Calls for Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe and Minister of Local Government Kondwani Nankhumwa to resign are growing louder.
The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, (CCJP) has added its voice to the calls for the two to resign or be fired by President Peter Mutharika.

The commission said this following revelations that the government allocated public funds amounting to K4 billion to 86 Members of Parliament as a way of thanking them for shooting down the Electoral Reforms Bills.
The allocation was later approved by Parliament after government agreed to share the money among all 193 MPs.
In a statement on Thursday, CCJP said Ministers of Finance and Local Government should honourably resign and President Mutharika should take appropriate action against the said Ministers.
CCJP also observed that Gondwe last week contradicted himself in an attempt to clear the misallocation and failed to disclose the source of the said funds.
“Our concern is if the ‘country’s pulse keeper’ cannot be clear on the source of any public funds, then who will ensure transparency and accountability regarding public funds?
“We find this behaviour untrustworthy. It is unethical to spend huge sums of money without knowing the source, conditions attached and subsequent approval of Parliament,” said CCJP in the statement.
The commission noted that the current regime is continuously losing its integrity and commitment to democratic governance as evidenced by the misallocation and wanton sharing of tax payers’ money at a time the National Budget is constrained and cannot perform properly.
CCJP has also condemned Parliament for normalising the K4 billion allocation saying the legislature disregarded its constitutional obligation of providing oversight over the Executive arm of the Government.
The commission has since asked Anti-Corruption Bureau to thoroughly investigate the issue and clear the mist regarding the source of the funds as well as the criteria that was used by the concerned Ministers to select the 86 members of Parliament earmarked for the expenditure of the funds.
Which catholics??
I just wonder to see some people are still defending these two men. They deserve to resign. They are misusing our tax money!!!!
Who? Really?
these two really have to
Chimenetu anthu sitimamvetsa ndichakuti timafuna Amipingo azilowelela pakakhala kuti ndipamalilo kapena kokapemphelela Mvula Basi, cholakwika ndichani amipingo kulowelela pa nkhani zodzudzula katangale? Ndikuona ngati ndifunso lopanda nzelu kufunsa kuti kodi Catholic kapena bungwe? Amalawi zina tisamazilelekelele dala zinthu zina zikulakwika ndicholinga chokuti akudziweni kuti mumaika ma Comment, ineyo sindikukhulupilila pali cholakwika chomwe Acatholic apanga. Musatchuka poyamikila zinthu Zolakwika. Umbava ndiyomwe ukukolezela Dziko lino kusauka ndipo sibwino kumayamikila zinthu zopusa.
shame to you who never think that gondwe and nankhula are good for Malawi these people are mis using our tax money pliz they must fall
Kod cathoric ndi mpingo kapna bungwe?
I need to be schooled further. When a bill is presented in parliament is it circulated for perusal by the members to understand it or not? My little knowledge tells me that it Haas to go through the business committee then it is circulated before it can be passed by the members. Members are supposed to check it then if satisfied endorse it. So inn this case,who errored? Who did not do the job that they are supposed to do? Is it Gondwe? I don’t think so. Let’s handle issues with sober minds. Kalekale people would be persecuted like that. Not now. The whole parliament erroreed and everyone has to be accountable. Miasma soc he metre anthu ayi. Let’s build a one Malawi. Nanga akayamba ampingo tiggwirizana mMalawi muno?
Instead Of Praying For God’s Intervation On Malawi’s Leadership ,u Are Bursy Doing Satanism Pushing One To Resign ! I Feel Shame On You ! May Jesus Heal You !
Beware of this catholics,why are they into politics lyk Rev Chakwera pple must be carefull about this foreign sponsored churches, they only want to cause instability n a piecefull country lyk Malawi coz if they fronting for the ouster what is their agenda now?That’s why in most Asian countries China,Japan,Korea DPR and others they don’t allow this churches in their coutries instead of preaching the word of God they are busy interfering in government issues n its only here n Africa we allow this nonsense
Remember they were these pulpit leaders who pushed for Multipartism in 1992 when dictatorialism was unwelcome to many Malawians. It wasn’t easy to oust Dr. H.K Banda but due 2 e church’s influence the task was simple for the likes of Chihana, C et al to win the battle. Again in 2003 the church played a crucial role in the fight against Muluzi’s 3rd term tenure. They are watchdogs of the govt of the day.
U really know not what u r saying and may the gud Lord forgive u.
As far as iam concern,i dont suport the views of others simply because they are in large number,i do things my own view.there is no need to false finance minister to resign.if gondwe resign who is clean enough to lead the nation as Jesus? all mp’s then need to step down too.all pariamentarians shared the so-called development cash,which pariamentarian can stand today and oppose.the chakwera himself was there when they debated the issue.can hin today stand and against the debated move? Every one must step down. Its not clean to sideline others if like they are okey.No need to assist some one to scoop votes here with this issue.’pakuti onse adachimwa napelewera pa ulemelero wa Mulungu,’ mukati enawo alibe tchimo muzinyenga nokha ndipo mwa inu mulibe choonadi.
Koma mu dpp muli umbava,zikusonyeza kut apitalawo aliso mgulu lokuba tizaziziwa akaluza 2019
Bola kuzawina osamangolubwalubwa pa fb pa
Zooneka Ndimaso Sapamakhala Kufusa Mafuso Kkkk
Enough is enough
They must go its time
We all know what type of people they are. They can’t resign at cost. Politics is there life.