Kid asks Mutharika about blackouts

Peter Mutharika

A child surprised President Peter Mutharika at a Christmas party by asking him about blackouts that are affecting the country.

President Mutharika organised a party for children from the Eastern region to celebrate the birth of Christ in the old capital Zomba.

Peter Mutharika
Mutharika and the First Lady at the party

During the party, children were given a chance to ask the president various questions.

One of the children in the audience asked APM on the current blackouts facing the country.

”What can we do when we don’t have electricity?” asked the kid. Mutharika was visibly surprised by the question.

“I did not expect this question, but the issue of blackouts is a serious one. It’s a good question, we need to have candles, if possible have generators. We are working on the issue and soon the problem will end,” he said.

Mutharika then asked the children to work hard in school in order to achieve their goals.

During the event, the children were also showered with various gifts as Christmas token from the president.



  1. And to make things worse our president is clueless! Talks about impractical things like paraffin cookers, lamps, makoloboyi etc! Doesn’t he know about solar, LED bulbs etc? Ndamumvera chisoni Malawi! We need presidents who are at pace with prevailing and practical, environmentally up to date technologies!

  2. A clever osangovomereza bwanji vutoli ndale ziponyeni uko APM anavomera kuti blackout ilipo a clever otsutsa asieni uko coz magesi akhuza aliense otsutsa waboma ana ndi ena otere even ma investors ithink dzeru mmutumo mulibe simuziwa ndale mwini APM wavomereza kuti disillusioned bwino pakuti munthu wadzeru amavomereza then mkupeza solution ur just kaya ndinganene chani ? Koma stop talking nonsense coz mwini wavomera so ndiwe ndani am concerned citizen unenaso kuti ndatumidwa uyerekeze undiuzatu umboni


  4. Bvuto lanu ndiloti mumasankhana inu nokha podziwana kwanu,, obvutika alichikhalilebe poti saafuna zambiri, , mwakatenga ziana zaanthu olemera kuyesa kuti zikakuyenderani, ,, mwayiponda, ,, zianazo zinauzidwa ndaazibambo awo kunyumba, ,, zikomere inu ndaanzani

  5. Koma achrist inu nde mbuzi mbuzi zenizeni bolaso mbuzi cos mmene inazukila lelo mmawaso muiwona chimozimozi koma si achrist agwape enieni inu Christmas ndichani kwenikweni? ?????? Agalu inu mbuzi zonyela nkuseta ndi pepala kudana ndi mazi

    1. Iwe pali nkhani apa yoti unyozele achristu chonchi ?? Vuto lako nchani ?? Aslamu onse ndiabwinobwino koma iwe wekha u have a chicken brain ndiwe nkhumba eti

    2. yu hav jst i’cluded the president in your statement: he blessed his marraige in a christian church.

      may the good Lord remember and fovor your children and your wife if you r married.

  6. Zitsiru za Cadet nde zili patsogolo kumunyoza mwanayu! Inuyo ma Cadet ndi Nkhwere, bola nkhwere zimaganiza… Inuyo ndi nkhwere grade 1

  7. If I was the president, I was either going to resign or fire ESCOM/EGENCO board of directors, CEOs. Otherwise this is an intelligent kid but embarrassing to President. Bwana president do you know what candles have done to our houses before? Where can we get paraffin now, because in fuel stations there is no paraffin. Please Mr President be serious with our beautiful country.

  8. There is lack of political will in Malawi, the social agenda is not a priority. We need to mobilize a national wide demonstration against ESCOM. Enough is enough, the rights of Malawians are being abused!
    Cell: 0843731304
    South Africa

  9. anyone against lack of development by the government under APM should be sent to Zomba mental hospital,so the child should be refered there

    1. your guess is as good as mine lol my comment was never meant to be serious however I still find it strange that a kid can ask such a question. Im kinda relating it to the story of how John the Baptist’s head got cut off.

  10. Ngati vuto lamagesi akuliona mwina wang’ono koma chimunthu chikulukulu cha imvi anthu akadandaula mkumati ndinu ajelasi vuto lamagetsi angalithese ndi aboma ndipo anthu akuynela kufunsa boma mwana wanzeru ameneyo kupotsa nkhalamba tikuzionazi

  11. You will hear foolish dunderheads saying this kid was sent by chakwera to discredit the mentally and physically worn out President, its a shame that even kids are able to see that things are not in order, funny enough the tooth drought old man gives unconvincing answers which just shows that he is clueless hahahahaha what a shame ! I salute this kid

    1. Bwana Dyson Likore eish mumalankhula eeeeeeee kumeneko kulalata kwa munthu wammuna eish,,, Do you fear God when speaking?

  12. kkkkkkkk kma gyz mumatokota. amalawi munatopa kwambiri. mwanayo anayacya kuonela akatuni kalekaaaale cifukwa cavuto la magetsi ndi anali ma ????? mmutu mwake.

  13. The name of Peter have been changed from Peter to Ayaka. Gertrud to Azima so it means we call our excellence professor Ayaka Mthalika and mama Azima Mthalika kkkkkkkkkk

  14. “It’s a good question, we need to have candles, if possiblehave generators” hahahaaaaaa, ili yakho? i hope mwanayonso sanakhutile ndi yakholi

    1. vuto ndiloti iye kunyumba kwake magesi sathima kani akuyankha choncho koma naye akanapezana nalo vuto limeneli bwenzi mwina pano anathana nalo

    1. Aaaaah….justice you’re stupid you know nothing about how blackouts are affecting Malawians,if you have nothing to comment its better to zip your filthy mouth

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