Shemu Joyah`s The Road to Sunrise submitted for an Oscar Award


Malawian movie The Road to Sunrise which is a brainchild of award winning director Shemu Joyah is on a queue for the prestigious Oscar recognition.

The Road to Sunrise is among 87 movies that have been selected across the world to compete in the best foreign language slot.

Joyah: good news for the nation

Joyah`s work which won big in this year`s Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards (AMVCA) as the best Southern African film, is the first Malawian movie to earn an Oscar awards nomination.

The news has brought a wave of joy across the country as congratulatory messages are still pouring in for the director. Some Malawians have said it feels very good to be a Malawian when sons and daughters of the land are being recognized globally.

Joyah said this is good news for the nation as it signals growth in the home creative industry. A lot of Malawians echo his words, citing  international recognitions for other local filmmakers.

However, the Road to Sunrise will go through further assessment before qualifying for the final list of the Oscars. In this regard, Malawi is hoping for the best knowing that failure to pass through the initial nomination phase will see the country missing the chance to win one of the most prestigious honours in film.

The awards ceremony which will be 91st, is slated for 24th February next year.