Speaker of Parliament Richard Msowoya has hit at the clergy following their demands for Parliament to table and pass electoral reforms bills.
The Speaker has said the electroral reforms bills will not be tabled in Parliament during the current sitting,

Reacting to demands by the clergy for Parliament to table and pass the bills, the Speaker said it would not be possible to do so during the current sitting.
“There are a number of procedures that the bill go through before being passed in Parliament. The electoral reform bills are yet to pass in such procedures, therefore, will not be tabled in the current sitting,” said Msowoya who is also Malawi Congress Party (MCP) vice president.
When presenting their petition last week, members of the clergy warned that they will hold protests if the bills are not tabled in Parliament after seven days.
Minister of Justice, Samuel Tembenu said government is not worried by the clergy’s threats and will only table the bills after all procedures are followed.
“If they want to hold a nationwide demonstration it means they want to exercise their constitutional rights and we shall not stop them,” said Tembenu.
I don’t think Msowoya is our blessing within our political cycles today just like Dpp under Peter.. No any sane politician can tolerate what is going on to our daily lives out of blackouts that are masterminded by poor planning by government??!! Lets pray to God so that this government perish to ashes and thrown into Shire River passing through our electrical generators as a sacrifice and absorbed by great waters of Indian Ocean..
Asibweni a speaker imwe vitolani makola vintho
Bravo Mr speaker sir,Our main problem is not electral reforms, but blackouts. Blackouts are creating unemployment, think of barber shop owners. If they have brains, tell them to match for this no
Koma Msowoya mmmm, he is a good speaker
Ali president sangamasekelere mbwerera. Ngati anamuzuzula Chakwera ku Parliament atayankhula ngati mwana kuli bwanji inu a PAC?
On behalf of the Association of Comment Readers (ACR), I urge you all to make your comments brief and straight to the point.
We don’t have the time to read the story of your village people.
Signed: General Secretary ACR.
Msowoya a vry matured person,he z there to work not to plz anyone either mcp nor dpp even pac itself.remember he works under instructions so he cannot jst accept anyting as if he doesnt knw his duties,pac has no mandate to demand pariament on wat to do or not,dnt u knw dat pac z demanding pariament which z against rules of de house.some of u,u think Msowoya z wrong but mind u,dis guy z vry intelligent,if he can accept dis den evry tym they ll b telling de house on wat to table,bravo Msowoya u r not taking any part but discharging ur duties,anyone accusing him z doing dat to fulfill his or her own interest.
Malawi needs u now more than before.4get abt thz vultures & power hungry hegoats.Their motives is 2 suck ths country dry
PAC losing direction. Acting like apolitical party.Leave the speaker alone he has the prerogative within the law to make ruling on matters in the August house.VIVA MALAWI.
Comrade Richie!! Pliz, i beg u in th name of God 4ua book 2have agood ending table th electrol laws.U’re thre 4Malawians
as much as I know to be a speaker it does mean kuti watuluka mcp but their is some other positions like one his holding sumayang’ana chipani. he is a speaker for all parties in the house and he uses all raws when applicable, ,,, mcp real supporters know this like me
best speaker ever viva dada withu Musowoya
ameneyu ndiye munthu
Who sent PAC to talk Politics? Why not declare it a Political party?
Learn to speak the truth MCP with or without Msowoya it will be there and vibrant
But with Mia, the business magnet who is not even an Area Chairman in the party, right?
The issue at hand its not Mia its lyk a football team where no player is greater than a team and its the team that puts a player on map. The existence of a team or a political party doesn’t depend on an individual ZANU PF is now without Mugabe and life goes on
Who said Electra reforms do not follow procedures?
Zikatere ndekuti amsowoya mwasara pang’ono kupita mzanu anatero 2014 pano anazima kamba kofusa balance samarani pachita zinthu ndi DPP iyi iribe kuti watinthandiza imazimisa OK tiye nazo azavutika ndi ana ako
There’s is something fishy going on between msowoya and DPP very soon you will hear something about him ditching mcp
Msowoya was credible man in the first place but now he is loosing grounds and this marks his political career even in Karonga this man is not ifluencial at all so let him do whatever but can not change credibility of mcp
Shame on PAC and MCP. Your evil plan will not work
The speaker has just made a good move. Pac party and Mcp has been foiled in their plot to oust the president. Ha ha ha ha ha! people are power hungry
I can’t believe my ears please! Is he RM speaking or mimicking!?
DPP why are you so nervous with that is it becoz you’re smelling fire
Hahahahaaaaa.a…neba in politics kumva nyunyunyu pamenepaja………
When ur own has taken up a fight with a neighbours son do u protect ur son or ur neighbours son?See what will happen and compare with what Hon Msowoyowa is doing He will protect DPP while receiving alot of heavy punches from the opposition and the general public mark my words
got to be procedural yes, not mob thinking influence, a speaker of parliant just trying to be neutral…..i geuss some neutral decision will never go well with some cause of too much politiking
Musiyeni agwire ntchito yake
When I saw the strange man coming close to my house, I ran away because I was afraid. Then I stopped to challenge him, I won the fight.
Nsowoya you are cheap
So dpp the 5:1 has made you crazy that you are buying the cheapest people and their cheapest parties as you are buying bonya Ku limbe market???? Kkkkkkk zipani zatchipa eeeeee.aford on their way to dpp .I smell so.
Nsowoya how much havevyou been paid to betray the whole Malawi your family and your grand kids ? Joining dpp which is killing the democracy which the same clergy faulght for in absence of pitala??????? Shame on you
mr speaker sir: ure out of order 4 abusing ur position .,…fighting the cregy on behalf of dpp is asign of a weak man.separate btwn national issue and party issue.. revenging 4 aparty postion that surely now goes to mia,.. mind u its mcp dat made u sp
Speaker has the power to do so, the only problem with we Malawians is that when a speaker is from our beloved party, we expect them to do everything in our favour… That’s not how it goes.. I support him fully
thats my opinion too…
Dali Gazaman u are so blave and u know politics. I rest my case
Malawian politics, ndale zogwetsana basi thatsy @53 a nation of over 17+ million people still have 300 MW of electricity generated, how do you expect investors to come in such a sorry state????
The speaker is just doing what is right for the country, not mob thinking from the clergy men and microcephalus pple
This is not the ryt time yomakambilana zimenexo, we have a hot issue like ya magetsi ndiye yofunika kukambilana not za ziii.. Even a Chakwera angakwanitse 50+1 akuikakamilayo????
Msowoya u have dialed the WRONG NUMBER:THE CLERGY MEN #
Msowoya, ur a good guy
mr msowoya, u call religious pple ‘mob’?U a finished.ukawinanso 2019 ndi mwayi?
Hahahahaha..MCP dogs barking now
Its interesting reading the comments of pro-DPP people here. I have two questions though;
1. If 50+1 is so bad, why not convince the majority through civilised dialogue or parliamentary deliberations on the matter?
2. If the DPP is so convinced that this cannot pass, why are they afraid to table it?
The people of Malawi had ever been rose, against the state because of arrogance of the president now the people can as well, rise against parliament because of the arrogance of the speaker he has to think before uttering some words he is communicating to Malawians not the clergy
After all the clergy are speaking on behalf of the entire nation and all those who believe in todays democracy coz this government is full of crooks they can even buy the speaker in order for him not to table the bill I can see the strange character that Mr speaker is showing.
His foot seems already out of mcp, but he must remember the past speakers
The nation is crying but he is arrogant
Msowoya are u the president? U are a disgrace mr.
Mr msowaoya dont forget that u are there becoz of these Malawians, now dont provoke them, we want change on electro system.
Musowoya, usatitengele kukatiyesa wamva, who are u to say nooo, !!!to Malawians? Do u want us to bring zim here?
Kkkkk mwagenda katauluka akapoli! Look it was too early for sidik mia to buy that position with 100milion.rich msowoya knew the motive hence the silence!
Now he clearly sees why mcp shall remain in the opposition hence a step further before things turn sower.
Kakhaleni speaker inuyo,chifukwa choti ndiwa mcp ndiye mumafuna adzingovomela ndizopusa zomwe
I Wonder Why DPP Is Fighting Itself.. Full Of Contradictions.
They Introduced Reforms In Govt Depts And Expect Pple To Implement Them, Yet They Are Denying Electoral Reform.
I Wonder Why DPP Is Fighting Itself.. Full Of Contradictions.
They Introduced Reforms In Govt Depts And Expect Pple To Implement Them, Yet They Are Denying Electoral Reform.
I think you are mistaken..its mcp which is fighting itself hahaha,this has nothing to do with dpp
The Speaker Is Being Fed By The Ruling Party To Do That.
Akuluwa paja tractor gate ikuwakhuza eti kkkkkkkkkkk
Which mob thinking are you talking ?? Don’t betray Malawi bcz of the money you have recieved from dpp
MCP wants 50+1 now why their time in power didn’t need multiple parties
We are talking of today not past things, the world is changing everyday
We are in multi party politics now, that was then
DPP is controlling wait 2029 may be
Dpp will rule this country beyond 2024…
Msowoya nd wapolitics heavy akuwadyesa pusipusi a dpwpw akapusa kuwadyela
BIG UP MR MSOWOYA,munthu osakondela mbali imodzi,dzikoli likufunika anthu ngati inu.GOD HELP AND PROTECT MR MSOWOYA!!!!
You want the people to show you the boot, we will march on you Hon. Msowoya, what are you so afraid with electoral reforms, do we no live in the same country?
Msowoya is educated mos he reads before making decisions
WHAT IS 50+1?
A speaker awa mundikhulupilire chipani cha MCP chikamapita ku koveshoni akhala atadziwika kuti alowa chipani cha DPP mundikhulupilira
Pali umbuli wina omwe sumachoka mwa munthu or ataphunzira.Poti a Msowoya nga MCP ndiye azingopanga zokomela MCP basi????
Utame mwayi Bingu kulibe akanakhalapo akanakuchosa mopanda ulemu
Munthu uyu ndi mthira kuwili saona patali sangathandize ndakwera ya Mia tsopano akuluwa dyera laoneka
Msowoya you have been speaker for a very long time…
Msowoya doing his job not what his party want bravo Msowoya nchito mumatha
Ask me about Mr. Speaker Sir of his behaviour…. The coming in of Harry Mlekanjala Mkandawire in MCP, is the biggest blow to Richard!! These two were our leaders in PDM.. But when I close my eyes and recall what exactly made our candidate Peter Chihana fail by-election in Rumphi Central constituency where Enock emerged a winner, I don’t know?? But now I guess we had a bad leader who now is the Speaker. John Tembo ran out grace with him in several interventions as a running mate to be.. The reason is what we witness today.. Thinks ever smart while politics is ever dirty. I regret having known him from such a sketchy background.. Let Mia serve our souls…
Uko kunali kulira kwa anamfedwa
Kkkkkkkk mob thinking, don’t think 50 +1 will make opposition win, u will regret one day mukufuna kulichosa lamulo ili coz of zero thinking to pass the bill
Akumpingo atiyankhule
bcoz msowoya iz mcp ndiye azingopanga zokomera mcp?chimango anali wa mcp koma atauzidwa za sec 65 anati chiyani?osamunyoza kumaganiza muli inuyo. spker iz impartial alwayz dont force him
Koma mwati sitimva kuti akuluwa alowa DPP? Ma speech awo akumandidabwitsa masiku ano.
Mr. Speaker, Sir, if the people of Malawi elect parliamentarians why shouldn’t they have a say in their own affairs? IF YOU WANT MALAWIANS TO GO BY YOUR WORD LET PARLIAMENT ELECT ITSELF FROM NOW ONWARDS.
Msowoya is forgetting that his “Party” Mcp is also on front of this ” Reform Bill”. I don’t know if his ideas come from within his party or he is a disgruntled member of Mcp? If he is, then starting from when? Or he’s caught already with ” Sidik Mia’s fever” of party’s Vice President?
Speaker is always independent if elected to that office
Nsowoya is now a dpp member tho he hasn’t declared it.mark my word but dpp will not rise into power again.
Thus the fact
they betrayed him…
Layman’s thinking, speaker is always neutral, neutral is the duty of a speaker, he is not dpp, he only transact August house business
Very good speaker.
Silence remains GOLDEN, Mr. Speaker – Sir!!!
And now according to today’s major papers, more CSOs have joined PAC on this. Special Law commission is a government mandated body that did the consultations. Be very afraid
I mean a speaker a nyumba yamalamulo
Koma kutenthaku anthu amenewa sakumvako???kapena chifukwa chochuluka ndalama zolandira??
Witchcraft is when someone sides with corrupt govt over millions of Malawians on a critical issue like this on the table.
Richard Msowoya #ABigSellOut.
Sorry anamfedwa
that dickhead????
Anamfedwa kulilira 50+1 you think MCP can get it in Lilongwe? Think again
Redundancy ???? ?????????
Zisiyeni zikulire pamodzi.zizaoneka pakututa. Atero Yehova. When people are intoxicated by power, they think they are above God. 2019, tikuotcha nansongole wambiri stating with this speaker.
When you call your Bishop a mob? oh my word
When Things Gets Tougher, He Will Die Like Munyenyembe. He Has Been Given Millions By Dpp To Frustrate His Own Party. Wadya Zomwezo Bwanawe, 2019 Ugwa Nayo.
Which 2019?
mmmm not good let him do his job
mmmm not good let him do his job
#STEVE, iweyo ukuganiza kuti 2019 yake ndi iti? ya 2014?kkkkkk! Man Zimene Zija Za A Mbendela Zinapita. Time Has Marked Fr Change In Malawi. Believe You Me, Wina Afa Ndi Mtima.
msowoya is a man of principles amazisata zinthuzi
Bwana Donnie Elias Banda, musakhale inutu okufa ndi mtima wo, the guy is doing his job and you are there telling him what he should say or do, zalakwika lero because wanena chosemphana ndi inu??
No, no, don’t call him names. That will not change anything. Having said that, let me also add that indeed the speaker appears to be changing, based on his recent utterances and actions. There must a reason for that. Is he reacting to certain specifics in his circumstances? Are these signals a form of coping mechanism? Is he sending coded messages, if so to whom? Is he acting on behalf of someone else, and if so who and what would be his reward? This analysis is not concerned with whether or not he is right or wrong; I’m only interested in what is triggering these impulses from him. I consider him to be a very intelligent man who does not act merely on a whim. I believe it would be more rewarding to examine his motives than calling him names.
Sometimes I wonder if these clergy men have brains, every bill has to pass several procedures as already alluded to, what’s so special with this bill to jump and just passed
Mwayamba ndale kkk
Kungoti enanu simukudziwa kuti Malawi walero si wadzana. Anthu pano akumapanga zomwe akufuna. Chikuwopya ndichani kupititsa bill imeneyi kuti akambirane???? Mudzawona zomwe adawona Mugabe.
father mulomole ndianzawo anayiwala nchito yawo moti azitiuza mawu amulungu ayamba ndale.holly gost fire to all park members kwambi mulomole ndikulongola kwake koyiwala tchito yambuye fire.
Hey everybody,zina ukamva umagwidwa phwete mpaka kuphwisidwa nazo,ka dziko kabang’ono,anthu ake achuluka ampwesa, PAC kodi 50+1 mukuyifuna apa yi in time of election how many political parties filled their candidates?,obviously rerun of election has to emerge if this bill is gazetted, tsono ndalama zake zimenezi za ma donors angatipatsenso ndalama zonjera kuti tipange election ya chibwereza?Apatu a PAC mukuthandiza mafumu kuledzera,MR SPEAKER I SECOND YOUR SENTIMENTS, YOU PUT THE HOUSE TO ORDER DESPITE OF YOUR POLITICAL AFFILIATION, LONG LIVE MALAWI, LONG LIVE GENUINE DEMOCRACY
Ndalama Zonsezi Akumaba Achina Chaponda’zi Cn You Still Say Malawi Is Poor? Mukuganiza Ngati Njovu Bwnji?
Damage cannot be redeemed with another damage, mwatani kodi anthu inu,mukufuna kulimaliza dziko chifukwa ena akuba?
Precious ukunena zoona
in fact very few countries in Africa are clinging to FPTP. Many have gone for 50%+1
Siyani kuba ndalama mu boma. Lack of funds should be the last excuse for not implementing these reforms. Koma 50+1 yakumvetsani kuwawa…kuzolowela kuwina through tribal votes.
Palibe chipani chimene chingapeze 50+1,MCP singapeze 50+1 chifukwa ya mangana pa Central pokha,DPP Singapezenso 50+1 chifukwa yamangana ku m’mwela,olo titabwereza zisankho katatu vuto ndiloti tikakhala pa FB mkumanamizana, tingoona ngat akumudzinso ali pa FB, taiwala kuti zisankho za ku Africa ndi zamitundu
Juao, iam saying that 50+1 it’s not tabled in parliament at the right time, and also inuyo ngati mmalikonda dziko lanu mungavomereze extra expenditures in rerun of this elections pertaining its nature,
Steve Thamanda, zikuonetsa kuti simukizitsata bwino nkhanizi. Fufuzani kaye, mwinanso pamene simukumvetsa mutha kumafunsa kuti ozitsatawo akumasulireni.
Kodi kuliso parliament kuno one kuyamba kunva kkkkkk
Mr Msowoya is a true leadwr..achoke mchipani cha mwazichi basi
Mr Speaker Sir,Mr Speaker Sir,you must be very stupid!!!!!
You are a wisest fool!!!!!’
kkkkkkkkk but Fun,it wasn’t me it was George nga Ntafu
The speaker might be right here some of us don’t really understand the 50+1 animal even the DPP is panicking as am saying now the govt is on market buying goats
Spitting venom to the clergy everyone on his duty
Glegy belongs to Church
A Msowoya Ukuwonetsa Moyo Wozikonda Kwambili Nthawi Zina Azikumbukila Komwe Achokela Kuti Afike Pomwe Alipo
If he can’t listen to the will of the people that means he need impeachment
…which people ?inu nokha mwasanduka people kapena Ndi chizungu chomwechi vuto ? Kkkkk
Ine dabwi people ati ati amenewo
him n me pipo then??
Amalawi Ndale Tiyeni Tizisiye Apo!! Tisamangowombera Mmanja Chilichonse Ndizopanda Mutu Zomwe.. Zomwe A Pac Akupangazi Malawi Is Far From 50+1..
How Can It Be Pocbo Presidential Candidents Are 12 And They Would Share The Same 100% How Pocbo Will It Be Among 12 Presidential Candidents.. Please To All Cregys Lalikirani Za Ufumu Wa Mulungu Dont Be Fooled By Politicians..
Achimwene this system is possible….if none of the candidates gets above 50% then only the top two compete in the second round. Its working elsewhere….any party opposed to this is an indication that it relies on regional votes. I say a BIG NO to minority Governments and I.fully support PAC.
Go To Hell With Ur Pac… Should Spread The Gospel Of God And The Salvation..
Malawi Is The Poorest Country In The World.. Let America Do That..
Ndalama Zopemphesa Zomwe Muzipanga Zisankha Two Consectv?
Point Of Correction Malawi Is Not A Minority Gvment!! Since When?! And Za Electral Reform Zikugwirizana Bwanji Ndi Governing System?!
Thanks #Antonio for your comment. That’s what I wanted to say.
I Can Read Ur Name Antonio Juano U Are Not A Malawian.. So Dont Confuse We Malawians! Go Back To Mozambique.. You Foreigner.
Kkkk Winanso Uyu Foreigner Mzako.. The Names Tells That U Are No Malawians.
What it he’s from Nsanje??
A Pac asowa chochita,kuganiza kwao nkopusa zedi.Parliament has its own procedures,let the parliamentarians work .Zakukanikani ku mpingo kwanu nde mukuti chiyani apa?Mukuona ngati boma ndi lophweka kuyendesa?A Pac mukuganizatu mopusa ngati nzanu uja,ujayo chipani chake chikumaba madziyu!
Akuti Chifukwa Ndi Opemphera Ndiye Chilichonse Anganene Ndicholondola.. No!!!!!!
A Hendy izizi simbali yanu nde munakangokhala chete basi???????
PAC yayamba lero kupanga zimenzi?
Bone Ndiwe Wovunda Mmaganizidwe.. Coz U Have No Right 2 Tell Me That I Should Be Silent.. I Have Right To Express My Opinions..
Why Dint U Shut Up Ur Good For Nothing..M….Th…..!
What I Mean Is Pac Should Organise National Wide Prayers For Problems Is Facing Like Killings Of People On Suspects Of Being Bloodsucker And Several Problems Eg Accidents Rather Than Organision Demonstration For Nothing Which Wont Benefit Oldnary Malawians..
Spread The Gospel Not Mobilising People Demonstrate For Nothing!!! We Need Peace In Malawi!
Mr. Msowoya your days are numbered mwakwera boat yolakwika, mukulimbana Ndi anthu olakwika
He he he he he he ndiseka iwe opanda chuma mzako zikuyendera
Speaker wa dpp
electoral reform will not let people baptized
what people want to hear from you is totally different to what you do
why u look like you are horny for leadership
Satan was also doing like that in heaven n the results are known by everyone
get home n relax n talk about salvation and selfishness
ana anjoka inu
Analowa dpp amenewa. Akumaoneka PA mbc.sizodabwitsa