The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) will hold natiowide demonstrations on December 13 following government’s failure to table the Electoral Reforms Bills in Parliament.
PAC is pushing for the tabling and debating of the bills during the current sitting of Parliement which ends mid-December.

PAC executive director Robert Phiri told the local media that the protests will be held in Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu and Zomba cities and preparations will start today.
Phiri said the development was discussed at a board meeting held in Blantyre yesterday, on November 28 which also settled for the date.
He added that the emergency meeting was called after government challenged the religious body that its petition presented last Thursday in which it gave government until Wednesday to table the bills would not change anything on how government is handling the matter.
“PAC secretariat has now been empowered to proceed organising the peaceful nationwide march after the trustees and executives of mother bodies adopted the date. So, unless something crops up, preparations for the national protests will start tomorrow [today],” said Phiri.
He further said the board examined government’s response in the wake of its petition to President Peter Mutharika and Speaker of National Assembly Richard Msowoya.
Reacting to the PAC petition, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Samuel Tembenu, said government has its own timeline for tabling the bills and is not answerable to PAC.
“Government cannot be dictated by unreasonable demands made by PAC. We are accountable to people of this country,” said Tembenu.
Among other things, the Electoral Reforms Bills propose the introduction of the 50+1 percent system of voting for president and will change date of swearing-in of the President and Vice-President to 30 days after winner is announced.
demos for electral bill only what for……we want electeicity.
Ndipo inu eish
Till konko
I don’t think this will bring food on my table. Count me out. I will not be there
ndie mwati pac ndi bungwe la mipingo? i hope mpingo wanga mulimbemo mmenemu, instead of preachng the gospel ur buzy with stupid things, indeed we ar in last days pple love money most
Mudzapita NOKHA July 21 still remind m a lot! Mupiteko ndi ana anu! Mind u u will never be called heros mukakafako!
Zambia adopted 50+1 last year without obstacles what is the problem with us malawians it seem lomwe dynasty is afraid of their nepotism practices towards malawians
A Zimba mwaphotcholatu apa. Mukufuna zonse zochitika Ku Zambia kunonso zichitike. You missed the mark bro
Nail On The Head..
Aaaaaah u encourage ma demo ofooka inu… Mademo osagenda kungopita ndi mapepala basi???? Hahahhahah
A PAC bwanj kukangobwedxa ndalama mwatengazo musanaziononge? Simukuona kut zomwe mukuyambitsai ndikhondo? Prx PAC musachititse manyaz ziko. Hw I wish PAC itangothesedwa cox xikuoneka kut simukudziwa zomwe mukuenera kuchita.
What l find rattling in these demostrations is that the real victims do not participate in these demostrations,all l see in every demostration are just afew Malawians who are just concerned citizens not real victims of the circumstances. Now my message to all Malawians is simple ” There’s more to life than just sitting around eating Pie.”
akufuna ma allowance so. Ndi boma liti lomwe sadaligubile?
The importance of the Bill cant be over-emphasised. We seriously need it debated on and passed
Zaziii!!, lero palowa joka mukufuna anthu wamba, A POLICE Akwapulireni kunseo konko,ndipo muwalozere khomo la church.
Ngatidi mumapemphera in truth, don’t go into the streets!!!
I Agree With U
pac go a head
They should look into these reforms, president akasankhidwa pazikhala timasiku takuti madandaulo awonedwe. Not kumalumbilitsa night president.
Pitala watiwonjeza
Go go go PAC
To hell you brood of vipers.lets we meet kunseu konko akapuku inu!
Anthu amene amabwelesa maphokoso muziko ndi APC
Ndi chifukwa chiyani anthu akulu akulu umakathamanga m’misewu ndevu pepele m’misewu nkhani yake ya ziiiiiii bola itakhalatu ya magesi
Tufuna magetsi ife,ine pano ndili mu mdima ndiye ndizikhala busy ndi za ziii
We do not eat from PAC let walk when money speaks who does not need grease?
A pac ndikuganiza akulephera udindo wao. Akumatentheka ndi ma demo anthu akutailila kusowa munthu oti awalalikire. Anthu omwe ali kupaliament komanso kunja kwa parliament ali m’machalichi mwao momwe iwo ayenela kuwalalikila ndi kuwaphunzisa za Chikondi
AFTER DEMONSTRATIONS,WHAT NEXT PAC? Time wasting PAC revisit your school of thought
in 2009 Bingu won with majority, tell me did the majority like his style of leadership. PAC are u nt masquerading?
Bingu first term he perfomed better mbuzi
Ine ayi sindidzapanga nawo
Amene Moyo Watopa Nawo Akapite A Police Kapheni Amene Adzapite Pa Mseu Kuma Demo!Mabungwewa Sakutumikira Anthu Koma Lakula Ndi Dyera.
Pac Pliz Leave Malawians Alone. We Know Whats Best For Us
Is PAC from a foreign country??
Demos…will it yield anything?Ndalilira Malawi….
Musatipusitse a PAC kumavutitsa amphawi mumusewu kuyimba mapeto ake kukagonaso ndi njala inu ma donors ma million Ku account
Ine ndimaganiza ngati awa mukuti atsogoleri amipingowa amapemhera mmalo molimbikitsa kusala kudya kuti Yahwe alowelerepo,akululimbilitsa zachikunja. Akatolika omwe ali mugulu limeneli taganizani bwino mukutichititsa MANYAZI.MUUZE ANZANUWO MUZIPEMPHERA KORONA OSATI MA DEMO.
Zachamba asatanic amenewa
Ine ndimaganiza ngati awa mukuti atsogoleri amipingowa amapemhera mmalo molimbikitsa kusala kudya kuti Yahwe alowelerepo,akululimbilitsa zachikunja. Akatolika omwe ali mugulu limeneli taganizani bwino mukutichititsa MANYAZI.MUUZE ANZANUWO MUZIPEMPHERA KORONA OSATI MA DEMO.
Demoyo kupangira ndani,parliament takapangeni ife tizingoonelera.
minister said, ngat PAC idzafune ma demo govt will not prevent them from doing so .pakut its their constitution right. Boma silikututumuka ndi mchitidwe wanu inu anthu a Mulungu inu. munamva kut kuti lamulo.lingachitidwe pass ku Parliament without mass awareness. why do u want to impose the law on pple without telling them what is it all about? do u remember what happened to land bill? ( a good example of imposed law ) i tell u kaya mukufuna mwazi kaya chian pa 13 December mukayenda nokha.
And there after??
Hahahaha apenga awa
zichitikedi mwina mkutheka bill immediately
Basi mwasowa chochita ngati sianthu a Mulungu cholinga anthu aphaneeee
I will join you PAC to demo I think this men can understand that we don’t want this government of machona
…so yu’ve politicized everything now…ndi chifukwa mukakharako inu ndi #thisMen wanuyo kuma-demoko kkkkk
Shoaib Bwanali #thisMen mwati? ????
Go ahead PAC we’re together we dont want dictatorship in a democratic MW
Get out you PAC. Can’t you learn from other countries. We don’t such kind of so called religious politician.
Chipani cha pac chikufuna chipange ma demo,pa 13,zamanyazi amenewa siwopemphera angobisaliramo
zaziiih..ndi dec’yu ndan azikhala kalikiliki ndi zopusazo mu mseu….
za ziii palibe chingasinthe change malamulo oyendesela dziko first coz ndiofooka kwambili
zaziii,ka bungwe ka zidakwa,50+ itithandiza chani? why not blackouts/poor primary education,inu a PMF muikiretu pafupi utsi wa tsabora
Kodi Anzeru Amatsogolera Pac Aja Anapita Kuti? Awawa Siaja Akumakasumilana Kukhothi Okha Okha Aja Awa?These Are Remains Of Pac For Sure.
Bwana Phiri, you want us to support you and yet you will receive allowance for those Demo ife ulele? We will not follow suit. You can demonstrate those demos then tell us the outcome. Nthawi ino ndi yolima. Takana what will we gain out of that. Tell us????????????????????
If PAC wants demonstration they must send their children on streets to do that demo, let’s see if the electiricty ll come after that demo.
Zamanyi.. is only pac that need 50+1. We don’t need that. Zausilu..
Christians doesn’t match but pray for God’s interventions. Much as the law is needed but the men in collar have forgotten their role of preaching to save the lost sheep
The latst demos in Malawi were the ones that happened when bingu was alive. Sikudzakhalanso ma demo ngati amene aja. PAC wasting time. Anthu oyenda 20, ma placard 100. Bwana chingota ngati pali ka munda kangolimani basi. Bola mukanati mukuyenda za magetsi koma izi ndi mbola.
Kamundako kalipotu mu Domasimu. Kkkkkkk
Meet you Ku Street konko koma osamakatsogoza ana mukakhale patsogolo nonse nde tikacheze bhoo
Will 50+1 (=51 anyway) solve issues of nepotism, corruption…….bad governance? Is there a guarantee that who ever win with the majority will not steal? I think PAC should think outside the box. Our problems is not 34% or 51%. Malawi need leaders who must deliver on their promises, who can transform the lives and economy of this country….to say the least….
auze bro anthuwa sakuwona vuto ndi atsogoleli athu mosogozedwa ndi malamulo athu oyendesela dziko coz anapeleka mphamvu zonse kwa mutsogoleli wadziko .akalakwa sangamangidwe ali pa mpando ndiye amangodya ndalama zathu mumene angafunile .malamulo asinthidwe basi president asamasankhe anthu mumipando chifukwa akusankha anthu oti azidya nawo ndalama
yo argument is unsound Mr #Mapemba…are you insinuating that the 50+1 issue is too useless to be considered?
kodi ndi mmene alembera achimwene a Mapemba !!! chimangalande nchovuta kkkkkkkkkkk
yes 50+1 useless issue
You are a liar in southern africa countries which doesnt use 50+1 is malawi and Zimbabwe and how are they progressing on human rights badly and our neighbour zambia adopted it last year without opposers
kudzapita ananchidwe,mbululu,nkhanu,mvimvi,ntchentche…
Ofunika kutelo paja boma ili limanva ndi ma demo,zinthu zikawonongeka ndi pamene amachitapo kanthu.boma losava zofuna za anthu.mukuseweletsa ma vote.
Ngati alibe mabaibulo ndi makoran bwerani ndizakupatseni chifukwa zikuonetsa kuti mwasowa zochita sitikudya mademo ife
Ukufunika nzeru zapadela iwe.ana osungidwa ndi chonchi mavuto simunawawone.
Ukulakhula ndi munthu woti sukumudziwa aisei
Joel ndiamene ukufunika mzeru zapadera,udakakhala unava mmene anatengetsedwera mbuyako mulomole pa times tv sibwezi ukuikira kumbuyo
Tiona ngati mademo angathandize mavuto amend abwera ndi electoral act? Chimene boma silikuchita ndi kusa luza chisankho kuti MCP ikhale mboma eti? Komba mbava yanu ya MCP italowa mboma ingatani.
am in
tipezeko kenakake mwina tinjoye christmas kkkk izakhale ya mphavu guys
Ana anunso muwatumize konko ine ayiiiii
Mmalo molalikira zakubadwa kwa Yesu,mukufuna muzapange mademo??,chifukwa chauta sakutipasa zabwino.
Alengezese mma radio kuti utenga ufike paliponse nthawi yokwanira
Tiye nazoni alesi ife tili pheeeeee kugwira ntchito
muyambe kupanga mademo oba madzi chakwela
Kaye ma demo, owapangilawo amangokuonelani mmawindo alipheee, zosawakhudzaso.
Bapangani zausiru zanuzo ma demo amapindura chani
Go konko! Politics of greed has to end.
We need those reforms discussed…. Malawians are tired of Parliamentarians who just wanna sit around doing nothing while they receive dairy allowances for every sitting malawi watopa
aaaa..za ziii
awanso awa zaziii nanga tiziti mukutinji mundemanga yanuyo baba
Yes we do need reforms for sure
Don’t use the pronoun we. Rather you have to use the pronoun I so that it fills your thoughts. Amamva Chande Che?
mphatso tel him, use l not we , pano maganizo anga ndikumunda osati 50+ zawozo
za zii!!!!! ma demo ma demo achan????? ngt mwaxowa zocita mundpeze ndkupezeleni cocita afulu inu mwamva.
What do you expect PAC to do!! Donors are waiting for the end of year financial report and they are remaining with less than 30 days to spend the millions in their account and then close the books….kkkkkkkkkk I like today’s fundraising techniques…kkkkkkkkk just a joke!
Aaah izi nde zibwana……muziwona ma date opanga nthabwala zanuzo…..on 13th its my birthday mukachita Chibwana ndikatenga chiletso ku court zinaphweka izi
Kkkkk jealous, kufuna kusokoneza birthday ya anzawo basi
Kkkkk eti eti mahn
Tangokhalani pansi musatibowepo apa
Mind you Mr. Tembenu, it’s the same PAC that was brave enough to challenge MCP’s Dr. Banda and brought the multiparty you’re enjoying today. Don’t talk shit, PAC stands for people, time is coming, you will be dictated.