge to 10 years imprisonment to deter other would be offenders.

In the meantime, the convict is also answering malicious damage charge.

Sungeni Kusweje comes from Kalonga village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi.