Student Loans Board spent K17 million on printing forms while students are told ‘no money’

Chanco students

Trouble is brewing at the Higher Education Students Loans and Grants Board over revelations that the Board paid K17 million for the printing of forms and diaries.

According to reports, Executive Director for the Board Chris Chisoni authorised payment for K17 million to EE and A enterprise. The payment being made for loan forms and diaries.

Chris Chisoni

The irony is that the loan forms are not distributed to applicants but are downloadable on the Loans Board website.

The payment comes at a time that needy students are being kicked out of the university for failing to access the loan which has been marred with various flaws.

Other reports have suggested that EE and A Investments which got the K17 million is a company that is owned by Chris Chisoni’s wife. Malawi24 is yet to independently verify that.