Member of Parliament for Salima Central Felix Jumbe has joined Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and has expressed his wish to contest as a DPP candidate in Salima North.
Jumbe announced on Tuesday that he has dumped the Lazarus Chakwera led MCP because the party was treating him badly.

“It is no longer a secret, I have obliged to the wishes of people of Salima North that I should serve them for the first time under DPP succumbing to the ill-treatment I have had in MCP under Chakwera. I need a rest,” he wrote on Facebook.
When one of the commenters on the post challenged that Jumbe did not consult people in Salima North before making his decision, the legislator responded by saying that people in the constituency are his relatives.
“Go on the ground and come back. It’s not ordinary people they are my relations most of them uncles, cousins and what have you. These people have been MCP and myself too. Chipongwe (ill-treatment) from the rude Chakwera Team has changed them,” he said.
Jumbe was fired from MCP in 2016 after he was accused of creating divisions within the party. He was also suspected of working with ruling DPP to destabilise the MCP.
sekerera nkudyere
Timkanena ife kuti akutumidwa ndi dpp kuti azisokoneza chipani, lero ndi uyu wapita.
very true jumbe joins dpp to blackouts,corruption,unemployment.He is a conjunction
very true jumbe joins dpp to blackouts,corruption,unemployment.He is a conjunction
Wachita bwino and no one is missing him at MCP amthila kuwiri
Inetu ndimadabwa kuti olemekezeka a Jumbe alibe mbiri iriyonse yoyipa koma kumakakamila chipani choyipa chamagazi ngati chimene chija cha MCP anthu omwe akukakamila chipani cha MCP ndi ankhanza wokhawokha basi kulibe wabwino mwachita bwino mwasakha kolowela kwabwinonso
Onse amene amafuna ndale zothandiza kongolesi anawaponya miyala basi wachita chisankho chabwino cholowera Ku blue side
Jumbe kukonda opposition mot apa waionera patali kt DPP yikhala ku opposition
Koma 40 mita ipha anthu ndi misala….
Welcome big man,asiyireni chipani chopanda zolinga
Remember Mcp Was Fired Jumbe.I Cannot Think That Mcp Is Lost.Jumbe Is Kholokolo,lets Him Go 2 Dpp And Scatter The Members Of Dpp To Join Other Parties More Especially Might Mcp.
How I feel Kabwila, Msowoya and Kaliwo did the same then what a marvellous Party we are going to have. Chonde the three mentioned should do as Felix tisiye kumamva nyasi chonde
All ill-mannered politicians belong to the blue camp! He has just made Mcp vindicated!
Wachita bwino umatisokonezela chipani.
and that ends his presidential ambitions…saves this lunatic better.
Mcp vindicated!
Rot in pieces Felix
Nice move honourable Jumbe you ‘re most welcome in DPP
Another morale booster ,,no wonder APM deserve next 5yr term .please ur arguments aren’t necessary!
Thats the end of his political career
Welcome , welcome, well what??
wachita bwino kuchoka akagawane nawo masiku atha, papsa tong’ola
koma sungagwetse KAPHA MTENGO YONA.Go well sitikusowa ku MCP.tinakuwerenga kalekale koma iwe sunkaziwa.wako watha apa ndi mbava zizako izo
A Jumbe Anatha Kalekale.! Kodi Mlandu Wao Uja Unatha Bwanji?
Welcome Mr Jumbe
Jumbe follows money to DPP, the core reason for his stubbornness in MCP was go to DPP in search of money not that the ideologies of MCP are bad compared to DPP. And all politicians should know that the period of ignorance is over where people were being turned here and there
Haa haa haa haa haa welcome ajumbe iyah kumangochedwa basi
Opportunistic bustard
This man has never been MCP ever since he lost election at the MCP convention. He has worked tooth and nail day and night to make Chakwera fall. He did not even campaign for Chakwera. This man has been so bitter for the 4 years with the loss at the convention. For a MCP they say the “wood we wanted to chop has fallen down at its own well thereby saving us labor”
Panyapake Uyu, Alibeso Moralo
Koma ndiye ukwera yakuphwa yachina Goodal Chaponda
Kafiken bwino
Welcome to the mighty DPP Hon Jumbe mupumeko umoyo wina sopano,we’re waiting for Kabwila,Kaliwo and the big fish himself Rt Hon Msowoya VIVA #DPP.
Yenda Bo Umafuna Upulesidethi Ku M C P Ndiye Waona Kuti Zakanika
Kusaka msika wa peacock seed,,kaya 2019 muzagulitsa kuti??
As days comes closer we will see many joining our loved party, walm welcome Mr Jumbe(matsamba akamapululuka manyazi amagwira mtengo) good choice DPP bomaah!
Kumeneko tudziwa kuti ndi anu ife atikwana koma alemphera kuwonga MCP yakwanitsa 5 kwa 1ndiye muyembekezere achina kaliwo kabwira msowoya tikudziwa kuti anu.
Sakadachitila mwina akasowa m’ndowero malingwere basiti chotsatila nkulowa pa ndundu
APM is too old..he is 81 yrs….is very shamefull to to give this Gogo another 5 yrs While he have failed us the last 4yrs. .Malawi is a developing nation. ..So how can we develop yet we have a OLD President who is stealing our tax togather with other mkhalambazi (Goodwell Gondwe)…..how chan those khalambazi understand the current life….we have to rmind them that this is 21st century. ………youth thumb up….. don’t let these Old people to harass us in OUR TIME…….THEY MUST GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Age isn’t matter,Good leadership it’s not about age.It takes thouthfulness,high integrity,intelligence and 3rd eye to be good leader so it is wrong to comment that APM cannot bear sweetfruits take a look for the 1st time Mtengo wa mafuta wakhala usakukwela kwa chaka ndimiyenz isanu sign of good economy.
do you think economy is in gud terms??? we still have no stable economy things is worse in ghetto ….electricity is not stable. ….so how can be economy be stable……APM have no any leadership skills. APM is shame to MALAWI…..he don’t even know where he is taking us
U r the one who is old.
hahaha will watch a show
usavutike ndikuloza zala akuluakulu kuti ndikhalamba who told u that in development daz not need old pple? if u are saying they are old u means that they know everything no bady can cheat them.
ndichifukwa chake akungotibera …….. akungoika miya 21st century ino azngoika miyala? ? akalamba sakuganiza bwinobwino. ……why the same gvnt imanenakut 60 and above akalamba apange retire. ….mukufuna azasiye kuona nde muzizati akalamba…..APM WILL LOOSE BY AGE NDI MBWERERA AKUTIPANGILAZOOO
that gogo can’t be active in development with that 82 yrs old
Nkholokolo zayamba kuoneka,timadziwa kuti Jumbe akutumidwa ndipo sanali wa MCP, zosadabwitsa anachotsedwa anachotsedwa, yendani bwino baba,mwina chipani chathu chiyende bwino
Good riddaance Mkholokolo imodzi yapita thanx heaven … But it seems Mr Jumbe has just imposed himself to be MP for Salima North,,, what will happen to Mr NATHAN CHIMBETETE who stood on DPP ticket in 2014 elections????
Dont 4get This Guy Is From Salima Where MCP has a big following. WARNING: play your cards very wel MCP or else this wil lead to your disaster coz i see the likes of Kabwira from the same area Following suit
Simuidziwa MCP baba!!Jumbe is the one to be careful! !He has sold that Seat for good to MCP come 2019! !
Thats your opinion Mr Juma. What u should know is your party is losing key members and people who are defecting from your party have the big influence in the society.
Ameneyu basi kunyumba yamalamulo walasi sadzakuwonaso mwina apite ku Thyolo kapena ku mulanje azake awa agwengwe mbuyo mwalendo abwerera kunyumba yamalamulo amuse ntaba
Collins, Jumbe sikuti anali munthu opeleka chikokwa anthu ,mu MCP alipo anthu oti achoke lero atengadi anthu osati Jumbe,ngati anali heavy weight mu MCP bwanji sanalowe ku dpp kare lomwe?apa zadziwika kuti amatumidwa ndi dpp pa zonse amalakhura
Munthu akachoka Ku MCP kupita Ku DPP; alibe chikoka, kholokolo, timadziwa kuti achoka, he is a recycled politician etc, koma akalowa MCP from other political party like the lovenessGondwe and the like; ee MCP boma, wina akusamuka, tayamba kuchotsera etc. The issue is that politics is a game of numbers, the more a lot of people are going out of the party, has to worry you. So the coming of Jumbe will have a negative effect in one way or the other.
and salima north has an mp…we are far from being ready to replace him with a cattle farmer who torture his workers… he should remain in salima central and lose better
Ndipo ngakhale kuno ku Dedza south west sitingamulore ngakhale kuli kwawo, Jumbe ndiwaphuma ndipo mcp simanyengelera mp
Lets Wait And See As We Count Down To 2019
Hahaha Salima Yake Yit? Musatinamizepo Ine Ndiwakonko Salima Central Koma Bwanawo Mmm! Very Poor Anthu Amachta Kuwathamangitsa Pamsokhano Kut Saluwafuna. Ndpo Alibe Chikoka Ameneyo Wapita Yekha Ku Dpp Alibe Sapota
Yandani bwino mudzatipeza MCP simatha ,yakhala lkutsutsa zaka zocholuka koma ilipobe.Azanu akatelo pochoka koma anabwerelanso pano ndi aMp.Ndiye pochoka azanu azeru sanena chifukwa pobwelela zimachitsa manyazi.
Kkkkkkk apa sitikuona chodabwitsa ndipo kwa Amene angadabwe ndiye kuti sali Malawi muno, koma chomwe chimandisangalatsa ndichakuti mukabwebweta bweta mumapita kwa Amene anakutumaniwo ndiye ubwino wake. Tele yapa zakhaka bwino zedi kuti mwapita kwanu, mutha ndithu nonse Amene mumatumidwanu mumulondola bwana wanuyo. Anthu osakhazikika muchipani simukufunikanso dyela Basi. Ma 40 Mita Amene mwapatsidwayo mwafuna muwalondole, anthu kukamidzi akuvutika inu kungofuna kukhutitsa mimba zanu zokha Basi. Atsalanso ena mupitanso ndipo teloni ubwino wake munachotsedwa kale mundanda Wa chipani cha MCP. Palibenso kukututumukani.
Oipa athawa yekha and diehard wa MCP amakhazikika pamodzi,,,osati uku walowa and uku wapita ,akause ndi mtendere Ku DPP bambo Jumbe,,,,amufunse Gwengwe kadali ka hot cake pomwe ankaluza 2014,,,ndiye aziona next year,kkkk
Ajumbe palibe chaphindu apanga ku chipani apite mumtendere
Ndiponso ine kunena kwake nkumati amachedwa pati kulondola mbava zizakezo? Apite ndipo sindikukhulupililanso kuti chipani cha MCP chingamusowe bwampini ameneyu, kavuwe vuwe ngati ameneyu awalondoke anzakewo. Ndanena kale kuti zopusa akulankhulazo azikawauza ana kapena Amene amamuwetela nkhumba zakewo kusalimako Ife yayi, awa ndiye Magulu aja owasiyila chipani kuzapeza achititsa pinyilo ngati tikuonazi. Pape Jumbe kafike ndithu.
Wasala Maaphang’ombe Mia alowaso DPP salazu chisankho kenako Chakwela akwelaso DPP. 2019 tizamva atibelaso
Kungomva kuti kuba chimanga ku DPP kwaphweka, mwati muloweko.
End of his political career.
Ndiye azijati chiyani pa campaign pakuti kalero anali otukwana dpp kuti ndi mbava kero adzikawauza anthu kuti ndaona ndibwino ndikhale ndi mbava zizanga kuti tibeleke umbava kathithi Jumbe hv nothing to to share in this country
So the rumours were true
Thank u jumbe fr ur wise decision u a welcome feel at hom….msowoya n kabwira u a also welcome at any tym ….,muchisiye chokha chokonda ndalamacho ch chakwera
Iwe nawe munthu akamachoka ku mcp amakhala watha(madeya/gaga).muwafunse a mtaba adali computer,lero ndi manyowa weneweni.mtengeni fungweyo munthu wapawiripawiri
Dolo ngat sudziwa kanthu za ndale u betteq stay Quite coz munthu sukhala pali chonunkha ndiye paja mcp yayamba kununkha wachta bwino kuyisiya kubwera kwathu kwa fresh da rulling DPP…
mupite ku mercy williames mukaone azibare ake simungakhulupirire.chakuncheneka uko.simudakhumbaso kunva za Felix Jumbe.
Ndugwilizana nanu akulu, ndipo zomati abale awo ngandalama mmm ayi kuletsa, ndiye anthu ena samamuona Kaye munthu kuti ndindani. Koma apite ndipo akafike anthu adyela awa. Anadziwa kuti kumene kuja sangakawine ndichifukwa chake adakaimila kumunda kwakeko
ndimakaoda mbatatesi kumene kuja, koma ndidakhumudwa.anthu akundiuza kuti abele awo a Felix Jumbe ndiwa.
mbava zakuba
Koma wina anakati wapita Ku MCP ndiyetu kunakhala kuomba m’manjatu.Musiyeni spite ambiri apitaso,koma choti mudziwe aliso ndi anthu omukondaso capita nawoso kumeneko mayi ine. Politics game of numbers. 50+1
Kukanakhala kuvina mpaka nkhani mbweeeee!!!!!! kkkkkkkk koma poti wa choka kwawo hahaha ati opanda phindu ….MCP sizatheka
Inu athu abidza tengani ameneyo simumawononga ndalama kuti asokoneze MCP ife timadziwa.kale inuyu ndiye amene mumatuma ndiye palibe chodabwitsa aliyese akudxiwa kuti wanu.
Ndizo ndale pa Malawi.
yea!shoot the moon and if you miss it you WILL BE AMONGEST THE STARS.
Anali kale a Dpp awa.
wamuthaimila patali chakwera kuti 2019 akhala chatsika, watsalaso wina uja kkkk
Koma komwe iyeyu akuchokela ku salima north ameneyutu akunama sangapambane zisankho ngakhale zitavuta makaa kuli munthu wapheee wadongosolo Mr kamphatengo Yona amene kugonja sali kukudziwa kuyambila kale kaaaaale ndiye awa mmmmm mwina kwawo konko kwa Imani
Kulira ndi mtima
And these people too will join DPP: Kaliwo, Kabwira, Msowoya, Chanthinga Nkhoma and the nkolonkoloz.
ndy kuxowa zchta
Apite mwina chipani chathu chikhazikike,nkholokolo zaoneka
Akufuna Nayeso Amugaileko 40 000 000 Kukonda Ndalama.
He could not stand the heat at MCP. It appears there’s no ” forgiveness and torelance ” in MCPs political dictionary
They were sent to disturbalise MCP ,but they’ve failed! !Kabwira ndi Msowoya apitenso akutisokonezera chipani! !
ndizimenetu ndimadziwa ine zimenezo zoti inali nkholokolo ,ndye yakanika now,iwe kabwira ndi msowoya follow ur uncle too,nomore nkholokolo mu mcp pano…
Yes its a purified party nansongole kumoto tirigu mu storage
watsara Jese kabwira. we r waiting for you madam. and msowoya again.
Anthu oipa ngati amenewa azipita basi. Sitikuwafunaso kuchipani chathu. Tava zoti anali phungu ku Salima Central pano akuti akaimira ku Salima North. Akuthawako chiyani ku Salima Central. Choti adziwe ndichakuti aliyese amene wachoka ku MCP salowaso mu parliament. Jumbe sudzawinaso
apite uyu sangadxawine,
Kkkkkkk mbalame ikathawa mwati mmm olo nkanakupha ngati nkanakutola? Kunyunya msuzi iwe. Lero Felex jumbe. Mwayambapo. Chisiru. Kagwere uko. Sitimakufuna ku mcp. Bvuto mulinalo a mcp ndi limeneli. Simufuna munthu wa masomphenya ai okonda ziko lake koma onyonza boma ndie eeeeee ma coments mpaka kuzaza mu 4n mpaka battry low kkkkk. Jumbe waipa chifukwa walowa dpp?? Mulira muona. Ndale simukudzidziwa inu. Koma bzy kusokosa basi
Chitini chopanda kanthu phokoso kwambiri. Samalani ndale si masanje muzakuwa 2019 ndipo muzakhala ngati mukulota koma zili zeni zeni. Dpp sikugawa kamba. Ndale zao ndi za pansi zilibe phokoso. Ndale za xool. Neba haulira? Neba haumwa tameki? Neba hauthawa? Neba huwihawa? Tie sizinati dikilirabe mpomwe uziziwe ndale kut nchani?? FELEX WALANDILIDWA. KHAZIKIKA
awa anazolowera kulongolola awa
Kkkkkkkkkk adadi ayaka fayaaaaaa!!!
Amawaonera kuseli. Dpp aidziwa sopano
Mbava zokhazokha…. Kaya chani kaya chani apa zayenera kutero basi. Ilandireni mbava inzanu imeneyo.
Muthu ameneyi aliyese kuti ndi wa DPP poti ndiwamaso mphenye tiwone mmene zisithire zithu mdziko muno .
Kkkkkkkk koma akanachoka dpp kulowa mcp ndie eeeee wabwinooooo
Kkkk kma tiona zthu mchaka chino ineso ndatuluka DPP nda join MCP ndilengezen mu news mtundu wa malawi udziwe zmenezi…@
Very good.Waionera patali kuti ndiyakuphwa MCP!!
Koma komwe iyeyu amachokela ku salima north iyeyu sangapambane akunama kutaaaali kwambiri
Iwe ndi salima north?……..wapitawapita basi
DPP is a national party unlike a tribal grouping you call it MCP, imadutsa Malo osadutsika Kwa Ana ngati MCP!!
Welcome Mr we need more development in our beloved country
Dev yke it nawexo
Bp ngati yakwera just go to clinic, sindikuyankhula ndi iweyo komanso sindinabwere ku inbox yako
Koma wabwera gulu kuti ena awerengeko maganizo akowo
But Malawian politics sometimes s a joke coz how can someone just came in and hv an automatic entrance to represent the party in the forthcoming elections n remember this person just recently was opposing the party again n what about the pple who hv been there already feel about this move?Do our political parties hv their own constitution?Wake up pliz how can you trust him at this time around n he can tear the party from within coz u hv fastrack him to the top
Zowonadi Ifa sithawika bwana jumbe, koma mukanakhala ena mukanangosiya, amene wakuzaniyo wakunamizani,
This is what I call political vision, o’Dala awona patali
Kkkkkkkk that’s why he is always the best loser amangotengeka. In fact he was not born to be a Politician anangogwelamo.
Good move welcome
Oyipa athawa yekha tasiya kuweta njoka ku mcp kagweleni kumweko
So if u fail sir,whtg are u going to do?
Nobody knows where, when & how he or she will die. Don’t mock him you don’t know what the devil is preparing for him. Let’s be spectators kkkkkkkkkk
Hahahhhahahaa nyc one
like terms go together…. no space for recycled politicians at MCP….. let all the thugs go to the party they deserve
sidik mia, halima daud,loveness gondwe,sosten gwengwe, mwana wa muluzi ujanso bwa? tiziti simukudziwa meaning ya recycled politicians?
Do u know Jumbe ur self? He was not apolitician before. He was president of Farmers Union of Malawi.
So calling him arecycled politician mmmmmmmm…. kkkkk..
Its aloss to mcp and its aplus to DPP
yes he is not recycled to mcp he was already expelled in 2015
I wonder who’s Sidck Mia to MCP is he not recyled politician? Kkkkkk we will soon dance “Atibela Volune 6″sure
Do like terms go together?Ndayiwala,remind me
Iyeyu wadya zambiri za DPP kuti asokoneze MCP koma zamukanika apite akavuwevuwe akazitape.
@ JT in mathematics yes….in physics no
good riddance
Good move farmer.
Ayiiii mbuzi ayiii ndi wankulu munthuyu mpaseni ulemu akhale nkhumba koma lol
Amthuwa mmene dziko laipiramu angamapange zaku masende ngati zimenezi malo molilongosora