As part of celebrating the unveiling of new funeral policy, the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) listed company Old Mutual Malawi Limited, has organized a day-long fitness Bonanza at College of Medicine in Blantyre scheduled for Saturday, May 5, 2018.
Old Mutual Head of Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Linda Poya said all is set for the fitness bonanza and the launch of the new product on the market.

“As part of the celebration, marking the launch of our new product on the market, we have organized a fitness bonanza where people will be introduced to the new exciting product while, they get a chance to exercise and promote their health status with friends and family.
Our society has been hit by many health issues like cancer, heart diseases, diabetes e t c, that are linked to inactivity and lifestyle.
Old Mutual as a Life Insurance company, our mission is to protect people and their families at every stage of their lives.
We therefore believe that we can encourage healthy living among our customers and the society, while we are also helping them achieve their lifetime financial goals,” said Poya .
Poya said, “as a Responsible Business, we would like to be a trusted partner that contributes positively to our customers lives. This is why; we strive to deliver on our promises by constantly introducing innovative and meaningful products to the market.
Last year, Old Mutual Life Assurance Company introduced Timba and Tsogolo Savings plans on the market to meet the needs of Malawians by encouraging a saving culture amongst the average citizen’s in order to realize their dreams. This year, we have a lot more products lined up, starting with TimbaPlus”
The activities on the day will start with a walk from Old Mutual offices in Blantyre to College of Medicine, three hour of aerobics session with Ulaya classic as an instructor and thereafter, a mini basket bonanza.