Iwuzeni nkhandweyo sindikuiopa: Manice, Mkaka’s cold war rages


United States based Malawian Manice Abiti William Dawood and Minister of Foreign Affairs Eisenhower Mkaka are still involved in a fight as the minister has now sued Dawood.

Mkaka and Dawood have been fighting over the past weeks following Dawood’s claims that the Minister pocketed about K0.3 billion in bribes from a Malawian business mogul of Indian origin to evade tax.

The minister has since dragged Dawood to the High Court over the claims and the summons were reportedly sent to Dawood through WhatsApp.

Writing on Facebook, Dawood confirmed that she has been sued by the minister. She, however, said she is ready to face Mkaka and does not fear him.

“Nafenso nkhandweyi sitikuyiopa. Tili pano kutulutsa viwanda (I am not afraid of the wolf. I am here to cast out demons),” she said.

Last month, Mkaka demanded evidence from Dawood that he indeed had received money from a business mogul.

“I have given instructions to my lawyers (and this is not a blank threat) for defamation and character assassination! Let her give evidence to court (she may as do so to ACB). I believe she has evidence I got K300 million,” Mkaka wrote.