The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) National Executive Committee (NEC) has suspended the party’s first vice president Richard Msowoya and secretary general Gustave Kaliwo.
The two will face disciplinary action over the role they played in bringing confusions in the party.

The main opposition MCP made the decision at a NEC meeting held at its headquarters in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe.
The meeting began at 1 pm up to 8 pm on Sunday. It was called by party president Dr Lazarus Chakwera amid internal wrangles in the party.
During the meeting, Msowoya and Kaliwo were not in attendance but the NEC went on to suspend them.
On the main gate of the MCP headquarters, there was a banner demanding the firing of Kaliwo whom a lot of MCP members are accusing of being the source of wrangles in the party.

Recently, Msowoya, Kaliwo and three other senior MCP members wrote a letter accusing Chakwera of flouting the party’s constitution.
In the memo that the five penned, they accused Chakwera of making decisions on his own without following the constitution.
Reacting to the memo, MCP MPs and MCP youth wing backed Chakwera saying the he has never flouted the constitution and the four top gurus are just aiming to bring confusions in the party.
The MCP MPs and MCP youth wing also demanded the firing of Kaliwo who according to them has been sleeping on duty since 2013 when he became the party’s secretary general.
Nde mawa muziti anthu akumpoto mumawakonda zabodza basi. JB anathothola khumbo, mcp yathothola msowoya pamene dpp kota. Anthu inu nonse munangopana ndakuonani kuti wakumpoto asadzakhaleko mtsogoleri ndakuonani
Kodi mesa omewa anasankhidwa ndi komveshoni nanga bwanji ochotsedwa nochakwera? Komaso inu ochakwera onthu okapereka maganizo awo basi mothothola nanga okakupatsani boma 2019 mudzathothola onthu ongati? Mesa inu ndinu oleader ooposition mumatsutsa boma koma osanjatidwa pamene inu akakutsutsana mothothola ozanu mchulungamo ichi? Bwanji osasiya kuti okathotholebwe ndikomveshoni. Ngati mukupanga izi musanakhale president nanga mukakhala president 2019? Sitizakhala ndi one party koma? Ndikuona udictator mwainu ndithu. Anthu azanjatidwa ambiri ndithu. Democracy yomwe atcheya onaivutikira idzathera pompo
thngs fall apart now!
ths is a clear indicator that chakwera is a dictator,he can not help us,no doubt to say he wl never rule ths country.
he is an expert of failure
he is
thngs fall apart now!
ths is a clear indicator that chakwera is a dictator,he can not help us,no doubt to say he wl never rule ths country.
he is an expert of failure
he is
ma guys a mcp kuyambana asanawine nkomwe.Umodzi party iwina basi
Kandiwaza. Chisi is online, by the way. Like his FB page.
Mundale izi zimachitika si zachilendo koma kuti mvula ikagwa eeeeee Manong’ono nong ‘o mmmmmmm zolira inu kuchuluka
Abusa woyeeee nkhosa balala kuthawa kaya ine zanga phee DPP bomaaa
Akanakhala kuti ndi president wa dziko lino akangowachita yomwe ija yaku thambani. Galu ndi galu sangatsinthe. DPP!!!!!moto kuti buuuu!!!!!, DPP !!!!! 2019 kachikena boma!!!!!!!!
ayambe apuma, amenewo. ndalama analandilazo.abweze kwa eniwake.
Waonatu Msowoya paja si umamuikira kumbuyo Chakwera kuti azinyoza pulezidenti mnyumbaya malamulo lero ndi izi usova ulowera kt nthawi itatha kale kunyengezera kumamudzuzula …kaya ine phe pa kona. Sidik Mia akulowatu mmalo mwako MCP ikufuna mavoti kumwera sikuti walakwa kanthu iweyo asakuphimbe mmaso now u should learn what it means.. to be neutral as The Speaker of national assembly …
Chipani Cha Mcp Kulibe Ufulu Chipani Ichi Ndichankhanza Basi Sichingasinthenso!Chowapatsira Suspend Ndichiyani?Uyu Mukut M’busayu Adzatimpheteka Atati Wadzawina,mcp Inapita Ndi Dr Banda Koma Uyu Lazaro Aaaaaa!Ndikukaika Ngati Angabweretse Kusintha Malawi Walakwa Chiyani Richard Msowoya?Uku Ndiye Kusankhana Mitundu.
MCP is not a farmily party..
Abusa mwayambanso kubalalitsa khosa??,Inu muzawine inu??.Muzaziona.
Kaliwo Msowo mubwele ku NS tidzakumetani mwatikwana kwambiri
Mzalira tsiku lzafika lokha. Awawa I’ve tiwalandira kuno Ku DPP. Inu Lazaro zikhalani ndi chipani chanu cha ng’ona ndi misomalicho ayaa!!!.
Kodi munthu odana ndi alendo pakhomo pake ndi munthu ameneyo ife timaona ngati chipani chomwe ukhoza kulowa ndikukhala ndi ufulu olankhula ndiye ndi mcp taonani udf imayendetsedwa ndi akubanja dpp pp ndizipani za family koma mcp munthu atha kukhala president osatengela kubanja ayi ife mcp timayikonda koma awawa aonetsa kuti ndi anthu osokoneza bwanji sanapite kuzokambiliana akudziwa kuti achakwera akumphwanya malamulo achipani mesa akadapita kukapeleka khawa zawo ku nec koma ose osapita kuonekelatu kuti zelu zawo ndizongofuna kumwaza basi
End of mcp
Mukuona choncho? zingotengera kuti mwaima angle iti ya nkhaniyi.
Kkklk MCP ndi ana olira ndi thewera lawo kkkkll
kunali bakili,mtaba,dausi,daza,kainja koma unava mcp yatha.kape iwe eti
Wait and see
Now they can start their own party or join those who assigned them to bring confusion in MCP….angels of dakness
Well done MCP executive you have done gd blz more aputty teen makes a lot of noise this one’s aputty teens
Ngat kukambirana samafuna bas achoke amativetsa mmimba kwambiri anthu awiri ativute bwanji osadzipatsa ulemu? ndi ana?
Amafunaso kut aphe mcp koma alephela anatumidwa nd pta kma zavuta njla zosezo akupangaz satkwanitsa tili nd ululu nd dpp
Man Mulindi Ululu Ndi Dpp Why?? Mcp Ndi lmene Inatpagitsa Ululu Mwaywala Kale?? Mavuto Ang’ona Asakhuze Dpp
Watching from the stands, but what we need as a country is a few strong political parties for our multiparty democracy to thrive. Otherwise one day we gonna be back in one party democracy.
thats ok 4 those 2 guyz to be dismantaled in the party “look sharp” coz we r moving 4ward 2 meet green pasture in 2019
Ulendo Udali Wa Anthu Atatu Kuchokera Ku Blantyre Via Wenera.Atafika Pa Zingwangwa Adaganiza Zogula Nthochi Ndipo Atafika Pa WENERA adaganiza zokhala pansi kuti adye nthochi ija.ndipo adamuona Mnyamata Wina Ankaoneka Ngati Opemphesa Ndipo Adatenga Nthochi Yonse Nati Kwaya Idya.Atakhuta Adayamba Kukwiya.Lero Mwaona A SIDIK MIA mwayamba kunyoza a nkhalakale.mwaiwala kuti MIA Alingati Mnyamata Woyenda Yenda
kkkkkkkkkkkkkk akayanjana alekeni!!!!! Nkasa my big man amaimba zoona zokhazokha, komaso apa ndingot: chipani chanu mene chinayambira muja nkalekale ife tili ana, bwezitu pano muli mfumu, yakwiya ndi mizimu,komanso phekesera zawo zawaonongera mbiri aMCP
Kkk Mphekesera Zawo Awowo Zawaonongera Mbiri
Palibe zimenezo sizikugwirizana zedi,MCP sinalowe m’boma pamene nthawi ija Bakili anali m’boma kale and pokanidwa ndi adzake kuti third term ayi iye anatenga che Bingu,and atavutika kumunda kudzara mphesa(bakili kupanga campaign ya Bingu) adakolora zowawa(bingu kuchoka nchipani kuyambitsa chake) ndizosiyana ndi Kaliwo/msowoya.
Stupid man always defend its stupidity as Mcp followers
hahahaha u have made my day Nedson.
In a political life, one has to know how to attack when the opponents are weak,how to retreat when opponents are so stronger & how to defend when political battle is 50:50
However, African politics has proved to be more notoriously in recent years.This is the reason why in African continent, development is of human knowledge is very low compared to other parts of the world.
Let’s wait & see how MCP squabbles is gonna end
Congraturants to all nec dis is not family’s party or brothers party pamepo ndiye mwakoza zinthu maganizo apta ali mdela
Oooh suspend mpaka? uku ndiye kufuna kuchifesa chipani ngat mpiru osati kuchiokera ngat tomato chipanicho. Gwira bango upita ndi madzi
Msowoya has no leadership skills, aonetseratu kuti sangayendetse dziko. He is a Self-centered Short Sighted person. Basi zonse zizikhala “me, me, me”. He is now free to go and join DPP as Veep ngati afuna.
Man they can receive them, but they will be used as a toilet tissue.
Ukufuna uzizanena kuti a DPP ndi amene amawauza nzeru zachabe, kuti azichita zinthu zosokoneza ku MCP? Apa zawonetseratu kuti, chipani cha MCP khalidwe losafuna kumva maganizo anthu ena mu chipani chawo akupitilirabe. Ndiye ngati pano akuchita zimenezi, akatenga mpando umenewu azamvanso zawanthu uyu? Mukuputsitsika ndi Sidiki Mia, ndipamene mukuwona ngati Kaliwo ndi msowoya alibe ntchito mukhaula muwona.
A Jafali bodza. NEC meeting samayendetsa munthu modzi.
Msowoya waonetsa kuti ndi kadeti wamkulu ndipo wapatsidwa mpata wokakhalq running mate wa APM.
Kaliwo ndi wachisokonezo ndi kale lomwe, tere amafunanso kutenga chiletso kuti NEC meeting isachitike.
DPP ndi chimene sichimafuna kumva za anthu, nkuona chiri chonse mdziko muno chazondoka.
Maganizo ako ameneo zilibe uboni musatinamize ife MCP ndinu anamalila basi
Ineyo ndipo ndikuchita kunenetsa kuti awachita bwino ndipo apapa zaonetselatu kukhwima nzeru kwa anthu amene akuimilila Chipanichi, who is Kaliwo & msowoya? Apite kwa amene akuwatumawo ndipo Chipanichi apapa chikhala champhavu kaya wina afune kaya asafune MCP sichipani chakagulu chabe ka anthu koma ndichipani chadziko lonse ndipo ndili chokhacho chimene chidatsala mdziko muno cholimba ndiye musasokeneze ingopitani basi kukunyengelani palibe.
Ngati mukuchotsana pano mutawina muzachotsana motani? Chiwanda cha nkhanza chilipobe mu Mcp, mungatitsogolere bwino inu ndakaika ndithu
Kodi ngakhale Trump ku America akuchotsa onse osokonezatu,ngakhale a Republican adavotera iwo,iye chibwana ayi,ndiye munene izi aaah achokadi
A mussa chimidzi kwambiri, u don’t know politics…mcp silingati dpp kumasekelera mavete
Yachta bwino NEC chfukwa atsokoneza zokonzekera 2019
Chakwera not NEC.poor leadership plus dead party = Scandal every week.very sad
Nyaniwe ndowe zako wakhuta kachaso wako uko ukuwona ngati ukumenta zapindu apa uchisilu basi ,fulk u ,ur a spid dog
Anapha amako ngati mukuwatuma kuti azisokoneza chipani aziona sitifuna chipani chamaphoso
A ben asiyeni a lex ndi wanyau adazolowera kutukwana ndale sakuzidziwa mcp ndichiyaninso president ophika mandasi. Mr obook ndife owina basi
A ben asiyeni a lex ndi wanyau adazolowera kutukwana ndale sakuzidziwa mcp ndichiyaninso president ophika mandasi. Mr obook ndife owina basi
paja ndi 5 ku 1 uliranayo ben book ndipo mudanati